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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I did! I hope the episode is a good as the preview made it out to be. I love Aunt Agatha more and more.
  2. Please tell me this isn't the last time we see Geoffrey Charles. I adore him. I especially love when he and Aunt Agatha sort of team up. I got the impression that Aunt Agatha sent the note to Ross about the chapel. I wondered if it was for him to stop the wedding, just see the wedding/what George did or the possibility that Morwenna was waiting there to marry Drake. I thought it was odd that Demezla and Drake accompanied him there (more so Drake than Demelza).
  3. This. I agree with you. I do not get Shep's problem with Craig. Did Craig kick his puppy or something? Craig is definitely not perfect, but it seems everything he does or says Shep will mock Craig at every turn. Like you said Craig seems like he wants an emotional connection and not just bed hop. Why is that a big deal to Shep? I also like that Craig has hobbies besides getting drunk and sleeping around. Grow up Shep. Sigh, more TRav and Kathryn drama. It is the same shit different reunion. I just do not care. I do not like either of them and think they are both horrible. I still like Austen. I do not think Austen is really like Shep at all, even though the show seemed to try and introduce him as Shep Junior. I am glad Jennifer's son is doing well, but I do still dislike Jennifer. I was glad there was minimal Landon so far. I did hate hearing her dolphin laugh in the background.
  4. Riiiiiiiight Vicki, you never knew what Brooks was up to. No worries since you still admit to missing him even though I would think most people would be pissed at their significant other if they lied about a life threatening illness. That is if you did not know they were lying instead of being complicit in that lie. I cannot stand Vicki. Vicki trying to paint herself the victim. Ugh, I know there are a lot of people who want the the cancer storyline to not be mentioned, but I want it to be mentioned all the time. I do not want people to forget and I do not want to see redemption for Vicki. She does not deserve it. I forgot that Kelly's mom was a Jerri Blank look alike. I do not know how long I can manage this season with Kelly and Vicki still around. I honestly think this show was not a good decision for Shannon and her family. I am one of the very few who liked Shannon more with Tamra and Heather than with Vicki (because I was never a Vicki fan). I never was a big Shannon fan. I did not hate her, but I did not like her either. She looks like she is becoming more unhinged with every season. I do not really like Tamra, but I would rather watch her than Vicki and Kelly any day. Though I will admit that I did not mind Tamra last season. I do not care that she is not perfect in her faith. I do not think many people are, or I just do not care that much. Even if the whole Tamra finds religion thing is for show, she does seem a bit more toned down than her previous real housewife self. Sigh, I hate that I am defending Tamra. Lydia grated on me when she was on before. Overall I thought she was harmless though. I do not follow any of the women on social media, so am I really suppose to believe Lydia did not know why Tamra and Vicki had a falling out? I will be at my table for one for missing Heather. If the cheating stuff is true than I am fine that she left and kept it off camera, because I do not want to see another Shannon/David affair storyline again. It was pretty uncomfortable to watch, especially with kids in the mix.
  5. I loved that line from Agatha too. I love watching her needle George and even Elizabeth. It cracks me up. I love Geoffrey Charles. I just like his personality. I enjoyed him going to the christening.
  6. I have to admit I was kind of disappointed that Bex and Andi moved out of Cece and Ham's house. I understand why they had them move out, but I like Cece and Ham, so I do not know how often the audience will see them now. I almost wish Andi would split her time between both places.
  7. This. I thought I was the only one not really impressed with Celine. Then again, I am not a fan of many kid acts in general. I really wish they would say no to some of these precocious children. I liked the Australian guy, but the acts I usually like do not get far. I would have liked to see his whole audition. The last girl with the sick dad was just meh. I did think they were going give her the golden buzzer because of her story. I do miss Nick, but I do not mind Tyra. I am not a Tyra fan either, but think she is fine. I have seen way worse hosts on these type of shows.
  8. I did the march in Chicago and had a great time. I did like seeing the various marches in different cities, so I liked watch the brief clips we saw of Carole and Dorinda in DC. I liked the episode, but I am one who likes low drama episodes and the constant fighting episodes bore me. I like when the ladies can for the most part get along or be cordial. Ramona just keeps showing how messy she is. Seriously Ramona, you could not figure out that some of your friends have some issues between them? Really? She so invited Harry and Missy to be a shit stirrer. Everyone stirs the pot on these shows at one point or another, but Ramona is so blatant about it. Then she will try to pass it off as her being oblivious and scattered. Also, I hope everyone was just being nice about Ramona's hair and outfit. She is trying way too hard to be young, sexy and edgy. It doesn't work Ramona. She still will not be hanging out with Avery's friends. I loved Tinsley's mom looking at Ramona when they were all greeting one another. Tinsley could use a hair update. I thought Carole was right that Tinsley should cut her hair or something. I hate the constant curls on Tinsley. I like the flat ironed hair she has in her TH's way better. If she wants to do curls then update them a bit. I did love Tinsley's reaction to Harry saying he liked where he necklace was placed. If I was Tom I would choose my words very carefully when the cameras are on. After last seasons Regency debacle, I would think he would be very careful on what he says. He could be joking, but if he is it is so awkward. I did not think Lu was as okay with Tom talking to Missy as she said she was. Her smile seemed so fake. It would be rough going to these parties constantly running into Tom's exes.
  9. I did not take that conversation as Captain Sandy flirting with Hannah. I just thought Sandy was generally awkward with conversations with some of the crew in the first few episodes. I could be wrong though.
