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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. For Jeremy it will be Beckett in the third row. Beckett better not have better pocket squares than Jeremy.
  2. While I would not put it past Patricia to talk about Katharine to Ashley, I always thought that it was more Thomas pitting Ashley and Katharine against each other. I could be not remembering correctly, but it seemed like last season whichever woman Thomas was with one on one he would agree with them and tell them what they wanted to hear. I think he did somewhat similar version of this with Katharine and Landon. I would assume that Thomas was trying to pit Ashley against Katharine more so than Patricia. I do not follow any of these idiots on social media, so I wonder how much Ashley interacted with Patricia outside of filming the show.
  3. I agree with everyone that Jill's house is not that messy, but if I was filming it I would tidy it up. Hell, I am a fairly neat and organized person, but I tidy up before my cleaning lady comes. I do not mind the boys sharing a room, but I would think that they would rethink the furniture in the smaller room or give them one of the bigger rooms (Derrick's office or the guest room). Jill does not seem like the most logical person though.
  4. I was bored with it early in season two. I thought the first season was amusing, but did not live up to the hype for me. I barely made it through season two. I have yet to watch any of the latest seasons. I think I was enamored with all the nostalgia during the first season, but became less and less enamored with it as the series when on. I think all the kids are decent actors, but definitely not the best ever. I am including the popular Millie Bobby Brown in that. Though she probably gets more to work with than the others.
  5. I am not buying what Amber's brother is trying to sell. I do not think much of Andrew, but I do not think he would lie about a machete when there should be evidence of scratches and marks on the door. I do not think he is that stupid. I would hope that if he did have a recording of Amber yelling at him, that he has covered some of his bases with keeping evidence of some of Amber's violent outbursts whether audio or text messages.
  6. To Becky in the third row? It had a child lock on it, so that is probably where Jill goes to practice the art of lotion seduction on Derick.
  7. Doesn't Amber have a cousin or some woman that they tried to make happen on this show?
  8. Oh I missed part of Reagan's birthday party for Reece. I came in during one of Reece's talking heads. I think he was speaking of his mother and how she got along with Reagan, because they are both narcissists? I am assuming I got that wrong and there was more to what he said. I did like that Jeff realized that his behavior was not cool, especially for Justin and Kelsey. Of course Jeff did spiral again.
  9. I agree. I do not think Jeff is unhinged, but I think he is like you said, lost, lonely, and depressed. He seems to be using alcohol to cope, which is not good. It is probably not healthy for him right now to be on a show with his ex-wife, especially since everything is going swimmingly for Reagan. I do not fear Jeff, but fear for him. I do hope he is getting professional help. The eggplant emoji made me laugh so hard. Kelsey needs to dial it back a few notches. I liked her fine last season, but this season she seems to be so over the top. Everyone was loud at that party. Tamica and Jeff seemed to be done with their loud conversation (it did not seem to be a fight) before Kelsey decided to single out Tamica for being loud. I wish someone would tell Kelsey that she was being a bit aggressive and not just blame Tamica for being loud and saying that the house was not hers. I love Rachel. I love her expressions when Reagan is speaking.
  10. I must be a horrible person, but I laughed when drunk Jeff was attempting to sing music from The Lion King. I also, laughed at Jon Moody running to his own inspirational quotes.
  11. I only lasted for about 30 minutes during Love Unleashed. It was so dull. Puppies could not even save it for me. I actually tend to like Jen Lilley in her various Hallmark movies (And Lifetime's Spirit of Christmas), but this movie was so boring. I thought the male lead was pretty bad and that there was not any chemistry between the two leads. Hee! It reminded me of the Hallmark movie about saving a tree where I spent most of the movie actively rooting for it to get chopped down because the lead was so obnoxious.
