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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I know a lot of kids around Leah's age that are on Instagram or some other form of social media. My sister-in-law has to approve everything my niece puts on Instagram. I would assume most parents heavily monitor it or run it. I think it is getting to be more of a norm for tweens to have their own social media accounts. At least Gary and Kristina are in charge of it than Amber.
  2. Jeremy is going to be mad if Beckett in the third row has on a better suit, tie, or pocket square than him.
  3. He will preach a death sermon while holding Felicity for an additional $20!
  4. Afton explains her departure. It definitely does not seem amicable to me. She said she walked because of sexual harassment and racial bullying.
  5. Is Tony copying Kody's hairstyle?
  6. If she wants to step it up a notch for Derick, she will eat seaweed while applying lotion.
  7. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but Reese and Reagan have been dating for about a year at this point and her supposed best friend Tamica (and really none of the cast) had not met him until they started filming this season? Am I the only one who thinks there was some overlap between Reagan and Jeff and Reagan and Reese?
  8. He would fit in with the guys from original recipe SC as well. I have to admit I did like when he told Reagan that the conversation with Rachel was fine and when he just walked away from Rachel and Reagan. Though it is a very low bar with Reese.
  9. Since he is basically a surgeon now, he can get his own set of medical thingys!
  10. I might be misremembering, but didn't Shep act somewhat jealous when Austen and Chelsea were seeing each other a couple seasons ago? It seems similar to the way Shep is acting with Madison and Austen now. Does he get irritated when the women that turn him down end up dating Austen?
  11. Me as well. I love Philippa since I saw her in Hamilton a few times years ago, so I hope she gets another gig soon.
  12. Well Beckett in the third row cannot wait to meet Jeremy. Hee! Jeremy probably loves all this stuff. Forget seminary school Jeremy wants more fame!
  13. I guess we will never know what Amber's version of "Money Can't Buy You Class" will be called.
  14. I did not like Jim and Pam on The Office. I take part of that back. I liked early seasons Jim and Pam, but somewhere during the duration of the show I thought they became so smug and unlikeable.
  15. Oh no, does this mean Amber is going to start her own cabaret?
  16. I think I am fine if the show ends. I found it entertaining (mostly the earlier seasons) and liked pretty much all of the girls featured on the show, but for me it has kind of ran its course. I really struggled with getting through last season.
  17. I agree. I do not necessarily think Reagan and Jeff's friendly dynamic is authentic either. Well, at least on Jeff's end. I think he is hurt by a lot of it. I think Reagan is pretty okay with it all because things are going seemingly great for her at the moment. So when Tamica is trying to get a reaction out of them I kind of agree with her. I think Jeff did sort of say to Tamica, at Kelsey and Justin's housewarming party, that he was not doing that great with all the Reagan stuff. I think some of that got overshadowed by drunk Jeff and Kelsey kicking Tamica out. Sometimes I think the way Tamica says things can be cold, but I do not think that she intends to be malicious.
  18. I thought the reason why Tamica kept asking Jeff if he knew about Reagan's pregnancy was because Reagan told him about her engagement before she announced it to the group, and that Reagan told him about the pregnancy earlier. Also, I think Tamica assumed that Reagan and Jeff talked a lot because they kept insisting that they did at the start of the season. Tamica is a lot, but for some reason I still like her. I enjoy the whole cast with the exception of Reagan and Reece. I do not know how many bedrooms that Reagan has in her house, but I thought the placement of the nursery was odd.
  19. Hee! I laughed at Moody referring to them as owls and then saying that they were really good. I cracked up at Justin being on "Moody Duty" as well. I enjoy this cast so much more than the original recipe SC. I do not get Reagan's issue with Tamica not being there when Reagan seemed to be living in a bubble with Reece until probably filming started and did not really tell some of the important happenings in her life to her supposed best friend all that soon. Tamica did walk away from her at her brother's party when Reagan mentioned the wedding, but that is really it. Now that Reagan is planning a wedding it seems she wants her best friend around. Didn't Reagan get married in December? This episode took place in November. How long did Reagan plan this wedding? If it was in a short period of time I could see how Tamica, who has a job, family, and a life, probably does not want or can drop everything for some wedding planning. Oh Doug, couldn't you have waited until after the party to drop that bomb on Jeff?
  20. Did the AMA say how old Michaela and Erin were when they made their comments? I mean I doubt their views have changed, but if they were on the younger side they probably were just parroting what their parents said. Gil and Kelly were probably hardcore drinking the fundie kool-aid at the time. It is probably unpopular, but while I tremendously disagree with their views I do not think Michaela and even Erin are bitches. I do think Erin is princess-y, but I also think she has changed a fair amount since she first appeared on whatever the Duggar show was called at the time. If this does not make any sense it is because I have had a lot of wine tonight.
  21. I did not like watching Bethenny and Carole's friends disintegrate. I was pretty indifferent to Carole when she first came on the show, but like some others have stated, I started to dislike her the last couple of seasons she appeared on.
  22. Don't forget that she will find herself a new boyfriend!
  23. I am probably remembering wrong, but I thought their was a friend that was married to an ex-NFL player. I am not sure if it was Rachel, but I thought there was a woman last season who mentioned it. I love Rachel more and more each episode. I laughed at Jon Moody's tips on everything.
  24. Hee! She could always use Jill's lotion seduction technique. How far did Cade get on American Idol? Did he spout any of this on the show?
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