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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Sigh. I am not enjoying this season at all, besides all the misogyny, I think it is because I do not particularly like anyone. The guys, the less said about them the better. I have been over Captain Lee for several seasons now. I tend to run hot and cold with Kate. Rhylee's personality is grating for me. I can tolerate Courtney and Simone the most, because for me, their level of whining is fairly tame compared to some of the past seasons crew members on this show and BDM. Though I still do not really like them. I am ready for this season to be over with. Maybe this show has run its course for me, like Vanderpump Rules and original recipe Southern Charm.
  2. Maybe I misheard during the episode, but I thought that someone requested pizza and mazto ball soup. I though when the pizzas were brought out to the guests one of the guests said they were glad that someone requested them. I hate to defend Kevin, but if the items were requested on the preference sheets than I cannot really fault Kevin that much for serving them.
  3. I do not think Erin is the golden child. I may dislike Kelly and Gil, but they do seem like they enjoy and love all their children. The older kids that are nearby are featured more on their show. I think Erin is willing to play along more than some of the rest. I do think Erin is a girly girl, which there is not anything wrong with that. I know it is an unpopular opinion, but I think Erin has changed a fair amount from when she first appeared on whichever Duggar show was on at the time. I hate their views, but I do not think Erin is as princess-y as she once was. No one is more of an attention seeker in that family than Lawson.
  4. Hahahahaha! Jeremy goes to class? Hahaha! Jeremy is so special he does not actually have to attend classes. I feel like Jeremy is trying to channel his inner Kanye for his casual look.
  5. If Carlin was fine with Kelly's choice of dress than I do not really care. I actually think Kelly looks nice in that picture, usually I think she dresses more dowdy.
  6. I loved the editing when Tamra or Shannon (I forgot who brought it up) were going on about Kelly's ego, then there was a cut to Vicki ranting about backstage. It made me laugh.
  7. I laughed at the radio silence that happened when Tamra marched up to Emily, Gina, Kelly and Braunwyn asking what was so funny. I know it is unpopular but I was amused by Gina in her THs during Tamra's meltdown and fake crying in the bushes. I think this cast needs a major overhaul. I would really love it if they ditched all things tres amigas. I cannot stand Vicki, Tamra, or Shannon way more than I cannot stand Kelly, Braunwyn, Gina, or Emily. I would be fine with getting rid of them all though. I just need to add "You don't know! You just don't know!" Now I will proceed to go hide and cry in some bushes.
  8. Ha! Now I am imagining her wedding gown hanging over the bathtub!
  9. I feel like I need to fall down the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen rabbit hole to cleanse myself from that nonsense. JinJer are so thirsty. Also, Jana posted the same recipe on her social media. It feels like Jinger and Jeremy are throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.
  10. I thought they started writing Joel better in season 2. I have liked Joel more as the show progresses. My The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel UO is that I like Midge less and less as the series goes on. I prefer most of the supporting actors especially Susie, though I hated her storyline in season three. I did not really enjoy season three that much. I am very hesitant about the show in general, because I hated what the Palladino's did to Gilmore Girls. So I probably side eye most of the show.
  11. I cannot stand any of the Tres Amigas. I rolled my eyes at them not knowing who Hemingway was. Of course they do not know, and of course they relish in that fact. I would have thought Shannon would know who Hemingway was. She might, but I hate it when people play dumb to fit in. I was one of the few that liked Heather on this franchise. I really liked vacation Heather, because she would usually try things that some of these other harpies would just shriek about. Didn't Vicki throw out that line before? I hate Vicki. TPTB can try to redeem her all they want, but it will never work for me. Braunwyn responding to Vicki may make me like Braunwyn. Nah, probably not. Though I do tend to root for anyone that goes against Vicki, Tamra, and now Shannon, so I will definitely root for Braunwyn if she goes up against Vicki. I wish they would dump this whole cast or have someone return that is actually interesting.
  12. I have the unpopular opinion of not really liking these across all shows crossovers. I do not mind when a character or two from one pops up on another show, but I just do not like these big crossover events. The Flash is the only one that I still watch. The crossover does not make me want to tune into the other shows, even though I hate missing Iris storylines.
  13. Domaine Berrien Cellars. It is basically across the street from Lemon Creek Winery.
  14. I thought Jennifer looked familiar, but it took FB to point out that she pours wine at one of my favorite southern Michigan wineries.
  15. Can I ask what was the reasoning for the "liddle"? I did not watch it because the "liddle" in the title annoyed me, but I assumed that there is a logical explanation that makes sense with the movie of their use of liddle, not little. I just hate that I typed the word liddle that much. I enjoyed Same Time Next Christmas. It was cheesy, but it was better than Hallmark cheese for me. I have liked Lea Michele ever since I saw her in Spring Awakening many years ago. I also enjoyed that they used her version of I'll be Home for Christmas with Jonathan Groff (Groffsauce!) in the movie. I would have liked more interactions with Lea and Charles Michael Davis as well, but I liked that they have know each other since they were younger. Also, Lea's other love interest was not made to be a bad guy, but just not right for her. I really liked the whole cast in this movie.
  16. In Kandi's latest Speak on it, she and Riley talk about Riley's internship and what she said in the episode regarding ice and cleaning. I guess Riley had an internship with a local law firm the previous summer. I am sure she was given special consideration with the NYC law firm, but she did mention she had to go through all the usual hoops to get it.
  17. This is probably why I avoid Jessica Lowndes movies. Something about her acting does not work for me. Like you said, she does bitchy well. I also, do not buy her as a likable lead in these types of movies. She always seems smug or something. I cannot quite put my finger on it. I will also be avoiding the Kristin Chenoweth/Scott Wolf movie. I think Kristin is talented. I saw her in Wicked many years ago, but I find something about her look is just so harsh. She looks so overly tan, botoxed, and blonde.
  18. I watched Christmas at the Plaza which was pretty bland. I liked Elizabeth Henstridge in Agents of Shield, but this movie took all the charisma and spark out of her. I wish her character ditched her boyfriend more quickly. Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy was pretty decent. There were a lot of plot lines going on. The main character stayed in the city, so that was a win. Christmas in Rome was okay. Nice scenery. It was pleasant, but nothing to write home about for me.
  19. Well, they could all go Avenue Q with full frontal nudity on puppets.
  20. You are much more logical than I am, because while I like Tiya Sircar I have a problem separating her character in these sort of movies from her The Good Place character.
  21. She took the hotdog king back? I do not even like Porsha, but she can do better.
  22. I do not like any of those movies either. I might be able to tolerate The Muppets Christmas Carol, but even that is pushing it. I will also, add I do not like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman or anything Charlie Brown. I know, I am the worst. I am just not really a fan of any of the classic or beloved holiday movies. Some I just do not like and some I have seen too many times, so I started disliking them.
  23. I do not mind the name. I do not love it, but I do not hate it either. Though I am pretty easy with whatever names people choose for their children. Generally if it is not something ridiculous I am cool with it. I am slowly getting used to different spellings of names as well.
  24. Hee! I have a bridesmaid dress like that from about five years ago, only it is short and black. I thought it was nice for bridesmaid purposes so everyone could pick how they wanted to wear it. The dresses did not come with instructions, but they pointed you to a YouTube video that showed the different ways to wear it. Now it seems that different dresses in a similar color is a trend. Maybe you can haggle with Kary for her overpriced jewelry. I mean, it would be stupid not to. 😉
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