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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. I am not a kiddie person, so children's week is usually not my favourite episode - but I liked the hoodies, especially all the whimsical fabrics. I was also glad that there was a variety of styles for the dance costume challenge and not just a bunch of leotards and tull skirts. Overall I liked the one with well defined lines like the sailor and the two folk dancing dresses - and I liked the two hip hop outfits. With the kids in this episode it was even more apparent that Patrick and Esme are also very careful and restrained when touching the models or highlighting certain parts of the outfit - unlike the PR judges who are far more hands on (I get that it is how its done in the fashion business, but its not necessarily how it should be done on TV).
  2. I dont sew either but this show makes me think I could if I wanted to and that I would enjoy it. Its the same with GBBO, the pottery show or the painting challenge, even that Amy Poehler/Nick Offerman crafting show - these programmes are encouraging, while so many others are just about the drama. I love news items about increases in sales for the ingredients of the weeks Bake Off challenges by xxx% because people are giving the recipes a try or that haberdashery sales have gone up after the first season of sewing bee.
  3. I'd think so. The All Stars season that is being broadcast now has been shot 2 (?) years ago and wasn't shown right away due to the Weinstein scandal because his wife is a judge on PRAS. Whether Bravo will produce an All Stars season and if they are allowed to use Lifetime PS contestants for that is a different matter. If they can get enough people form their original Bravo season together for that, it could be interesting. Does anyone know if Bravo is aiming for 2 seasons of regular PR per year or just one?
  4. First, yay Christian Borle! Second, I like Anna Camp, but as a judge she was really bad. What apart from the material and the story what was so great about the design of Michelle's dress? That giant pancake wasn't very functional - as it is you get more privacy with a hoodie or a blanket. Look at Moschino's SS2019 runway and you will know why I wasn't as blown away by AR either because he could have taken the actual garment so much further than a plastic trench coat and a sharpie. Christina's was alright - I am not sure you'd be the most popular person on the subway with one of those on. Dimitry and his friggin cut outs, stop it already! What I really did like was Bidell's idea for his design. It also took me back to the year 2055 challege from the first PR season. I'm sorry Django left because I will always have a soft spot for designers who stand up for green fabric (my favourite colour!) and I wonder whether he could have done better with a different mentor - someone who actually gave some proper advice and pushed him in the right direction (like PRNZ's Andreas Mikellis). The hat he made was good.
  5. Yay, finally! Tall Patrick and tiny Esme! The picture of Esme in the jumpsuit was so cool. I completely agree with you there. The transformation challenge is my least favourite bit because most contestants appear to be totally lost. We've had denim challenges on Project Runway where they got 1 day to do something - on this show a bunch of people who are not designers get a couple of hours? Maybe it would be better if the judges were around and able to give useful tips and pointers a la Tim Gunn - or if there was some connection to the pattern from the first challenge. It would be nice if shows like this had the option to not sending someone home after the first episode if they haven't delivered blatantly bad garments. Anyway - yay for Juliet! I knew she was onto a winner when they showed the sketch - she didn't have time to finish the belt properly because in the picutre it looked like the belt was connected to the halter part of the top, and thats what I really liked about the design. (that would have done well on PR too). Also liked Janet and Andrei's jumpsuits and Ben's dress from the first challenge. Mercedes reminds me so much of Karen from last year's GBBO 🙂
  6. Anya deserved to go home, but I would have been happier if they kicked out Michelle. What annoys me with those Red Carpet challenges are designers who clearly adjusted their red carped event to fit their design afterwards and its always the friggin gallery opening. Nowadays, even if a designer's style does not fit 'conventional' RCs there are a lot of excentric people out there who will wear something more risky to movie premieres and award shows. But doing a lame A-line beach dress and then making your story fit the dress will not get you any clients in the real world. The designers should have to aim for a specific event and name it before they start sketching. It was lovely to see Irina, Cynthia and Christina work on this challenge because they clearly understand how to construct a garment.
  7. The last thing we heard about Chris was very sad: I haven't found any updates on his condition, I hope he's getting better.
  8. My TV calendar just spat out March 14th as the season premiere for the new Bravo PR season :-)
  9. I love Haider Ackermann and I was thinking about that too: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/459648705701462995/ He is annoying, but he did well this week - I bet that his final collection will largely lean on that look (there is no chance Izak's toyboy will not be waved through to the finale!)
