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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I was a nanny throughout college and this was pretty standard behavior for toddlers. I had a three year old girl flip out over her baby sister touching her stuff. She was very territorial with her new younger sibling. I have also had toddlers and kids flip out over a seemingly insignificant thing. So I did not see Troy's behavior as anything new. I was more surprised that Vicki watched them overnight or however long Brianna was in the hospital for, because when Vicki is not working she seems so scattered.
  2. These guests were the worst. A used tampon? They needed half the crew to be their designated drivers on the ATV's? I am on Ben's side with whatever is going on with him and Julia. I do not think he is talking down to her or be condescending. Their fight, which did not seem like so much of a fight, over the croissants was strange. I thought it was all a stupid misunderstanding. I felt that Julia was tired, overworked, and sick of the guests and might have taken it out on Ben over stupid croissants. I also, thought Julia was completely off her game with these guests, who were horrible, but she is the one who can usually power through it. She seemed much more attentive to guests on other charters, but I guess I would not want to be around these guests too much either. I was fine with Ben talking about his background, because it seemed like most of that was in his TH. I did think he said he felt bad for what went down with Jules. I do think he has probably worked hard to be in the job he is in. My brother is a chef and my sister-in-law is a pastry chef, so I would assume he worked hard to be where he is in his profession. Maybe that is why Jules' words struck a nerve, but what do I know anyway? Danny I already disliked you, but then you had to use YOLO to make me actually hate you. Danny always seems to me like he has to be the center of attention in social situations with the guests. I feel like Danny never thinks he is doing anything wrong when he oversteps boundaries. It is all for the greater good in his eyes. Bryan and Bobby are not great either, but at least they were taking pictures of each other with their phones and not of the guests.
  3. Well, Brianna was not in 100% pain. Maybe she had a 3-5-9 day hospital stay as well. Vicki will say she feels bad for Brianna, but will not do anything to really help Brianna. Brianna's health issues will always be how it affects Vicki and how hard it is for Vicki. Not the person who actually is experiencing these problems. I am fine with how Shannon and Heather are dealing with Vicki. Shannon does not want to be friends with her and Heather is being cordial. Tamara is the one I think will get sucked back into the Vicki vortex. Though, I did like Tamara's calm manor in dealing with Vicki at the beach party. I will be at my table for one in liking Heather and all her pretentiousness. If I had the space I would so get a pizza oven. I will be at my very lonely table for one with not minding Meghan. I did not mind her last year with all the Brooks stuff and do not mind her this season. Though it is possible at some point I will. I feel like Kelly is always "on" when she is onscreen. I get that she should make her own opinions about Vicki, but I also get the other women being annoyed with it since they dealt with all the not cancer stuff last season. I thought I would mind more of the Brooks stuff, but do not since it is more about why the other women do not really want to be around Vicki, and less about Brooks himself.
  4. So she is back in the country?
  5. Oh I agree. I was just surprised Kourtney said it and it seemed she does not have any animosity toward BC.
  6. I concur. Also, weren't there reports of Khloe kicking Rob out of her house because he was with Blac Chyna? Why would he want to reach out to her if that is the case? Khloe wants to mend their relationship on her terms and not really thinking about Rob is engaged to BC, so she might want to get over her hatred of her. Khloe can say how she is happy for Rob, but her demeanor says otherwise. I will be at my table for one in thinking that Rob looks a lot better. He is still overweight, but I do think he looks like he lost a bit of weight as well. I watched a family member struggle with weight loss and it isn't easy, especially when she got discouraged when she plateaued. I thought it was interesting that Kourtney thought Chyna was somewhat justified in lashing out against Kylie and how she, Scott, Tyga, and BC used to go out for dinner occasionally.
  7. This. I stopped following the Tre and Joe drama after she went to jail. Now I just do not care and am pretty indifferent to Tre, but enjoy watching her and Joe and their family on this show. Honestly I probably would not have tuned in unless Tre was back just because she was the only interesting one with all her drama for me and I just did not like the other housewives. Congrats Joe Gorga, your sibling was incarcerated and you got your parents back. Isn't that like winning by default? Also, do I have to hear about how much you want to have sex with your wife all the damn time? Hell, even Melissa looked over it. I was rolling my eyes at Jaq reading the note Teresa wrote. I kept thinking she was so thirsty for Teresa's friendship before she went off to jail, now she says she does not care, but she so obviously does. I laughed when Jaq said to Melissa that Teresa did not even put her (Jaq) on her friends list. Uh, why would she?
  8. Misslindsey


