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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I am not a Sara Lance fan either. I liked her version of the Black Canary, but beyond that not so much. My super UO is that I am not a Felicity on Arrow fan. I liked her initially, but then became less and less enamored with her. I especially do not think everything the character and actress does is awesome. I think the actress is pretty much on par with the rest of the cast on her show, though she probably gets more to work with. I am not a Laurel fan either (unless they decide to make Laurel more bitchy, because Katie Cassidy can do bitchy well), but I do not hate her either.
  2. Maybe it is because I care very little, but I feel like Ariana and FI Tom are making way more out of these text messages than need be. Maybe Ariana should talk to her mom about why her mother sent a text to Scheana in the first place. In a way I have to give Scheana minor props for sticking by what she said, though I think she has it backwards I think the smug, dour Ariana is rubbing off on Tom. So now Scheana is concerned with Shay's drinking, because she wants to talk to him? Okay Scheana. I think Scheana needs to get her priorities straight regarding Shay and his drinking. I also, think Shay needs to take some responsibility with the drinking as well. So James not being able to perform with Lala was prior to Hawaii? I am not that surprised with how much they drink. Lala wanting to cry to her mother on the phone because people do not believe her, didn't she do that when she was suppose to be going to Italy for "modeling"? I thought Stassi and Kristen were so boring. So the sunglasses Jax had on while surfing were not the pair he stole? Keep being an idiot Jax. I could not stop laughing at Jax dabbing at his faux tears in his TH.
  3. Can't they all communicate with each other without doing it on social media? I would assume they have each others phone numbers. I guess it is the Kardashian/Jenner clan so they probably want the attention. I remember Kris, Kim, and Khloe being so mad at Caitlyn for the very mild comments she made in Vanity Fair, saying they do not talk bad about family to the public. They do except no one is going to call them on it. Well played Rob. Well played.
  4. I flipped the channel after everyone was walking in the luncheon in DC, with Sebastian's voiceovers. I saw Kim take her children out, because the youngest was getting restless and probably near nap time. When I turned back to the show, Sheree was on the bus talking to Kim, and Kim's kids had McDonalds Happy Meals. Did they show Kim getting McDonalds? Did she take the bus to McDonalds, send someone, or possibly walk? I felt like I missed something. Did they show what they were serving at the luncheon that the kids were complaining about?
  5. I agree that the DC trip wasn't a good idea for young children. I could see how they could get bored easily and be restless. I did not mind Sebastian's complaining or what he said, because he is 8 years old. I would not be too happy to be going to the meetings they went to when I was 8. I would have preferred to play Barbie's. I wonder if they got a chance to sightsee, because that might have interested the kids more. I wonder if Sebastian thought he might have more time to play with Dylan and Ayden than what was given. Also, Porsha seemed a bit bored at the march. Though we did not see Sebastian's reaction to the march, because Kim suddenly had an event to go to. I could not tell where Sebastian was when he was complaining. It did not seem like he was speaking that loud. Almost like talking to himself. When they arrived I thought he was a bit in front of the group, but it was a quick shot so it could have been Ayden or Dylan. It seemed like most of his remarks where basically voiceovers, so who knows where he was or who he was near when making his comments. I am fine with Kim saying she does not have a nanny and such, but she needs to learn not to let her children call the shots all the time. There is nothing wrong with excusing yourself to be a mother, but the way she does it feels so rude. With that said, the only thing I like about Kim is that she has Kenya's number. They should have made Sheree a full time housewife, because Kim is doing the bare minimum. Did Phaedra's nanny go to the meetings/lunch as well? I did not notice her. I hate that Nene is back. Of course Cynthia is practically up her ass already. She does not remember what the fight was about? Riiiiiggghhhhtttt.
  6. Has it ever been said if Crystianna lives with Rittany? I know Rittany is her aunt, but wondered if her mother is around and maybe, did not want to be on television. I guess I wondered how involved her parents are/were in her life.
