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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. I want P or E to anser her: 'well, HIM running off to tell his pastor is rather unlikely'
  2. Probably because this would mean backup-checks or at least the possibility of them. Far too hot a potatoe. On another note: I've recently rewatched some of the earlier episodes. Funny how Jared was able to waffle on for minutes about how he killed his parents after he got shot in the neck, while Tatiana dies almost instantly after being shot in the kidney area (and of course all the bystanders doing nothing)
  3. Seems I am not the only one who is not bothered that Stan's realisation came so close to the end - it had to. If he had started to suspect his neighbors earlier, especially when Elizabeth was running multiple operations at once, it would have been so much easier for him to monitor their moves and carefully prepare operations to grab and detain them. But now, with E going against the centre and the operation in Chicago, P&E are extremely vigilant. They are fractionally ahead of Stan through other circumstances and may have the head start they need to get out. Slightly disappointed that Claudia got away. Good on Oleg for not giving up his fellow Russians - and he is right, Stan is a bist daft. They Cyanide is still in play!
  4. The funny thing is, that while time stopped for the characters' ageing, its fast forwarding through all the publishing processes - releasing a book, getting movie deals and follow ups on sales figures usually take a tad longer than a few weeks. I think the only reference we have regarding pace is Caitlyn?
  5. oh bananas. My least favourite episode this season (should've known, the promo already left me cold last week) As I've mentioned before, I am not a fan of those Trump-politics heavy stories - its enough to deal with irl. Things like that idiot-judge or using all the tricks to get Jay into federal custody are enraging, but then the 'good side' drags a pretend art collector into court and nonchalantley uses microtargeting to sway the judge? The ending was was a bit weird too - not really in keeping with their style so far. On the plus side: Liz and Diane working together is such a great driver for the show. I'm curious what will happen to the firm and Diane in the final episode - as the show is tied to real life politics and with mid-terms coming up, a lot can change until the next season.
  6. My guess: Paige ends up in Russia. P/E - one gets killed, one takes his/her own life. Henry stays in the US. Oleg will not see his family again. If both, P and E, make it back to Russia they would fall apart - there is no common cause to unite them and their marriage had to put up with too much pressure already - (it makes me think of 'The Bridges of Madison County', where the happy ending would not have lasted). If only one survives he/she would be emotianlly crushed - I doubt Philip would return home to be with Martha and Mischa, thats just too utopian. Elizabeth for all her hard exterior, would be utterly heartbroken without Philip and on returning home she would not recognize Russia as the country she remembers. Logistically, with Henry back at school, there just isn't time to get him out when push comes to shove. Maybe Paige gets out with Claudia - and to be honest, having her confronted with the reality she foolishly chose, would be very rewarding.
  7. Its like the stock-market, isn't it? Ideally the shares (or the decentralized internet) is distributed between a large number of users, each owning only a teeny tiny part. If you own more than 50% of shares in a company you can control, and potentially destroy, it. The party that owns more than 50% of Pipernet has the power to alter or destroy it.
  8. Great finale, shame that it was such a short season. I liked Gilfoyle and Monica teaming up - being a smart and strategic thinking woman who pushes Gilfoyle and Dinesh is a good spot for Monica. Love the Belson-Bezos enemyship. A cameo by Jeff would be funny. So we will get Yian Jang back? What happened to the money he got in the deal, did he gamble it away? Will the tables be turned next season with Richard as the new Gavin and Gavin as the new Richard?
  9. I was not keen on the 'Assholes to Avoid' case (that was a carbon copy of the Aziz Ansari story, wasn't it?) and I am torn about how it ended, but what they did portray well is that there are a lot of different opinions, even among women. Great that Lucca is in such high demand, but I think Colin will loose to the Nazi (because Trump) and there will be no need to move to DC. Still keeping my fingers crossed that they are together by the end of the season. They finally disentangled the Kurt situation and yay for Liz and Diane as a power-couple - the latter, unfortunately, probably won't last. And how can that police officer Whitehead still be at work? I though Colin was working on the drop-gun case?
  10. Nah, Margo's character has always been a democrat. She was the campaign manager for Peter in The Good Wife. (I love The Americans where Margo plays a KGB agent, and sometimes I imagine that she stayed after the cold war ended and became her TGW/TGF character)
  11. Hannemann is so over the top that it was way more hilarious than the Big Bang episode. I didn't mind the similarity, the episodes have probably been written around the same time. Finally Monica is a proper part of PP. They need 'new' blood, she knows her sh*t and I would love for her to become a competent counterpart to Dinesh and Gilfoyle - their characters have become a bit stale in this season. If they wanna go klischee and have a romantic plot with her and Richard I am not totally opposed, as long as the show keeps its vibe (unlike Big Bang). Again so many nuggets of reality in the Gavin story. They don't want to produce in the US and if the do, their demands are irrational. His speech was very entertaining when he phrased it so that any failure would be on politics not Hooli.
  12. For my birthday I got an episode that had everything. Lemond Bishop eyecandy, Colin Sweeny (creepy but hilarious), Diana and Liz finally starting to join forces, a Lucca and Colin moment, Marissa in emergency mode, Maya on the rise, Jay is back and the sly trinity of Lester-Landau-Waltzer. They spoilt me! Great epsiode, I did not expect Boseman getting shot.
