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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. Young Aragorn, thats what came to my mind a few episodes ago ;-)
  2. I came here to write some lengthy rant about Scarlett, but I won't. Just 2 things: 1: Overall, I think loosing CB is a chance for the show to slowly introduce new characters or give others more of the limelight - I want a small storyline for Bucky and Scarlett's agent - they are likeable characters and with all the crap they have to deal with, I'm sure something interesting can come from that. 2: Sorry, Maddie, but I, like, can't with, you know, that, like, stupid way they make teenagers talk. Form proper sentences, intonate and don't slurr your lines (or whatever you call it when it sounds like they don't use their jaw or tounge and everything comes out in that monotonous tone - drives me up the wall, dammit)
  3. Do Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio not get on IRL? I would not be surprised tbh. I confess that I have always had a weak spot for Scarlett and Gunnar and I was hoping that - based on how the last season ended - they could finally be the no drama couple of the show and get on with their music, because neither Juliette & Avery nor Rayna & Deacon are set for a quiet releationship life. I wonder what breaking them up will do to the Exes, because every other plausible scenario has already been done in earlier seasons, unless they plan to have Will, Gunnar and Avery form a boyband ;-) Thanks for the info about the Damien actor being a young Voldemort. The character reminds me of that Oliver guy in The OC.
  4. I was thinking the same about the jump suit ;-) and it annoyed me that he was using the 'gay marriage' theme to schmooze up to the judges and the audience, because neither his design (not even the first one), nor the initial source of inspiration (the art) had anything to do with that. It was picked for the story and I can't believe that he sailed by this week again. THAT sums it up pretty well. If the judges say that Dom's was AV for Dom's design aesthetic - then the same thing can be said about Emily and Kini. Ken did well - as far as AV challenges go, that was pretty decent. So what do we think about the finale? Dom, Kini and Sam? I liked Alissas style in the museum.
  5. it was obvious from the very first scene of the episode that Lindsey would be the one auf'd - which was beyond annoying. Iirc we have seen variations of Edmond's coat before on PR, but never mind that, the pants were super! Minus the coat his ensemble looked like something from Taylor Swift's Bad Blood video :-) Ashley needs to get a grip. I can see her getting auf'd and TG-rescued next week. I'm still firmly on team Kelly.
  6. wow, loosing Jake and Joseph ... Christmas has come early this year. Paula was pretty lame as a guest judge. Didn't Ashley do a similar top for the Mary Kay challenge already? apart from the Polaroids I was not impressed. Kelly's I liked and I think her personality is a breath of fresh air for this format. Why Joseph was in the top is beyond me.
  7. I hope thats it with the cringe-worthy episodes for this season. The only good thing that came out of that is that Amanda is finally gone. Ashley disappointed me - the pounding tactic is something that hardly ever works (and I should know because I'm a world class pounder) especially in this setting and its really annoying to watch on tv. It found it very interesting that Candice went around and 'inspired' everyone in the early stages and yabbing about being a born leader in the interviews but the moment they had to face their lack of direction neither she nor anyone else was able (or willing) to take the lead. A clear and focused direction that gives everyone a framework for their design - thats what Swapnil did for the other team with his 50s silhouette and thats what someone on the girl's team should have done after Tim's critique. It called for 'the reverse Gretchen'. The boys and Merline were lucky that they had someone with a clear vision and that they respect him enough to take direction from him. Without Swapnil and Edmond they would probably have been as lost as the girls. My favourite looks were actually Blake's and Jake's. I liked Swapnils but the skirt kinda looked liked Blake's parachute last week. Edit: They film the bit with where Heidi tells/announces the challenge on runway day and the designing/field trips/Mood spree ususally take place the following day. It was interesting that Ashley was all pissed about the selection process but you really couldn't tell from the bits we saw from the morning before the paint ball game (at the start of the episode). Ah well ...
  8. Two great guest-judges in a row? Thats a PR/Lifetime first, isn't it? Kiernan Shipka was really pleasant and observant. Considering we are usually treated to the likes of Kaley Cuoco who is twice Kiernan's age and all she had to say was 'I would totally wear that'. I hope Kelly makes it to Fashion week - either as a finalist or with a decoy collection. I really want to see her translate her Sporty Spice aesthetic into a collection. Her design and styling this week were great. It was great that they had 45' at mood - its usually a lot less, isn't it? It makes some of the fabric choices all the more disappointing though. Gabrielle had cannon-fodder written all over her from the very first episode. It probably wouldn't have needed overlocker-gate and I'm not surprised, although I'd rather see her than loud and attention seeking '2n'd time lucky' Amanda. There is nothing I can say about Blake that has not been said already. Swapnil's dress was ok, but it looked soo tight in the back on the bum. I wasn't keen on Candice - I liked Kelly and Ashley.
  9. What. a. set. up. Another TPTB driven button bag. Well done Tim for leading another designer astray - seriously, he of all people should know that swimwear would be a cliche and he saw their fabrics. Should we start a weekly 'Tims worst advice' drinking game? Judging from Hanmiao's previous looks she could've done something nice with this brief. I found Edmond exhausting. With his immunity he could've given her some room to design something more in her wheelhouse and then settle for making something to complement it. But no. Lindsey and Jake were only in the top so their non existing team work could be criticized. The St. Petersburg look was hideous. Fashionable Russians are quite on par with, for example, the French nowadays. Maybe if Bunny McDougal takes a cruise to Baltic Sea. Some of those fabrics they got were quite ugly and looked cheap. Team Greece was quite right not to use it too much. Shame Blake was so nasty with the fabrics - Team South of France could have done so much better with more white in their design. The guest judge (never heard of her tbh) was a breath of fresh air.