  7. Just going from Kayla's Twitter, it looks like she is in college. She mentions going to class and such from tweets back in September. Her profile pic says college student and dancer on it. She probably is a bit less active now that she is helping coach than when she danced. I still do not love Camryn as captain. She has the skills. I cannot put my finger on what doesn't work for me with her leading stand battles. I like Faith too. Her mother is a bit much, but all the moms seem a bit much at times. I am also curious about the girl named Alyssa who was somewhat in the running for the ballet solo. I say somewhat, because I thought it was obvious that Dianna was going to pick Faith. Crystianna is probably my favorite of the girls. I like that she is soft spoken and does not have an over the top personality. I do hope her knee is doing better. Star and Sky look like they would rather be anywhere else than dancing. Sunjai looked like she actually wanted to dance and be at the studio. Star and Sky not so much.
  8. Please just do not let them cast John Travolta. I will take anyone else, but not John Travolta. Then again there are probably other actors that I do not want to see as Edna either. I just cannot think of any off-hand besides John Travolta.
  9. I just assumed, and I could be wrong, that they did not know Brandon that well. He does not seem to be around much because he is in Chicago. That was just my thought. Brandon, to me, just seems bland. I can understand why the kids might not gravitate to him. I like that Michaela was a nanny. I think it was from the episode where Kelly went shopping with Trace where she asked if he was going to get a job or go to college (Crown College, but with these folks I will take it). I guess that I like that they seem to either want the kids to get some kind of education or a job, even the girls. I think most parents have that approach, but since I am so used to the Duggar's not really placing an importance on either of those things ( though that may be different now) it is nice to see.
  10. Oh I agree that he wasn't that great, but I thought he was better than a lot of the auditions that we saw last night and even some of the previous nights. I would not be sorry to see him go, unless he does something amazing in Hollywood, which is probably unlikely. Like you said questioning if he can handle the pressure while they are putting through 15-16 year olds is a bit much.
  11. I thought it was another meh night. My highlight was hearing Glen Hansard's "Winning Streak" in the background during the last audition, because Glen Hansard is my favorite and I never miss a concert of his when he is in Chicago. The 15 year old blues kid was fine for his age, but not terribly great either. Maybe he should wait a few years and try out for The Voice. I stopped watching Idol regularly after the Adam Lambert season. I know that there usually was one or two 15/16 year olds that get to the top 10, but the judges really seem to love these young kids, more than I do. I guess I haven't seen anyone that I really love and want to root for yet. Maybe that will come further along. It is probably bad when I dislike someone from the get go, because of what song they choose to sing.
  12. I concur. I did not get the judges acting like he could not compete with the others they sent through, especially the others in this audition episode. I hate that they said that they did not know if he could transition from Broadway to Idol. Broadway has so much more to offer than the stereotypical Broadway musical. There are quite a bit of different music genres represented on Broadway. Hell, at least on Broadway they know how to enunciate. I just did not get the judges hemming and hawing over him when they sent far worse through.
  13. Hee! Not a surprise at all, but Hamilton is amazing. I managed to get tickets three times, so it is possible. Twice were through the lottery.
  14. Cane we be friends? I cannot stand Leo either. I will admit to liking him in his way earlier days, but Titanic is where the hate came out full force. I was waiting to see him die also. It felt like it took forever in that movies for that to happen.
  15. For me Ricky has been bringing the funny. Most of the presenters not so much.
  16. It should be interesting with the Academy Award nominations how people/movies fair when they are not in these clusterfuck of categories. Though I do wish that the Academy Awards had a comedy category, but with actual comedies in it. I have to admit hoping for some love for The Big Short, but that isn't happening.
  17. I see him as Danny too, with a bit of Paris' boyfriend from Gilmore Girls as well.
  18. I wanted Viola Davis to win. I do not even watch How to Get Away with Murder, but I like her. Not loving this speech Taraji. I guess I hate Empire too much to be happy for Taraji. I am horrible, I know.
  19. Oooh do tell. I did not hear about this, but I want to know. This. So much of this. Taran Killam's impression of him always cracks me up. Ugh Mel Gibson and his orange self.
  20. I concur. Small voice...I did not like Kirsten Dunst in Fargo.
  21. I want to be Helen Mirren or CJ Cregg when I grow up. I will even take a combination of both. Please?
  22. I am fine with swearing, but it is getting to be overkill.
  23. I pretty much liked the supporting cast in Trainwreck. I am including Bill Hader that. I did not think Amy was great acting-wise in it.
  24. I really like Gael Garcia Bernal, but was hoping for an Aziz Ansari win. I really loved Master of None. I also would have really liked a Patrick Stewart win.
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