    I could not get that worked up about Gabby's coaching change when it is just the assistant coach that she changed to. I would have thought she changed gyms or something with the way Al and Tim were going on about it. I mean it is strange, but Gabby was working with both Kitta and Christian, so her sticking with just Christian did not seem like that big of deal.
  9. Misslindsey


    I could have done without the shot of Bela Karolyi awkwardly hugging Kim Zmeskal and Ragan Smith from the stands. I know Kim was one of his former students, but I cannot stand the guy. The hugging would have been fine, but then it looked like he was petting her head. I do think Gabby wants to be there. I do not think she looks like she does not just because she isn't smiling. She is in a different position this time around than the last olympics, so I am cool with her not smiling though I never minded when Nastia or anyone else did not smile either. I agree Simone would have to have a crazy disastrous day to not win the all around because of her start values, but I still hate the commentators crowning her the champion when the olympics have not even begun. I do not see Simone medaling on all the events either. I think it is possible for her to medal on most of them, but not all. I dislike the commentators claiming the US has the team gold all sewn up. I think most of them were a bit off during one or both of the trail nights, so if that happens again I would be worried about gold. I really like Simone, but I hate the declaration of the best gymnast ever. I hated when Al kept acting like Nastia went to a second olympics and she was like "Uh that did not happen for me," or something similar.
  10. Misslindsey


    I really like Nastia as a commentator. I just wish Tim and Al would shut up more. I am pleased with the team. Though Tim and Al have basically declared Team USA as winners of the team gold and Simone winning the rest of the golds. I am sure Simone will rack up gold medals in swimming, track and field, basketball, and many other sports because she is that awesome. I like Simone and it isn't her fault they are going a bit overboard with it all, but it can be a bit much when listening to it. Some of the predictions are probably accurate like Simone winning a lot of hardware, but I hate when they declare it when the olympics have not even started. There were a lot of mistakes in both nights of trails, so I do think anything can happen. Is it called a wolf turn that many of the girls do on beam? I really hate that move. For some reason I just do not like the look of it. The other older woman that is on the selection committee, I forgot her name, but she looks like Marta's double.
  11. I used to do this in college, mainly because the dorm and then my apartment did not have the best bathroom lighting. I just did my makeup that way though, never my hair.
  12. Misslindsey


    I really hated The Adams Family floor music.
  13. Misslindsey


    I think if Gaby was hitting routines more consistently she would be smiling more. It is easy to be smiling when you are doing well. She might be unhappy with herself and how she is performing, because I have seen her do a lot better this year and last year on certain events. Her not smiling does not bother me. People would hate me if I was a gymnast, because I would not smile until after the competition was done and I had made the team. I cannot imagine sitting and waiting during however long the selection process may take. If I did not make the team it would be a safe bet that I would be in tears.
  14. I liked this too. I also, liked Gil and Kelly knowing they pick the same song every year, because they wait until the last minute. Another thing I enjoyed was Kelly teasing Gil about his fashion sense during one of the couch segments and Gil made fun of himself. The girls were mocking Gil's jeans when they were helping Lawson figure out what to wear. This. I do not share their beliefs, but the parents love their kids and actually parent them. The siblings interact like typical siblings and not buddies parenting their certain groups of kids. I think the Trace/Jeb relationship is all kinds of adorable. I love watching Kelly's genuine enthusiasm for her grandkids and how Jeb usually sticks to Gil like glue.
  15. I am in. I am a sucker for any of the Real Housewives. Hell, I watched the Dallas version. I am one of the very few that dislikes Jac far more than Teresa, so I am curious how the season and the new ladies pan out.
  16. Have you tried Leverage? It has some of those elements. White Collar could possibly interest you and maybe though it is a bit of a stretch, Chuck. I am sure there are more that I cannot seem to think of off hand.
  17. Misslindsey


    You summed it up better than I could. She is talented and has a great work ethic, but like you said not particularly memorable. So many of the other gymnasts are more memorable for me because they do a particular event or skill extremely well. Though being a solid all-arounder like Aly is nothing to sneeze at. It has served her well. I just prefer Gabby, Simone, Laurie, and some of the other ladies over her style. I hope Gabby does better Sunday. Oh I do not think she will surpass Simone or Laurie either. I guess I would just like her to make the team and have the chance at a team medal. I would think Nastia would know how hard it is to come back four years later and compete. As great of gymnast as Simone is, I do not think she will be at the same level four years after this olympics if she tries for another one and is healthy. I am always surprised how tiny Simone is when she stands next to some of the other gymnasts. She always appears taller to me on events and such. I am probably not making any sense.
  18. Misslindsey


