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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I watched America's Next Top Model many many seasons ago, and not everyone can "walk" well, or even take a photo well. So I do think there is a certain talent and skill involved, or even the willingness to learn and improve.
  2. Char did say ( I think off camera ) that Amanda did not have the right to be there again, but I think after she got saved she realized the error of her ways and talked to Amanda about it. Even though if I was ever on a reality show I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut to the judges, which is exactly why I am not on a reality show, I do know that you shouldn't talk back or get bitchy with the judges. It rarely ever ends in your favor. As much as you want to defend yourself, it is best to be polite and take the criticism, even if you think it is not deserved. Korina needs to know that if she thinks about doing this again.
  3. This. While I haven't loved a lot of Emily's designs ( though I think a lot were well constructed, which I like), I liked her comments tonight regarding Korina and even Korina's model. I liked her the other week with Sandhya during Sandhya's pity party. Oh Korina, you could not even have a graceful exit from the show. Bitching about Char and then when she stands up for her self continues on with the whole "it is not about her" remark. Seriously? Seriously if Korina got the save she would be all for it. Honestly, I really do not care who knocked Korina out of the competition, just glad someone finally did before fashion week. I was glad Char stood up for herself with Korina. It isn't her fault that Tim saved her. I do think Char does have self-awareness. I forgot what she said this episode (too much merlot), but it made me take note that she knows she is very lucky in regards to being saved. I loved Kini's soccer ball dress. I am glad he won, because for awhile there I thought Sean was running away with this competition. I do think Sean or Amanda will win, but I love Kini best.
  4. It was a shot by shot remake of Broadchurch, but I still liked it. It was like a double dose of Broadchurch, which I am totally fine with. I liked the casting so far, so I do not mind that it is basically Broadchurch. Maybe, if it sticks around long enough it will come into it's own and be different. I love love love David Tennent, so while he has success in the UK, I would love to see him have success in the states.
  5. From what I understood Kat moved into Jennice's room, and somewhere it sounded like it was expected of Jennice to move in with Amy. I have no idea why she could not stay in her room. Maybe I misheard it though.
  6. I came into that scene a few seconds late, and I kept thinking that's Kevin Jonas right? Then Rosie came in and sort of recognized him. I almost wish Kevin Jonas' wife was a real housewife now. Is it sad if that was my highlight as well? Why are we wasting so much time on people who are not housewives or are former housewives? I can understand when Rosie, Kathy, and Rich are interacting with the Gorga's or the Giudice's, but they weren't, plus Jaq was thrown in. Seriously? I do not think putting her son on camera is helping him at all. There are no words for Wee Jim, he just would not stop. He kept going on and on. I loved that he said he wouldn't speak poorly about Bobby, then started doing just that. Wee Jim likes to contradict himself.
  7. Hee! That is the first thing I thought when I saw that look. Normally you cover up Spanx.
  8. This. I think that is what Tim said in his explanation as well, that if it was one of their models fine, but since it is a woman off the street she should not have to walk the runway like that. I was fine with him giving Char the extra ten for that reason. I know the question put the designers in a rough place, but could they stop bitching? I would have been fine if one politely spoke up, because it is a competition, but they didn't, so move on already. Korina was annoying before, but this episode she was over the top irritating. She could not compliment anyone's look in her TH critique of everyone. I knew once she had her tall, thin ballerina that she would win. I am so over Korina's jackets with almost an afterthought of a garment underneath. I loved Kini's look. It fit his model so well. I am so glad he found some inspiration. For me, Alexander has been a non-entity, that is why I never understood the fan favorite. What has he done? At least I can remember some of the things Char has done, though a lot have been horrible, but at least I remember.
  9. I figured it would be Shay. Of course they would kill off the only female character I liked. To be fair, the only character I really wanted gone or in the background would have been Gabby, and I knew that would not happen. How many ways will Shay's death will be all about Gabby and her pain? I am disappointed show.
  10. I do not get it either. Amy did not bring it up, Adrienne did. Does Kat really expect Amy never to tell anyone about what happened in the four years. Hell, it could have been a crew member on whatever charter Kat and Amy were on that told Adrienne about it. Kat is the one that brought the drama to the boat and told Kate about it like Amy was at the beach herself telling Adrienne. I actually think Amy was pretty much over the whole thing, because in the first episode she seemed to be trying to make small talk with Kat and be cordial. I think Kat was being more standoffish in that episode. I do not remember really what Kate said when Kat told her everything, but I wish she would have not let Kat shut the door on Amy and just nip the whole thing in the bud right then. So did Kat move into Jennice's room and then made Jennice move in with Amy? I did not quite get that whole thing.
