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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. There are studies on that and it was used in the court case in one of the first episodes of The Good Wife.
  2. what a rubbish season finale. I liked that the pub in the background when Maggie and Liza arrived in Ireland was called 'Maggie's' and that we have Diana back in prowling mode. Maggie hooking up with Claire's mum on the other hand ... yeah, whatever. Charles should make sure the contract with Moore is altered to favor Empirical and then kick Zayne out - blaming Kelsey in front of Charles was the worst, and Charles should know that Kelsey would never do that. It was beyond unrealistic and , frankly, unreasonable for Josh to ask Liza to come to Ireland - dude must have other friends. Liza reminding him that she can not give him what he wants was necessary (he didn't listen though, he never does), but she should not have cuddled up to him. Liza's lovelife on this show is like watching an odd ping pong game. Its always rejection-triggered - she just wants one because she can't have the other. I have no clue what the endgame for Liza will be - and I don't even know what I want it to be.
  3. I thought that he probably didn't know they would look that sheer on camera or in a highly lit workroom - I have a few blouses that look alright when I check myself in the mirror at home, but are a totally different story outside in bright daylight. I found it odd that the camera zoomed in on them so much. I can't complain about this weeks episode, both the win and the auf were alright. Well done, Michael. Kentaros probably was too much work to mass produce it at a reasonably price (all that scalloping at the top) I would like to see more of Amy. She showed good knowledge when she predicted that Aaron's fabric would be less flowy due to him printing most of it. What are the odds on one twin being aufd in a team challenge where they are split up and unable to help each other design and sew?
  4. Jay is so nice, he is like the female equivalent of Maggie. He's grown on me this episode. I wonder if he will turn now that he knows about Charles. They really did a lousy job with the build-up if they think we buy that Liza is madly in love with Charles. Attracted to, yes, but head over heels? nope, not from where I'm standing. Diana is amazing, I'm so glad she finally got rid of Richard, I knew right away that he was a leech only looking for a place to stay. Diana is the boss! I know I keep repeating myself but: get Diana and Maggie into the same scene already, they are a cynical Waldorf and Statler waiting to happen. We all know whats coming re Josh/Claire, don't we? Ugh Zayne. We get so little of Maggie and Diana as it is, do they really have to throw in another big ego? I hope that storyline does not take away too much from other characters. and ugh Charles' wife (she looked great in that purple velvet dress though).
  5. There better is some big reveal scheduled for one of the last two episodes where Liza finally grabs Charles and the needy Ex (how annoying is she!) is driven off. Count me in on Team 'Lauren working for Empirical', I also think the greencard marriage will happen. Maybe Diana kicks out Richard and starts pining for Charles again next season, becoming BFF with Maggie while he and Liza are secretly ... oh I've drifted off again, haven't I ;-) Also, is there someone around who can enlighten me about the usual timeline for a book? It seems that process is unnaturally sped up (like that LL Moore pseudonym sex book), while all the social stories are slowed down. So from Charles confession (where Liza first met Pauline) to the point where half of the book is edited it would be months, wouldn't it? And Charles and Liza have not worked anything out yet?
  6. I don't think anything that comes out of that button bag is random anymore. (If it were a truly random process a designer could end up designing only for larger models and others only on skinnier ones.)
  7. There was too much of Josh and his new squeeze in this episode. It was a surprise that Liza told Kelsey about kissing Charles (btw. did Charles even know that Josh was still in the picture when he kissed Liza in the Hamptons? He deserved that punch if he did, but otherwise its totally on Liza, especially since she kissed him first at the concert) Pauline is so desperate. And honestly, what would it say about their relationship if Charles takes her back just because he can't have Liza? WE NEED MORE DIANA, DAMMIT!
  8. He seemed off from the start - a psychiatrist who slept in his office, smoozes up to Diana, squatters in her flat ... I never liked him.
  9. When Charles told Liza that nothing will change between them, I surely expected him to finish it off with asking her out. He wants her badly enough and if he is serious it is about time they spend some quality time with each other. All of the storylines were a bit weird this week, weren't they? Richard's son and his sex toys, I mean who leaves something like that lying around on a living room couch? - Richard putting it back because he doesn't want to embarass his son was a nice dad gesture, but inappropriate regarding Diane. The rooftop douchebags - I second that it was inappropriate to invite them and let them pay what is a hefty bill. The whole scenario was quite forced considering it was for episode only? So the chickens, lying bucketloads of eggs, and a perfectly vibrant garden just sprang up on the rooftop over night? At least we got a great Maggie moment from it. Not too keen on the irish girl. At the moment the show does not know what to do with their secondary plots while hardly moving Liza's story forward? and one more thing: Charles having his crush babysit while he meets with his ex? that, to me, was the pinnacle of weird for this episode.
  10. What I like about the Charles character is that he is quite straight forward - both his angry rant last week and telling Liza that he does not regret what (almost) happened were quite refreshing. At the same time it made me realise that we know hardly anything about Charles. I'm still not against Josh and Kelsey hooking up because I think the story would make sense if both Liza and Kelsey continue to be friends but both trying to keep their love life more private - probably with Lauren as a loose cannon in between. Now, Pauline. This storyline makes me so angry. The book does not fit with Millenial - so of course she has an ulterior motive. However aren't there only a few ways this could, realistically, play out? If Charles had feelings for her or Empirical/Millenial publish the book (why should they?) it would spoil up Liza/Charles big time. Or Pauline switches into super-jealous mode because she can't get Charles back, goes all Sherlock and discover Liza's age and threaten her with it (aka Thad 2.0). Or will Liza self-sacrifice her by telling Charles to 'go and work things out with Pauline first'. Oh please don't make Liza hook up with Jay (nice guy, but a friend of Charles) because she has to put her lust for her boss on the backburner - sorry I'm rambling. this episode didn't make me happy.