  13. I agree with everything you said. It seems I was wrong thinking that big head will be only in one episode - he is also in the promo for the next one. There was certainly more to the scenes in China than Gavin being screwed, which was hilarious - well done Mr. factory boss whos name I don't remember. (Was the actor who played im Tzi Ma? One of 24's biggest villains?) Suggesting that Western companies supress improvement in working conditions in cheap labor countries ... there is some truth to that.
  14. bbfff the Trump stuff is starting to really put me off and I think one of the reasons why is because there won't be any revelations or surprises as the show is always lagging behind reality. The thing with the goats was just ridicculous. I love the Colin/Lucca dynamic but for me, the solution to Colin's racist issues was a little to easy, what a lucky coincidence. Good for the Jay's friend though.
  15. oh dear, Richard almost grew a pair in this episode. It is good, as @Should Be Working mentioned upthread, to see them not failing at everything for a change. I know an IT guy who looks very much like the AI-perv, so the final revelation was a bit weird for me because my former colleague is actually a really nice person. Plus Fiona creeped me out.
  16. Hmm I like Jay and it was surprising that he got the boot, but I think the point about that story was to give another perspective on the lawer-killing thing. I can see how a case like Jay's could make people turn on lawers. I liked about Marissa's discovery that they explained the mechanism and highlighted the problem very well. Oh Diane, what a mess.
  17. THANK YOU for getting rid of Jian-Yang - at least for the moment. Although I can't see how he could've gotten hold of the code - while stealing snacks seems a tad unlikely. I would love to see more of big head, but I think we won't. He was easily the best part of the episode. Him and Laurie.
  18. I think they meant an absolute monarchy where the country is ruled by one person (like a tyrant) - in most of the countries you mentioned the monarchy is constitutional and decisions are made in parliament
  19. I get what you are saying and I think its because there are so many likeable characters and there is a good balance between the more serious senior partner business and the younger girls with Lucca going back and forth. TGW was always more focussed towards to top the associates stuff was mostly stiff (thanks to Alicia, I'd say). I thought so too, but I am not mad - its a similar scenario with a much more likeable couple and Colin's mum is a hoot. If they ever get her and Elsbeth in one scence my TV will implode :-). I do hope though, that it ends well for Lucca and Colin, that it actually brings them back together because I already got my sea-legs on that ship. With all the trouble ahead for Diane and Kurt we could do with some romance. I would have loved Eli back, he is - pun intended - gold. Its nice to see Maia a bit more relaxed aswell - not keen on the cheating but her relationship was doomed the moment Amy was sworn in at the beginning of the season. To be frank, I find her work outfits so matronly that its quite refreshing to see her in a more youthful setting. (Lucca's print dress in this episode was great!)
  20. Jiang is annoying as f*ck. I hatet Ehrlich, and I hate Jiang even more. With the 10% stake in PP we won't be rid of him for a long time. Dogs in the office are a big NO for me, and they perfectly illustrated why. I never thought I'd say that, but please get Richard a girl and let him screw that up for a while instead of making a mess of the company all the time. It would do their group some good to drift apart for a bit in their social life..
  21. For a moment I thought she wouldn't tell Colin and it's gonna be some back and forth over the next couple of episodes, but bless her, she did. It seems as if it will take them quite some time to figure things out though. Uff Diane, I'm not keen on your new guy. I bet she'll finish the season as protester in chief and without Kurt. Also, is she micro-dosing all the time, or are those hallucinations all non drug related? They freak me out. Apart from Colin's mum, who was hilarious, it was an ok episode - not nearly as exciting as last week's though.
  22. Check the Media Thread - jjj shared a link to an article about the artist and the involvement during the season. Its worth a read and the pictures they chose are stunning.
  23. My money is on Claudia - probably for something involving Paige, or Paige herself. Very promising start to the final season, I can't wait, and at the same time dread, to see how the Jennings' story will end.
  24. Me too!! Its great that Lucca has a more prominent spot on this show, she was sold short on TGW. I was even happy that Lucca is pregnant - the scenes with her and the kid were so cute. I hope she'll get back together with Colin, they are hot as a couple. And her brother was not bad either - as a character he was even likeable at the end. A bit disappointed that Diane always ends up locking heads with every other strong female of equal stance. The scene with Liz and her in the bar was really promising. Kurt vs. the bartender, whose political opinions, incidently, are the total opposite of Kurts? meh, not that keen on that, because it will be ugly. I love Marissa, her quirky style speaks more to me than Kalinda's approach to investigation. I hope they can find a suitable story for Maya, now that we've hopefully seen the last of her annoying family. Loved seeing Elsbeth again and I hope they're gonna have Rita Wilson on the show again too.
  25. I'm always happy when they kick Helen off, but to be honest they were all ok this week. Nowadays there is no definitive style for Rock, Pop or Country - they are so broad and have to many subcategories and crossovers that unless they give them specific artists to design for, it is almost impossible to miss the mark. Give them 'Early 2000s Eurovision', 'Folk Death Metal' and 'Honky Tonk' next time.
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