  10. I had this thought as well, since previews can be misleading. Though, either way I find it very interesting that for whatever reason it was kept a secret. I will be at my table for one with liking Bugsy. I do not think she is trying to be malicious. She does talk some shit in her TH's, but so does Hannah. I also, do not think Hannah's breaks are that big of a deal. I constantly go back and forth on Hannah. Sometimes I like her and sometimes I do not. I do not remember Hannah's reaction from last season to Danny getting cozy with the guests. She is kind of doing the same thing. Ugh, more of this Malia nonsense. Please Wes just stop trying. It is making me dislike you and I want to keep on liking you. The woman that was so into Bobby actually made me feel bad for Bobby. I know something must be wrong with me. I actually do not mind Bobby in small (very small) doses, especially when he is not featured that much.
  11. This. So much of this! I could watch Agatha make her side comments to Elizabeth and George all day! I cannot remember the comment that Agatha made when Verity said Valentine favored Elizabeth, but it made me laugh. I felt so bad for Agatha when Verity left. I like Drake and Morwenna as well. I find myself really liking Geoffrey Charles and I do not even like kids.
  12. If I was Shannon and I had to choose between Vicki/Kelly or Tamra, I would choose Tamra. I am ashamed to admit it but last season Tamra really did not bother me. Though it could be that I dislike Vicki and Kelly so much that Tamra almost looks good in comparison.
  13. I assumed that Captain Sandy could not fire Adam because TPTB wanted more of the Adam/Malia/Wes triangle with a bit of Bobby added in as well.
  14. I enjoyed The Perfect Bride as well. I have warmed up to Pascale's character on When Calls the Heart even though I find the show so dull and saccharine. I used to watch a Canadian show called Arctic Air which Pascale was a main character so I liked her as a actress. The actress who played the sister has been in a few Hallmark movies, but I still refer to her as Gilda from iZombie.
  15. I think everyone already covered the Adam issues more eloquently than I. I have no idea what his problem was, because all his excuses were pretty lame. He seemed to be fine with the previous charters preference sheets that were more complicated than "no onions". The whole issue just seemed so strange. He got that irritated that four of the guests requested no onions that he blatantly ignored the request? Seriously? Is he irritated at Hannah and is taking it out on the guests? It does not matter it is all dickish behavior. I was on Hannah's side regarding Adam, but I did not think Bugsy was demanding Hannah that Lauren take another stew with her to the falls. I thought Bugsy was letting Hannah know that Lauren was being typical Lauren with feeling overwhelmed and if they could spare another stew to go with Lauren. I did not think Hannah took the conversation like Bugsy intended. Oh Wes, I like you so much when you are not in the Wes/Malia/Adam triangle. I liked that he seemed excited to get a chance at the helm. If the triangle keeps going on Max might be creeping in to my favorite position along with Bugsy who just seems to be doing her job. I understood Malia's point when she was confronting Lauren, but then she kept following Lauren around rehashing it. I feel like we see more of Adam or Wes' views than Malia's regarding it all. I have to agree with Lauren that if Malia likes Adam or Wes she should pick one, mainly because they all live and work together in close quarters. It is easier to date (or as these three were doing kiss) more than one person when everyone is not living and working together. Less Bobby in this episode was nice.
  16. I do not need a whole season about cancergate, but I do not want the women to forget about it either. I was never a big fan of Vicki. I found her annoying more often than not. After the whole cancer scam I vehemently dislike her. I do not know. TPTB can try to redeem Vicki (and Kelly) all they want but it will not work on me. Honestly with Heather out and Vicki and Kelly still around I am not really looking forward to this season. I will tune in and see where it goes, but if this turns into the Vicki/Kelly redemption tour I am out.
  17. Was this Kathryn's first interaction with Kensie and Saint? I thought in one of the previous episodes they showed a brief snippet of the hand off of the kids between Kathryn and I am guessing Thomas' nanny. I do not remember the scene that well, but I thought Thomas was inside speaking about it to someone (I cannot remember who).
  18. To answer myself, I believe it was June 1st that all four seasons are available to stream on CW Seed. I have it on my Roku.
  19. You are not alone! Bethenny is one of my favorites as well. I find that she says a lot of what I am thinking. Really this franchise is the one where I do not really mind any of the ladies. They all have their good moments and bad, so my like/dislike of them varies from episode to episode or scene to scene. It is actually kind of nice.
  20. Hee! According to Thomas if you do not like Landon you are a "son of a bitch", to which I concluded I must be a son of a bitch. I kind of enjoyed the lunch with Shep, Kathryn, Craig, Whitney, and Cameran. It was low drama, which I seem to appreciate more and more on these shows. Can Gizmo get a spin off? Please? I would rather watch Gizmo take a nap than a Landon/Thomas date.
  21. Seriously? More of the tired Kris/Caitlyn storyline? I loathe Kris, Caitlyn, and Kim. I always thought they are all three have very similar personalities. Gee, I am so glad that watching a documentary helped cure Kourtney of her indecisiveness. These episodes get more and more boring each week. Dream was cute. That is all I got.
  22. I was wondering if Maria's eyelashes were lash extensions, because I have a hard time believing she put on fake lashes every day. Then again what do I know?
  23. I am actually alright with her leaving. I did like the character and her relationships with Voight and Halstead, but I kind of look forward to others getting more chance to shine and a new dynamic between the team. I will still be tuning in and seeing how it all works out. I can understand those who will not be watching, because I have done the same on other shows when my favorites leave.
  24. That must be why I dislike it so much. I cannot stand Sabrina Carpenter's voice. So much of her music sounds so auto tuned.
  25. I thought Sarah Hyland, Nicole Scherzinger, and Katy Sagal did the best with the material they were given. I did like the Lisa storyline in this version. Other than that not much else worked for me. Abigail Breslin was horribly miscast. If there was more chemistry between the leads it might have made this version more palatable. Then again, maybe not.
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