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Everything posted by roseha

  1. Speaking of which... was anyone else watching "Island Hunters" the other night? These wackadoos were spending literally multi millions so they could be *alone* on their *own* islands, and for that they would put up with no indoor plumbing? Not to mention the guy who kept mentioning that the island he was looking at would be "zombie proof"? Did anyone else see that one? I swear he didn't act like he was kidding. But his wife didn't bat an eye...
  2. I'm still thinking about this subject. I swear, earlier today I'm waiting for the bus and this hipster mom is letting her grade school son play a *loud* video on his phone. Then they get on the bus and he's *still* playing it. Kid looks about 8 or 9, so as far as I'm concerned it's her fault. I actually had the thought, have they banned the sale of headphones? Thanks for the link to the over the ear phones by the way Aquarian1. I used to have a pair like that from Sony but I don't think they make them anymore.
  3. Speaking of loud phones - I have to mention something that's really been bothering me - I have been going around the city for various doctor's appointments and can't believe that I saw a young person last week loudly playing a video on the phone/tablet in the waiting room! Just what everyone needs, thank you. And no one at the desk said anything. I take a bus downtown after another appointment yesterday and another young person is watching another loud video on the tablet, right in the front part of the bus. Driver says nothing. Not to mention all the dopes crossing the street reading their phones. You have no idea how dumb this looks in New York city traffic.
  4. Thanks much ratgirlagogo - I just checked though and I don't get Jewish Life TV with my Standard TWC plan (nor TCM or METV for that matter). At least I can get METV over the air so maybe Jewish Life TV will follow. Apparently they are showing some Soupy shows, thanks. I have great memories of his New York mid-60s shows - I remember the "little green pieces of paper" New Year's Day show and the end of "Philo Kvetch" detective sketches, when the evil mastermind turned out to be a man playing the deposed Nikita Khrushchev - but the show had such a surreal, shoestring budget goofiness that I don't think can be appreciated unless you actually saw it. According to legend most of the 60s shows were trashed by the station without Soupy's knowledge, but there are a few on DVD and some others floating around on Youtube. Soupy was also very hip in his love of jazz and R and B, which frequently comes out during the show.
  5. I was pulling in Retro over the air in New York City (Channel 42-7) for awhile, but I could only keep it by angling the antenna away from MeTV so I'm stuck for the moment. I was enjoying watching Soupy Sales on Retro - I caught the 70s color ones, though I loved his black and white 60s shows from New York the best.
  6. Good thread! I'll try to stick to what I think are UOs: I could *not* stand Abby. Not *ever*. I thought Angie Harmon was a dreadful actress, and Abby's snide, insubordinate attitude towards her superiors would have gotten her fired in a week in real life. To me that's bad writing as well. I thought Jamie was great, not only was she cool and intelligent, but I thought Carey Lowell made the most of some of the most moving episodes to me. Like the one where she has to convict her goofy friend Charlie of murder and feels guilty for doing the right thing, and also "Disappeared" where she promises the brother of the mentally ill murderer she will not seek the death penalty if the brother gives them information, and fulfills the promise in court by putting the brother on the stand at sentencing. I know a lot of people love Jack, but I couldn't stand any episode where he put the victim at risk in order to win the case - like the one where the wife had a bullet in her brain and he had it removed to prove the husband killed her. The wife died.
  7. I thought Tarek mentioned donating materials on one show but not sure when that was. I do remember that the Scott Brothers (I think it was Jonathan) mentioned donating their old materials in Property Brothers at Home. I think he may have mentioned Habitat for Humanity.
  8. I can think of a couple. I got to be a big fan of Elementary, though it wasn't dislike but rather not being able to see it previously when I was working nights. For me the best part is the relationship between Sherlock and Joan, I thought the best episode I saw all year was For All You Know. JLM and LL are great together. I didn't like Shark Tank the first time I watched it, because in the episode I saw almost none of the contestants got an offer, except someone with a food business (still a better chance of success than average in most cases it seems to me) and I felt sorry for them. However, over time I realized that some ideas are just bad, and a lot of the entrepreneurs are just dopey for turning the Sharks' offers down. I find it very entertaining now, though I wish they would make Barbara and Daymond the weekly regulars over Lori, who just grates on me.
  9. I always thought that the change of costumes was totally intentional, to heighten the absurdity (also the absurdity of war if you like). The movie, my favorite of the Marxes' (and a lot of other people's I would guess) was particularly loved during the anti-war era of the late 60s early 70s on college campuses if I recall correctly. Bless Margaret Dumont indeed! I remember Groucho paying tribute to her along with Harpo and Chico when he received his special Oscar.
  10. It's funny watching repeats of Antiques Roadshow from 1998 or 2000 and looking at the updated "values" of the items on the bottom of the screen. Not everything has gone up.
  11. One thing about Barney Miller, which was also true of Star Trek - shows like that made more of an effort to be racially diverse in their main cast, which I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't see everything) happens as much today. Barney Miller had great characters, I especially loved Dietrich (Steve Landesberg).
  12. Thanks very much biakbiak! I've been meaning to check Netflix and see if they had it. It's nice to discover a new show you've never seen before.
