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Everything posted by Neeners

  1. Ya know, I don't believe for a second Eileen was the first person Brandi had ever thrown wine on. She did it pretty easily to Jeff (and he said they were just talking during the break and he apologized).
  2. There were no tears. This is what she does - she does something outrageous (throwing wine), then plays the victim.
  3. Jax was licking that cock wand (TM British Douche) showing off his skills! I had to rewind it to make sure I saw it right. What is wrong with me?
  4. I really like Eileen, but I'm cautious in my admiration. I have a horrible track record of liking someone that seems like a welcome addition to this show and ends up being a total bitch (See Brandi).
  5. What a great ending. I, too, think they should stop it there. Now saying that, I'm sure I would watch a third season. Lisa was fantastic and absolutely deserves an Emmy (that's the first thing I thought once the episode was over).
  6. I enjoyed Sting and Trudie. They didn't take themselves too seriously and giggled quite a bit.
  7. Maybe they are thinking of bringing her back because nobody else wants to film with Brandi?
  8. A few quick things: Brandi's "I Dream of Jeannie" look is a big miss with me. I can't even imagine being able to spend a week on that yacht; it looked amazing. I really like the two new ladies and think they are a nice addition to this season. (Now I'm wondering what they're going to do to make me regret saying this...)
  9. Am I the only one who thinks Brandi isn't writing her own blogs this season?
  10. Somehow my TiVo did not record the episode and recorded Bones instead (wtf?), so thank goodness for this site!
  11. I hated having the Euros in this episode and hope it's just a one time thing. The only positive is at least now I know not to waste my time watching their show. The guy on the right had hair that made my eyes bleed.
  12. I always thought whipping was much worse than spanking. I loved this episode, and love this show. ALL of the kids are wonderful. I agree, though - that Diane steals the show.
  13. Alan Cumming seems to be a total sweetheart. I have a non-sexual crush on him.
  14. I feel like the last few episodes have been sub-par.
  15. I'm surprised how much I like this show. My favorites are the Zeno family. Last week when the mom said she was glad she didn't have to worry about a stranger kidnapping the son by offering him candy and the son said something like, "ya got WiFi?". Also, I agree last night the dad yodeling was hilarious. I rewound it to show my husband. I really like that family. The kid seems like he actually enjoys spending time with his parents.
  16. Somehow my TiVo missed last night's episode. Divine intervention, I suppose.
  17. Missed the pilot episode, but caught the last two. This is definitely my favorite new comedy so far. The casting is fantastic - especially the kids. The little girl has awesome comedic timing. I'm hooked!
  18. Liam Neeson is a great sport. That helium game was pretty funny, as was the skit.
  19. I couldn't figure out why she looked different, either. Maybe the hair and the gap between the bangs.
  20. Do you think that the hamsters could hear the audience at all during that HOH competition? I'm thinking of when Derrick switched his answer at the last second (after the audience gasp).
  21. I'm ridiculously happy that Donny has a friend in the house now. Ridiculously.
  22. I haven't really watched BB since the Will/Boogie season. It's been a long time, and I mostly end up just watching it because there's not a lot else on TV in the summer. I've forgotten a lot about the way people can and do act. Last night before falling asleep I caught myself thinking, "But she swore on the bible!" Good lord. ETA good grief I need to read before posting...
  23. I don't think there is any way Victoria is going to vote to keep Zach. Especially after destroying his/her hat.
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