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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. Oh goody, another Jane saves the day story. Yes, it is sad to see print become more insignificant while fast online content with limited half time is all the rage. But I can't just side with print because Jaqueline is more likeable than Patrick. Patrick might be annoying, but he is obviously working hard to make his branch of the publication work and stay on top of trends. Both the personalities and the content formats need to find a way to co-exist and that needs mediation and commitment (to keep a print edition) from the top.
  2. Why did Amy invite her colleagues from work? She's their boss now? And while I might understand why Dinah, Cheyenne and Glenn were there, it never felt that she was particularly close with Mateo or Garret. Jonah could have done with a bit of weed. I hate over the top cringeworthy stuff as it is and they put him through a lot in this episode.
  3. Wow, Gary Carr, thats some serious eye candy. I am almost willing to forgive the writers for creating Blum after he hired us a nice British squeeze for Lucca - she deserved that. Hope he stays around for a bit. Marissa is an investigator who, a few episodes ago, got a serious pay rise and all she does the whole day is watch Blum? At the moment they are highlighting two manifestations of the dark side of the law - one is Diane, Liz and the book club's ruthless fight, the other is the ever so eccentric maniac Blum. It makes me miss Maia's vanilla stories.
  4. I thought the story about Sandra and the bunny/Jerry was both, cute and hilarious. Expecially Dina's resignation at the end when she sees the bunny walking out of the store. I don't know what Amy expected? These people didn't just start talking about her when she became manager, or talk only about her. Glenn believing them when they said the only started talking after he left as manager was so typically Glenn 😉
  5. This could have been a challenge to have fun with unconventional material (old electronics) or new technology. I also felt that some interpretations where more superheroinnes than game characters. Depending on the world the game is set in, the characters are often dressed in regular stuff. At least in the games I play.
  6. The story was about the couple not only buying her art, but basically buying her - with the bracelets fittingly looking like handcuffs.
  7. oooooooooooooooooooooh boy. I thought it was bonkers when they started talking about Kim and Kanye, but what they've ended up with was even more over the top. They can't even finish that storyline in this season if they don't want to drift into fiction. The whole episode made Blum look like the sanest person in Chicago. And why is it raining all the time?
  8. Here is the trailer for season 6: I really wanna know if they will finally break the news to Diana. Also, I had to laugh when they discussed singing on the show and Hillary Duff mentioned that Sutton, herself and Miriam all sing ... HD is not a good singer, I reviewed her first album back in the day for a music site and I didn't have a lot of nice things to say about her rangeless, flat voice.
  9. Its slightly worrying when the guys on the show are actually more likeable than the girls. Sutton is ok and Kat will be too once she's gotten out of her Adena rut, but I even like new Digital-guy more than Jane - at least he came round on his snottyness towards Jaqueline at the end and his interactions with Kat are quite good. With Jane I know that the next drama is right around the corner.
  10. Guys, I think I only liked the first episode of this season because the show has been off the air for so long and now its going back to being slightly annoying and the same as the past couple of seasons. The only surprise was Amy actually having the abortion and running off to work with Jonah of all people (although if his wife ends up being the candidate she may be luckier than she thinks).
  11. I'm with everyone who said that Cheyenne and Garret were a pair of dicks this episode - a dumb dick and an arrogant dick. Salaries are decided by corporate, Amy actually put in the work to improve her position and gets rewarded. None of her coworkers comments were productive - as in 'lets do something about to increase the meagre floor worker pay'. Amy needs to figute out how to lead that gang of semi-friends/co-workers and whip them into shape. Its a TV stereotype that the character who gets a career push never deals well with his/her former colleagues. And that includes wannabe supervisor Mateo.
  12. That was a surprisingly good episode this week - pretty old school TGW. Blum and Adrian kinda work as a team for me. Like Eli and Elsbeth. I wonder whats up with Diane's recommendations for Maia. And whether there is something in the works for Lucca and Jay.
  13. awww the girls' story in the season 2 finale was really cute - a bit predictable in the end, but heartwarming. I still somewhat ship James and Erin, but it was a nice touch to have loud and mouthy Michelle give him the speech. The old boys' road trip was funny and sister Michael is cynicism is cracking me up every time.
  14. I really wanted them to go back and do the UCM Challenge from the first season again (although I know that it has been done in one of the later seasons or All Stars) or the one from Christian Siriano's season with the candy. It was amusing seeing tentrr as a sponsor because it reminded me of how his female fanbase went bonkers for it after Benedict Cumberbatch invested in it a few years ago. I don't mind if the stylist sticks around.
  15. Ah, thanks. I noticed Alexei was somewhat out of order and where I would have expected Riccardo to be 🙂
  16. Did they forget to show Riccardo in the 'Since the Sewing Bee' montage?
  17. Meh, that was one of those episodes that subtly annoys me all the way through. It is funny though how blatantly irgnorant the Cloud 9 Management is about stuff like employee's rights or, in this case, nepotism. Laurie and her son, ugh. Why didn't Glenn and his cronies try to mess with one expensive thing like the AC instead of doing minor damage. Glenn nonchalantly driving his car into the store was amusing though.
  18. OH BOY, that was quite the episode. That Taylor Swift knock off story was both, cringeworthy and denotative. The story around Marissa and Julias was actually quite nice. She is very eloquent, and he is loyal and recognizes people who are good at their job. I feel for Lucca because I have a similar sense of humor and a lot of people don't get it. While she handled that story with a lot of restraint what was kickstarted after that will be quite a major arc for the rest of the season. Dunno where they will take Maya, I hope she doesn't end up working for Blum.
  19. Congratulations Juliet! The final challenge of this show usually features one truly stunning piece and two things that clearly come from home sewers. Juliets was so lush, I am sure the deep red colour helped, but there was no way they weren't gonna give her the win.
  20. Me too - even if I found the structure of the episode a bit too similar to the Series 1 finale, the scenes were just too poignant to not love. I found Erin's replacement date (trying not to give away too much for ppl waiting for the second seriec on Netflix) and how the situation played out really cute. I hope that gets some space to grow. Orla is just too much 😂
  21. I get her devastation after loosing her birds, especially in the frame of the show. But on the other hand, I am really against keeping birds (and many other animals) in cages.
  22. Its good to finally have the show back, they haven't dropped a beat and I am sure thats gonna be an excellent final season. This is one of those show where the script for one episode is bound to be twice as long as a regular half hour programme with that amount of dialog. There was a huge amount of funny bits and references in this season premiere too. I hope we get Hugh Laurie in a few episodes, he works well with JLD.
  23. Everyone my age from NI that I have talked to absolutely loves this show too. Its so refreshing to see this very specific culture presented through the pop culture lens of that era. For me its the best new show of last year, and I am so glad that they are up for a BAFTA (which they will absolutely win!). Season 2 is an absolute hoot so far. I love Erin's father and grandfather, there is a Northern Irish version of Still Game hidden in that whole dyamic with Callum aswell.
  24. I loved this episode. There was a lot of good stuff and although there were a few ugly fabrics on the runway I really want to see them use more prints! I disagree with the tablecloth criticism on Hester's - it was supposed to be editorial and if, as the judges said, you take pieces of the look it will tone down the plaid. I'd love the skirt with a white shirt, incidentally I pinned a black skirt with a similar design a few days ago. With that being said, I liked to other two top designs better and would have given Kovid the win. Lovely idea to give them a stylist for support, and the pornstached guest judge was enjoyable too. Calling Kendall Jenner a style icon was a bit much, but it probably comes with a more current approach to the show - if we have Instagram challenges, they also need to mention the Instamodels I suppose.
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