  13. I just saw for the first time a BBC mystery show on Channel 21 (Long Island, New York) called Death in Paradise. It apparently takes place in a fictional (?) Caribbean island and has very entertaining characters. I'll admit I'm generally stupid at this, but I didn't guess exactly whodunit or howdunit, so I thought it was pretty good and I'm going to try to record it Monday nights. It does seem to have a bit of a Law and Order quality in the sense that Anyway, I liked it a lot. Oh, I see there are a few references to the show above :) I guess I had just never heard of it before, but I think I saw ads for it while watching some cooking shows on the same channel. I never watch Food Network anymore, but between Channel 21 and Create, it is interesting to watch those shows and actually learn something, though I keep thinking about all the cleaning up the chefs (or more likely their staff) will have to do :)
  14. Psych was never my favorite show, but I did watch it for entertainment and I generally agree with this. I think it was a classic example of a show where you stick to it for the supporting cast - not that James Roday wasn't good, but Shawn was such a horribly immature character, and he never had to own up to it. The finale was great for most of the characters (agree on loving to see Lassie make Chief) but having Shawn and Gus move to SF without acknowledging Shawn's fakery stuck in my craw - also they never really gave Gus a chance to fall in love and have a real happy ending despite Gus being smarter, more honest, harder working, and just more likeable than Shawn. That bugged me most of all. I have to add for myself that I just can't quit The Weather Channel - I hate their over hyped named winter storms and reality shows, but every time a real weather event happens they do cover it thoroughly. I tried to watch Weather Nation for awhile, but they seem to operate on a shoestring with barely even a remote commentator or two.
  15. Thanks much Actionimage...but really CBS: ".....a marital milestone for Lucille Ball and Ricky Arnaz" um Ricky Arnaz??
  16. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one to mishear Stones Lyrics... Honest, back in grade school this is how I heard the last verse of Satisfaction: Instead of "Cause you see I'm on a losing streak" I heard "Cause you see I'm on Illusion Street" Maybe I got the idea from hearing Bob Dylan around the same time :)
  17. I don't know actually what year it came out, but when I was in grade school I would visit a boy I knew down the street sometimes when he was staying with his grandparents. At their house they had a 45 record of Lloyd Price singing "Personality". I still like that one. The first 45 I bought with my own allowance money, in the 60s, would have been "Cherish" by the Association. I still love that also. I had a clock radio in my room and could hear all the hits of that era. I just love the 1960s music, especially the mid 60s. Anyone else who does should try to listen to the oldies station, WLNG. They are live out of Long Island, but can be heard online and still play music from the 50s to (occasionally) the present day.
  18. Just read through this whole thread! Have to toss in a couple of mine...not meaning to offend anyone but just my experience... I like dogs, I really do, but I can't stand it when people stroll into restaurants with their dogs! I don't care if it's on a leash or being carried (carrying is even worse, imagine the germs). You shouldn't need a sign to tell you pets aren't allowed in a place where food is served, even takeout food. I just saw this the other day and the guy was just oblivious to the idea there was anything wrong with this, even though his girlfriend/wife then showed up and could have ordered for them... And worse than that, people at work who will not. shut. up. ever and who are loud about it. I used to work in a job which required great concentration and one of these people decided to work right next to me ... and even worse is when the boss does nothing about it. That's all I have at the moment :)
  19. Yes, MeTV was running The Odd Couple on Friday nights...until very recently I think, I imagine they will bring it back soon. They had a very cute mashup ad for awhile cleverly remaking the Odd Couple opening and music with Kirk and Spock of Star Trek! However it would make me sad now that Leonard Nimoy has passed away. Prican, I understand what you're saying re The Beverly Hillbillies, though what I'd like to see are some more showings of Green Acres...maybe it was the late 1960s surrealism influence, but Green Acres was one hilariously weird sitcom!
  20. Thanks Cobb Salad, I said this back on TWOP (I think), but The Fugitive, in addition to being a great noir, gloomy series, made tremendous use of the episodic nature of television, and it had a lot of really great episodes. I do regret ABC switched it over to color at the end (almost inevitable at the time); it was a great show for the black and white look.
  21. Wow, thanks Collinwood. You have sharp eyes, I finally found that tiny icon after scrolling down four webpages' worth. CBS has got to redesign that website. Anyway will look out for the future days - I missed The Fugitive this tiime around but hope to see it again soon.
  22. Can someone just bring back the oriiginal Iron Chef? For a while it was on Cooking Channel but I don't think it's shown anywhere now. I especially liked it when they subtitled Kaga's part out of respect for his great voice.
  23. I agree, remember the commercial with the giant Cheeze Puff or whatever it was? After Stephen made fun of it on the air, I never saw that commercial again. I still laugh thinking about Viacom's letter asking him not to start up the Super Pac, and his reading it on the air: "Please do not read this on the air" Ha!
  24. I've only just located the official webpage for Decades here: http://www.decades.com/#tunein-section and nowhere can I find any listings for programming beyond the current day. and really, after all this buildup I would at least expect some kind of consistency in the programming. Today, for instance they are showing the film of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant, and a report on Agent Orange use in Vietnam with...half a dozen episodes of the Mary Tyler Moore Show? Huh? Maybe when I get a chance to see some of this I will like it better, but my love of 60s culture doesn't extend to the Beverly Hillbilllies or Hogan's Heroes...I hope the "Binge" on weekends will be good, I just wish I could find listings for it.
  25. On further thought, the idea of square wheels on strollers sounds especially scary. I remember an episode of Mythbusters in which Adam and Jamie tested a square wheeled vehicle and came to the conclusion that it was not an improvement.
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