  11. She did tell her about Josh, but not the age thing.
  12. YES, ME TOO! And my reaction to this episode and the promo for the next was to go back to the season preview to check whether the scenes with the more steamy stuff matched the promo. they do. horray. Now lets get Charles and Liza going, mix up Kelsey and Josh a bit and make Maggie and Diana BFFs - that should keep the story going for a while. re this episode: Someone further up hit the nail on the head when they said the Maggie story looked like something that was written for Samantha in SATC.
  13. I turned off the TV halfway through the episode because I just can't be bothered anymore. Judging by your comments I haven't missed much. Let me know when its worth tuning in again.
  14. I second that. Just get them together already - at least for a few episodes. They are clearly ready to jump each others bones and I can't stand another teaser finale that leads nowhere. It seems I'm in a minority because I quite like Liza's wardrobe. Mixing vintage and young modern to avoid highlighting the age in her face. However I agree with what someone said earlier, that she looks younger with her hair down. Her up-dos make her look older.
  15. YES, I want Maggie and Diana to finally meet and become BFFs already. #DreamTeam Sidenote: Whats wrong with romance without a happy ending? at least every now and then.
  16. The best thing about this episode: Diana's flamingo earrings. The start of the episode was actually quite entertaining but I was meh about everthing that happened after the funeral. I wasn't keen on Liza hooking up with the architect and thought it was weird that Liza casualy told him about her age. I'm curious regarding the promo as to why Kelsey doesn't like Montana - I like her bubbly personality and that they chose to have her reveal her hookup with Josh to Liza right away. My money is still on Josh and Kelsey hooking up before this season is over (after she b*nged her gorgeous, confident, flirty rival and probably stole his writer too). Lauren had it coming - I'm sorry - girl, the time has come for you to work on yourself and figure out what you want, because you can't have it all at once.
  17. They lost me with this episode - and the promo for the next one. If Scarlett loses the baby and then suddenly rediscoveres her eternal love for Gunnar we are exactly back where we were at the start of the season. Except that the exes will have a harder time finding a director for their next video when word of Scarletts break downs on sets spreads. There would have been nothing wrong with keeping them happy as a couple during the season - in fact one storyline with a positive vibe would do the show good. But no, everything has to be repetitive drama. I was ok with everything else that went on, however for me the Daphne stuff is not in balance with the rest of the show. How can the writers give Avery and Deacon such heartbreakingly great scences and then go on and write the sub-par crap for Scunnar and Maddie. I'm annoyed.
  18. That was a really good episode. I liked the judge ( I like that they always give them very distinct personalities), and the thing with the tax numbers was a bit lame. Marissa and her snide comments in front of the grand jury and Krestiva was great. On another note: I hate the opening for this show, I think its really weird, the music doesn't fit and its too long.
  19. How is this first attempt with the arbitration-board work supposed to work with Chumhum being roughly the size of Google? Surely they would need more than one jury? They lost me there. I like quirky Elsbeth, but the new 'office' is a bit riddiculous - she is supposed to be a smart, successful lawyer, she can do better than a day clinic or dentist or whatever thats supposed to be. She used to have proper offices in the old show. Also Maya and Elsbeth looked like mother and daughter in some of those shots. One more thing: Can they get Matthew Goode's Finn back on the show? Pretty please!
  20. Noel Fielding may be a bit out there, but I'm ok with that. love Sandy on QI but, to me, she is the odd one out in the Bake Off line up. Personally I would have flown in Mel Buttle or Claire Hooper to present the show with Noel. (I quite liked the presenters on the Aussie version of the show).
  21. Oh Hannah, you will never be a Lorelai Gilmore. PS: Will Shoshanna get an actual storyline his season? Because someone asked about the surf instructor:
  22. I loved the episode. Time to stop the Alicia name dropping and let the show stand on its own feet. I wasn't keen on Lucca in TGW, but like her a lot now, and I love Adrian. With a good case this week, Elsbeth, Kurt and sleezy Matthew Perry made this - in my opinion - the best episode yet. Can't wait to see the Rindell story unfold. Now if they could squeeze in Rita Wilson at some point .... :-)
  23. The timing is a head scratcher - how could it be Damien's? I'd put ten quid on it being twins, one is Gunnar's, one is Damien's? Is Damien even still around? AND: Poor Gunnar, he has been through the whole 'You got a child - oops, no, sorry, its not yours, its your brothers' crap before (because the writers have already squeezed everything from the soap opera scripting handbook into the first couple of seasons). Please, if you have to make Maddie the center of attention, tone down a notch or, better, two. She is bloody annyoing.
  24. Young Aragorn, thats what came to my mind a few episodes ago ;-)
  25. I came here to write some lengthy rant about Scarlett, but I won't. Just 2 things: 1: Overall, I think loosing CB is a chance for the show to slowly introduce new characters or give others more of the limelight - I want a small storyline for Bucky and Scarlett's agent - they are likeable characters and with all the crap they have to deal with, I'm sure something interesting can come from that. 2: Sorry, Maddie, but I, like, can't with, you know, that, like, stupid way they make teenagers talk. Form proper sentences, intonate and don't slurr your lines (or whatever you call it when it sounds like they don't use their jaw or tounge and everything comes out in that monotonous tone - drives me up the wall, dammit)
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