  10. I'm rapidly loosing interest in this show. Michelle and AR, the biggest ars****** on the show, get too much airtime while we see very little from the internationals other than Django and Evan. Anya is still a one trick pony and I don't understand why they are knocking on Django who at least tries to be original but not her. The Michelle/Irina/Dimtri thing was so contrived, even they lost interest halfway through it. Don't even get me startet on Alyssa or the judging.
  11. That challenge should forever be sponsored by a glue gun company. Yeah, I thought the exact same thing. It was the same as AR's bird feed dress in S9 - basic shape, stick a lot of stuff on it so you can't see the muslin. bob's your uncle. I am, on principle, routing for all the internationals, but Australian lady's dress was fug. She should've gone home, and I have to agree with @Nidratime that Seth Aaron probably has more interesting looks left in him for this competition. I'm ok with Irina winning, her bag was great - as was Cynthia's with the big fringe.
  12. I don't get why they are oh so keen on AR either - for the drama I guess. I'd take Gretchen over Anthony Ryan any day! If they had ever put AR and Helen in the same season my TV will implode. I'm so glad that after this season we will be done with Manspreading Mizrahi and his favourite boys club. One thing that can be said for Irina's dress is that it was well made, considering the time. It is mesmerizing what people like her or Dimitri can do in the time it takes Anya to staple together a beach cover up.
  13. Interessting, so Dimitri sorted himself and Django into Gryffindor, Sunny into Ravenclaw but put Anya into Slytherin ;-)
  14. Only a matter of time before they have the KKW Beauty room and all the models look like sex dolls. Benjamin vs. Dimitri would be GOLD Re Anthony Ryan: if he took the death of his grandparent so hard, why not send him home to grief properly. His design was shite and its not his first time doing a reality competition, so he has had plenty of go's for his 'chance of a lifetime' already.
  15. Michelle, Anya and Anthony Ryan - no thank you. Michelle did a good job with her design, but its so obvious that those 3 are reality tv fame whores, always playing to the camera, especially compared to the international crowd. Based on the first challenge, Anya's designs have not evolved an iota since season 9. And spare me the emotional baggage of Anthony Ryan - I'm sorry if he really lost a family member, but the crying to the camera is such a recurring thing on this show, I can't take it anymore. I'm also not sure whether I believe he really has Native American ancestry tbh. Dimitri and Seth Aaron are really confident but at least they have the chops to back up their bragging. Not surprised Dimitri won seeing as the winning design was going to be produced by JC Penny - its easier and cheaper to do than any of the others. I remember Irinia from an ealier All Stars season (?) where she was pretty annoying, but in this episode she was ok, more like in her original season where she also did some voluminous top-heavy things iirc. I love the international crowd, its really refreshing to see them bring different ideas and styles. Jasper's prom dress was a bit disappointing, but the rest did very well. I hope they can keep it up. Cynthia's design was a bit oatmeal but I thought the styling of the model was great. No idea why they added two additional designers after the first challenge and those ancestry testing kits are as reliable as astronomy or tarot cards. But the way they were shoe horned into the episode was so hilariously bad, it was almost entertaining.
  16. When they return in March do you reckon that Amy will already be ankle deep into management training?
  17. Prudence was there when Zelda delivered the babies. Dunno if she's a thread, at least for now, seeing as Blackwood is her father and she too has been trumped by little Judas. Or something like that.
  18. As far as Christmas specials go, I think this was a rather good one. The greenish-yellow make up still hurts my eyes, but the story was good, picking up a few traditions that we still have and their origin. It felt a bit more grown up than some of the regular episodes.
  19. It was a good episode, but the story with Amy first rolling her eyes at Glenn's routines and then accidently ordering too many popsickles was a bit uninspired. But good for her for finally setting herself a goal and going for it. Jonah's student loans - woah. A raise alone would not solve that kind of problem, he needs a big plan for his future too. Cheyenne and Mateo where hilarious. Of course they weren't going to really start a business.
  20. Entertaining enough. Nothing to bowl me over. Imho its time for a more lovey dovey Jonah/Amy episode to get us back on board with the relationship and for Garrett and Dinah to get it going again.
  21. Me neither, I stopped watching after the 3rd or 4th episode.
  22. I hope you mean 'except for Diana'?! ;-)
  23. I am in Denmark for business at the moment and just had my first Æbleskivers - they were DELICIOUS! Served warm, with strawberry compote and a mountain of sugar. I am tempted to check whether I can pick an Æbleskiver pan somewhere. Horray for Danish week! Edit: here is a pic :-)
  24. OMG I'm so here for that. Dimitry, Seth Aaron and Evan! Shame Anthony Capon isn't in the mix, but still. Anya? LOL.
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