    It looked like a lot of the gymnasts were a bit off their game last night. I have always liked Gabby so I would like to see her on the team and at least possibly get a team medal. I hope she does better on Sunday. I like Simone, but the commentators/media act like all she has to do in Rio is show up and she will get all the medals. They need to ease up a bit. I really like Simone, but I wish there was a bit more competition for her to make it a bit more interesting. I think Aly seems like a great person and pretty consistent gymnastic wise, but I have never warmed up to her style of gymnastics. I have no idea why. I actually do not mind the high ponytail/topknot. I am not a fan of the bows or scrunchies. I actually hate some of the girls make-up more. I do not mind a bit of make-up (They are on television after all), but some of the eye make-up is a bit much for me. I could not tell for sure, but in some shots I thought Simone was wearing fake eyelashes.
  19. I will echo the 19-2 recommendation. It is a good cop show. There are some soapy moments, but overall well done. There was an episode in season two that I thought was incredibly well done and very intense.
  20. I did not see Ben as condescending either. I thought he was joking or teasing her, but not in a condescending way. I thought I was missing something when she said that. I got the impression when she was telling Ben what guests were up that he was just clarifying what she said. I did not think it was big deal. She obviously does not get along with Ben like she does Bobby, but I did not think he was talking down to her either. I did not think Jen really told Bryan off like she claimed to Danny. I do think Jen is overstating how awesome her skills are. I do think Bryan can be a dick, but I was fine with how he approached Jen with the whole knot issue. Hannah does not have a good poker face when it came to the obnoxious guests. I have not been in the service industry since college and it is a good thing, because I would have broke way before Hannah did with those guests. Maybe she needs to learn some of Kate's towel folding skills. I will be at my table for one in thinking that Danny did not deserve the tip. I was fine that no one argued or insisted that he get his share (especially Captain Mark). He was sick, and because of that he was not doing his job. It is not his fault he was sick, but he was not working at all during that charter, so I do not think he deserved the tip.
  21. I agree. Then Khloe acts like Rob should reach out to her. Why would he want to reach out or be close with someone who obviously does not like BC and is not at all happy for him? She claims to be happy in her talking heads about Rob being out and about, but it sounds so fake when her reactions to the things are so over the top and not at all happy for him. If someone reacted like Khloe did to news I was excited about I would not be very eager to mend that relationship. I feel like Khloe takes Rob's decisions so personally. She acts like he did it all to her. I also feel like she wants their relationship back on track under her terms, which would probably be without BC. Props to Kourtney for understanding from the start that it is Rob's life and all you can really do is support him. Also, props to Kylie for talking with BC and being more mature in this instance than Khloe (and really Kim as well).
  22. I gave up on The Originals after they killed off Davina, who was one of my favorite characters on the show. I was also on of the few who liked Cami, so her death combined with Davina's did not leave me very interested in the show anymore.
  23. I will be at my table for one, but I did not think Bethenny said anything terrible to Jules at the pizza place. I was with Bethenny when she said kept saying "I need a verb" to Jules. She was saying what I was thinking, just spit it out already Jules. I also, did not think Bethenny's comment about not bringing Jules to the doctor was that bad either. Hell, I thought it was funny. Then again I still like Bethenny. I actually do not hate any of the NY women though. I do think that Jules is more in the middle of her recovery than she admits. My college roommate suffered from an eating disorder and it was almost damned if you do, damed if you do not situation. Bringing up concerns with her or her family members and she would get mad, or do not and something could possibly happen. When did Luann actually get engaged to Tom? She is engaged to him now, isn't she?
  24. I like Captain Mark. I like Captain Lee as well, but I will be at my table for one in liking Captain Mark and enjoying Below Deck Med. I kind of like that the drama is relatively low key. I also like that for the most part everyone seems fairly competent with their jobs. They all have their faults and mistakes, but I do think they all are pretty competent with their jobs, even Danny when he is not overstepping boundaries. I can see both sides of the Hannah and Ben drama. I can see why she would be upset when Ben said he wanted to be viewed as a co-worker and not as a friend, when she thought they were friends. Also, I think she was somewhat still upset with the Danny confrontation at the restaurant. I can also, see why Ben said he wants to be co-workers with her and not friends. Bryan needs to dial it down with the drinking. I did kind of laugh at him having Jen practice knots ( I know I am horrible). I do think she has overstated how great she is at her job. I think she is fine as a deckhand, but not as awesome as she made herself out to be in some of her talking heads.
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