  12. Yes, but does it have pocket squares?😉
  13. This. The New Orleans group just seems older, but they are basically in the same age range as this cast. The guys on this cast seem to be dude bros that do not grow up. Also, none of the cast in this franchise has much of anything going on. Cam has being a parent issues, but even that really is not much of a story. Katherine has all the Thomas stuff, but I imagine that cannot be delved into too much because that is an ongoing legal issue. I do not really like anyone on this franchise anymore. All the charm has worn off. I have to admit I just do not care about Naomie and Craig's issues. I thought Naomie was horrible last season, but Craig seems to be taking over for her this season. I think they are both horrible. It feels like practically every season that there is endless Craig and Naomie drama. Just be cordial to each other on camera and get a new storyline. I really wish someone would call Shep on all his shit. He seems to get away with everything, because he is Shep.
  14. Hee! Of course she will. It looks like Gary did it all under the radar, while Amber was asking on social media if there was an online college that she could take classes whenever she felt like it and from her bed.
  15. Many of you probably remember better than I do, but wasn't there a video that took place sometime before the Jordyn drama that showed Tristan being very friendly with a couple of women? I think I remember the various K's pushing the 'they were groupies so no big deal' narrative.
  16. Hee! If I was one of the cast members, I would be wondering what Reagan and Reece were going to announce at their next event or party. There has got to be some life changing news that Reagan and Reece have not gotten to yet. If the previous episode with Reagan telling Jeff that she was engaged was hard to watch than I am already dreading Jeff's reaction to Reagan being pregnant. Last season Jeff seemed to really want kids while Reagan was not into it, so that is going to be awkward.
  17. I agree. Then I watch original SC and am wondering why I still watch when I really do not like anyone in that cast. I really like this cast and I like that they have things like jobs, kids, hobbies, and other stuff beyond the show and not just living on show money or mailbox money. I almost think Kelsey just wanted to kick Tamica out. I thought Tamica and Jeff were speaking loudly, but they did not really seem to be fighting. I thought the whole Tamica and Jeff loud conversation was pretty much over by the time Kelsey deemed it as too loud for her house. I do not dislike Kelsey, but she seems to be trying too hard this season. I do like how the guys (and probably the women. I just notice it more with the guys) can tease each other in a light, fun manner and not take offense.
  18. Nope. Not all at once, but with a glass or a lot more wine at wine camp.
  19. This would be me. I have very fair skin and I hate the look of fake tan on me. I do not have Ree's clown hair, so I have that going for me. I am one that does not mind enhanced S'mores. I admit to using peanut butter cups, Hershey Symphony bars with the toffee bites in them, Nutella, various Ghirardelli chocolate squares (mainly the caramel) and other chocolate options in my S'mores.
  20. Maybe they should stop into SUR or Pump, preferably when some of the Chucklefucks are getting into a screaming fight. They can go to Brunch with Billie. If Jill is with them she can trade sex tips with Lala.
  21. I would say I am indifferent to Kelly. Sometimes I like her and sometimes I do not. I have been growing tired of her using the same anecdotes over and over. She can ditch the holding her hands together when she does her British accent any time now. I also, got sick of her constantly gushing over Ryan, but I think that has eased up some. I thought the Lola walking in on her and Mark was funny. If that happened to me, my parents would find it hysterical and not be outraged by it all. I do not think she is a narcissist, but I tend to think that word gets thrown around too much. I am pretty indifferent to Ryan as well. I do think he tries to do his homework on the guests. Though I do hate when he uses the word literally when he actually means figuratively, but that is my pet peeve.
  22. So Sam went after her with a spray bottle with water in it? He probably was hoping she would melt if he sprayed her.
  23. Watching Jeff's reaction to Reagan telling him that she was engaged was rough. I agree with the cast mates that think Jeff is not okay with it all. During that scene, he looked like he was trying so hard to act like everything was good when all he wanted to do was go to his car and cry. I would be ugly crying in my car if I was in that situation.
  24. I would add the overuse of emojis into the mix as well. Jill needs to lay off the hashtags, exclamation points, and emojis. I do not think she can write a post without overusing all of the above.
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