  10. Yes, I'm pretty sure too that it was the drafting/pattern paper. There was nothing besides cards in the shop and if it had been the bags we could see the creases. There was a table with some supplies (like the glitter, feathers, some paper) in the room too, but no paper sheets that big. Is it ok for him to use them for such a big part of the design? He got a great effect from large sheets of paper while everyone else had to patchwork those tiny cards (at least those who adhered to the rules).
  11. ooh goody, the 'lets glue gun stuff on musselin' challange. I remember the seasons when glue guns were frowned at - on the other hand, there was hardly another way if the material are cards ... Shame about David, I liked him - his dress in the first challenge was gorgeous - and I like to chime in on the 'why wasn't Blake called out for showing that much musselin'. Although there were others that should have been in the bottom, I think it would not have changed the overall result. I was really disappointed by Ashley. Girl, you are save, you could've gone completely bonkers with your cards and your poncho. Surprising absence of cat fights so far, but I will hold judgement on that until after the team challenge.
  12. between Michelle's stomach lips, the Chippendale beach boys and Zanna's pointless critiques all I can do to describe this episode is roll my eyes.
  13. When Tim used his save on Char, didn't he babble something about missing her positive energy/attitude/personality? I can't remember him saying much about bringing back a great designer. (yes, besides the obligatory 'oh you have so much more to show us'). That TGS is useless - I hope he didn't take the same approach when he handed out grades that way back when he was a teacher. Korina ... I understand her anger, but she practically handed the producers the opportunity to go in that direction by being pretty big headed and mouthy from the start of the competition. I actually liked that the designers could decide what they wanted to make for this challenge, so theoretically everyone could act in their own wheelhouse. With that being said: the button bag did a pretty good job teaming up those with similar POVs.
  14. This episode, even with all the constructed drama, was just boring. All it did was give Tim the well deserved final push for his fall from the pedestal we was put on for the past few years. And how lame was that Make Over Challenge? No Before/After Shots, no new haircuts/colours? The whole thing was more about making them an outfit for a special occasion than improving their everyday style. Alas. Next!
  15. did my hearing deceive me or is designing something that looks like Chanel and Westwood a good thing, whereas doing something that reminds the judges of McQueen is criticism? oy, with the poodles already! Sandhya's design was not good, Sean's was blah and what was Emily thinking ... but why the hell was Alexander not sent home? I don't mind the Auf, but Sandhya's collection for FW was one of the best this season and with Fäde gone aswell we are left with those designers who do most of their stuff in uninspired black/white/unicolour fabrics.
  16. I hope the likes of Jay, Alexandria, Dimitri, Chris and Fabio can turn out some interesting designs while Helen (ugh!), Michelle, Patricia (just because she is a target for the other 3) and Kate are busy playing mean girls with and against each other. It was inevitable to see the unbearable Helen again in some spin-off, but to have her on the same circle as Kate and Alexandria again is a bit draining. I hope it does not play out the same way as S12. I don't mind seeing Chris March on the show again, because he is a very loveable guy and never an annoying troublemaker - and his designs are pretty good, I loved his last All Stars final collection. If there is a team challenge with teams of 3, I'm all for Chris, Fabio and Alexandria in one team! And I hope they kick out the first one who does that ugly raw shredding technique again. (Bye Helen!)
  17. I was not surprised that Fäde was Auf'd because this season you can usually tell who is doomed and who's gonna win after the first half of the episode. If Kini was really thinking about making an umbrella, then the way to mimic the shape is how he did it - so I doubt that it had anything to do with Christian or Leanne. Avant Garde challenges are always pretty disappointing because we hardly get anything that deserves to be called Avant Garde. I was hoping that they would send home Korina despite her having immunity, that was just crap. But I'm ok with Fäde leaving, because his garment didn't fit the brief at all. Char's was not good, Alexander's was a rain poncho and another friggin jumpsuit. The top 3 garments worked visually well on the dark backdrop of the rainway. I also think that Sandhya is not wrong to turn down Tim's advice. There have been plenty of occasions in the past few seasons where his advice did not improve a design or guarantee that the judges would like it (didn't he tell Kini to watch the length of his dress last week, only for the judges to say that it should be shorter?) - last season he even sealed the Auf for Kahindo when the blatantly told the judges that it was his idea to use some fabrics on top of each other. Tim may be able to help them to avoid major fashion mistakes, but he is not the dalai lama of fashion.
  18. Apparently Heidi didn't have anything to do with Alisar being on PR. There is a casting for the PR models and she just went there and got the job. After she won the Top Model thing she hired a lawyer to get out of the management contract with Heidi Klum's dad (?) or something along those lines. So I don't think Heidi Klum would do anything to further her career nowadays.
  19. I like them most of the time, but I am the first person to agree that both of their behaviors is frustrating. From being alike in personality, Amy has turned into a whiny teenager eager for her sexual breakthrough, and Sheldon has become painfully dismissive towards her. I dunno what tptb's overall idea is, but its kind of a roller coaster with them. We get the occasional aww-episode, but we still don't see much of Sheldon opening up (and there was that episode where they sat on his bed and he said he is working on it) - at least not without Amy tricking him or a preceding argument. He could be a better BF to her and still have issues with the physical thing, and still be a nit picky prick, but from where they are now, it will take a heck of a writing job to get them there. Alas maybe that episode with the psychic is forshadowing something. Amy needs to get more independent - she relies to much on her relationship and her friends. I feel like she is afraid that if she loosens her grip on both, she'll loose them. She just needs to muster the courage to try things out on her own, make other friends. And she needs to tell Sheldon what she thinks without a the whiny voice and the self degrading plans.
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