  11. During that three hours, he will stop the class when everyone does not stand up for his lecture/rant. He will get his security guard to see why people are not standing. You just know every visual aid will be Kim and how she is just so fashionable in Kanye's mind.
  12. Hee! Can you imagine Kanye teaching Fashion 101? First class topic would be always wear a hoodie at all times.
  13. I love Stephanie and I really love Girl and the Goat and the Little Goat Diner. I hope she wins.
  14. Even though I know they gather a big crowd and have an Academy Award and a well known song, my favorite artist/band is Glen Hansard/SwellSeason/ The Frames. I would pay five dollars to see them back in the day at Metro, now not so much. They are so much more than "Falling Slowly". So many great songs that I do not think get to see the light of day by non-fans (Fitzcarraldo and Say it to me Now, are two of my favorites). Plus Glen is so great live.
  15. I always think I am weird because I liked both the UK and US versions of The Office and Being Human. I thought after the first season of each (more so The Office) they were their own versions, which I liked. There are characters, plot points, and story lines that I like on each.
  16. Me too. I hate the doctor mocking Clara's looks. I do not think I can see Nine, Ten, or Eleven mocking Rose, Martha, Donna, or Amy's physical appearance. Hell, I do not think Eleven mocked Clara's looks. I hated the constant nose jokes that Rory had to endure too.
  17. I concur. I never warmed to Cecily at the WU desk. I liked Michael Che a lot on The Daily Show, so I am disappointed that he isn't continuing there, but glad to see him on SNL. I like Colin Jost too.
  18. So what was suppose to be in Kanye's pop up store? It looked like very little. I guess leather jogging pants do not take up much room.
  19. I rolled my eyes at the notes with tasks that Christian had to do for Lizzie's father. Though from what Lizzie says Christian loves the farm. So who knows, maybe he enjoyed it. I just thought it was tacky that his potential father-in-law basically gave him a treasure hunt of chores. I was hoping Andy would ask Lizzie about her son wearing a diaper still after they showed that clip, but it did not happen. Oh smarmy Brooks, the sleaze just oozes off him. Someday I hope to learn the mystery about Danielle.
  20. That is one of my favorites too! I also, liked when they had the Kardashian band with Bobby Moynihan as Rob and Kate McKinnon as Kris. Kate's bug eyed stare as Kris was hilarious.
  21. I do watch for a glimpse of Joey McIntyre. It makes me feel like I am 12 again.
  22. Kanye mad? Shocker. I read that he called up Jay Pharaoh, because he was mad at his impersonation of him at the VMA's. Obviously he missed the "Waking up with Kimye" sketches on SNL.
  23. I am so over jumpsuits. I thought Amanda's jacket was horrible, so of course it got praise. I do not get the judges love for so many of her designs. I liked Korina's dress, but it wasn't anything that hasn't been seen before. I hated the coat. It looked so bulky and stiff. I though besides the print of the coat there did not seem to be anything special about it. It was an oversized, long coat. I do not think there was any really special detail about it. Sean's bored me. I thought his and Samantha's were equally snooze worthy. Alexander's looked like someone forgot to iron their clothes. He always has a dopey, openmouthed expression on his face that is starting to annoy me. I thought Fade's was just okay, and fine that it was declared safe. It looked a bit like a cocktail dress and less like a gala dress to me. I am fine with Tim saving Char. I do hope she steps it up though. I liked some of her earlier designs than the past few episodes.
  24. I do not think Kate not smiling is intentional. I think she seemed perfectly nice when she was talking and waiting on them, and she seemed to like the guy prior to the whole smile issue. I do wish the primary guest had taken it up with Captain Lee so he could approach Kate, than him bringing it up himself in front his group with the wording he used was not a good idea. Kate was acting on anger with the "rocket ship", but I could not help but laugh at it. I hope she does not get sent home because of it, and I hope this isn't why Adrienne appears again. Now I am off to go master some towel art.
  25. I thought that dress that Kim wore to the dinner where everyone told a Kim/Kanye story was ugly. Khloe, Kylie, and Kendall were all raving about it in the car to Kim, but I thought it was awful.
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