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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. Lauren and Diana as characters have both brought a special dynamic to the groups they interact with and getting them together was well worth the wait. To me, those two are what keeps this show fresh. I hope we'll see more of that, and that they might throw Maggie in the mix too. And Lauren should also meet Redmond, that would be a blast.
  2. Jacqueline was also in Gilmore Girls - as the therapist that Emily wants to set Christopher up with. She ended up counceling Lorelai in the back of her car before she broke up with Luke. and went to sleep with Christopher.
  3. The latter I will second. I think ist was the kiss before he left for Christmas with his daughters that was the weirdest I've ever seen on TV.
  4. Again, cute episode - some great visuals. Pauline can just go away. The biggest problem with her and Charles is that they probably never had a conversation about why their marriage fell apart and why he does not want to get back together. I would never think that he didn't play a part in them breaking apart, but Pauline's behavior suggest she does not understand how much she contributed. Happy for Maggie - and a shiny friendship-award to Lauren - that girl is growing on me lately. The Kelsey/Zane story is the weakest link for me at the moment.
  5. Ship Ahoy Mateys! Although I think I'm only shipping Liza and Charles because I can't stand Josh and the lack of direction with his story anymore. Regarding the preview - they got me with Charles' beard because in the season 5 preview I was convinced that the bearded guy she was kissing in the stairwell (?) was actually someone else. Well played editors, well played! But I'm worried that the glimpse we got of Pauline means the Liza/Charles romance may be shortlived.
  6. Probably an unpopular opinion, but TBH I think Pinstripe am Sutton would make a better couple - one thats pushing each other to excel personally and professionally aswell. Jane is so whiny, Pinstripe would probably tire of constantly having all her teenage emotions thrown at him and taking turns with Jaqueline to hold her hand through her writing process. At least Ben can refer her to a proper shrink when she's worn him out.
  7. Cute episode. I just love Diana and Maggie. Enzo is sweet, and I think he is here to stay. I can't stand the SoM and just couldn't with the yodeling. And Caitlin talking to Josh. I liked the scene where Caitlin's roomate's parents introduced Charles to Liza. One more thing, because @HunterHunted mentioned the divorce: I too thought that they had not finished the divorce yet, but in the first episode of the season Edward LL Moore mentioned that among his pieces of proof for Liza's age were the divorce papers??
  8. For me, Charles' anger, disappointment and defiance is in direct proportion to how much he has fallen for her. (Josh was pretty shocked too, he just bounced back quickly) Once he has come round (possibly after the next episode if meeting - if only Caitlin knew that she is the icebreaker ;-) it could get hot&horizontal very quickly.
  9. I can't hate an episode they finished off with some Franz Ferdinand! The outside shots of the rock stars mansion - that was Emily and Richard Gilmore's house, wasn't it?
  10. iirc he calls her 'Red' because he thinks, and mentioned, that she would look good with red hair - that was in one of the last few eps of season 1
  11. They did - and there were quite a few other loose end stories. They never new whether they would get another season, so every season finale tried to wrap up several stories only to somehow forget about or undo them at the beginning of the next (just look at Sarah the playwright LOL) To me Parenthood is not a show that should be binge-watched, it actually needed the week between two episodes (when it origially aired) so that inconsitencies were less obvious and viewers could recover from all the screaming. I have been thinking about rewatching the show, but then I remember how annoying some of the early season were and settle for S4 (my favourite, because #TeamHank) to S6.
  12. For some reason Kelsey looked older than Liza in some scenes, especially at the party. If hooking up with an author is a sign for a bestseller, as it was in the past, then go for it Kelsey ;-) Oh boy, Josh - let it go! "Out of sight, out of mind" - if this was an IRL scenario, getting away for a few months may get him out of this rut. Liza should realize that she does him no good by staying too close to him. Again: Diana meets Maggie, make it happen, dammit! PS: whoever came up with the line 'Reese is in pieces' >> LOL
  13. Most of what I thought of the episode has been said here already, especially regarding Charles, but let me emphasise on thing: Diana is stunning! Those gorgeous shots of her in her dressing gown. I wish I could look as good when I reach my 40s. Again: when will Maggie and Diana meet? - those two teaming up can't be anything short of glorious.
  14. Yes, @Sew Sumi, I was thinking along the same lines! I wouldn't be surprised if they shelved anything shot by BM (especially if its 'only' AS), specifically if their approach is 'look, this is how its supposed to be done'. If they use the same bunch of designers they don't even need to put out a casting call. I think someone said upthread that when the show went from Bravo to Lifetime there was also a finished Bravo season that never aired (I'd love to see that, but I guess it featured designers that went on to be on other seasons)
  15. I'm really curious to see what the new season will be like - they are obviously aware that some viewers feel it has keeled over into full on social-drama and I wonder whether they're gonna scale it back to the olden days or merely tweek it a bit. AND I'm looking forward to see who's gonna sponsor the accessories wall :-)
  16. Sutton takes risks and it almost always turns out too well, don't you think? Jane's green shirt, ME WANTS!
  17. wow, I didn't think they would have Charles confront Liza so early in the season. I hope that it helps them move the story forward and not have him sulking until the season finale. LOL Kelsey ... does she only find proper authors when they come with the option that she can jump their bones? Zane? is he just there to irritate Kelsey? and Pauline? is she just there to irritate us? Josh - yeah, whatever. Please get him out auf that Liza-hole, this has been going on for far too long now (PS: I never liked him) Why are there no promos for the next episodes this season?
  18. Not that it makes Liza writing about it impossible, but hasn't she basically sold her story to that therapist a few seasons back to get Martha Plimpton off her ass?
  19. I was a bit disappointed with Charles during this episode, but I can't put my finger on whether it was the acting or the editing whenever he was short with Liza. The bar scene with his attourney friend was weird. Maybe we it was because we didn't see much of their personal interactions, but was Charles' ex wife approach to getting back together purey based on guilt? Firing Liza? The person who keeps both companies afloat? From the Witherspoon-deal, Marriage Vacation, the poodle book and realising Moore wrote that orgasm book ... Loved Lauren meeting Diana. Loved Diana's gigantic jewellery - it's so over the top, yet Miriam Shor makes it look strong and classy. Hated the revelations about Claire (what a waste of time). Why would you Insta DM someone you know really well and usually communicate on other channels with (WhatsApp) - am I getting old??
  20. I had most of season 6 to tie me over, but her character's story was too sad - so yeah! finally my weekly dose of funny Miriam Shor is back. Her character is great and she looks stunning in this show. Charles, based on the papers Moore gave him, will probably notice right away that Liza is not divorced yet ... where can I place my bet that as soon as that is cleared up and after a loud confontation they will get go straight to sexy time? But how will they ever get themselves out of the mess that is Charles' annoying ex wife and her bff crush on Liza? I want Maggie and Diana to finally meet. Its long overdue and it will be HILARIOUS.
  21. In Russian if the emphasis in a word is on an O it is spoken as an A.
  22. Very good final. It really got to me when I watched it for a second time. I would have liked another montage at the end, but that would probably have been overkill. I'll just bypass that P&E may still be in danger in the USSR after everything that went down in the past few episodes, and imagine them living in Odessa with Elizabeth having taken up painting and Philip and his son running the local travel agency post Berlin wall.
  23. that episode/season finale was not for me either - I'm a bit disappointed by how this season ended, the last few episodes were not as witty or engaging as some of the earlier ones. Pitty. (I am not American though, so my POV is certainly different)
  24. I want P or E to anser her: 'well, HIM running off to tell his pastor is rather unlikely'
  25. Probably because this would mean backup-checks or at least the possibility of them. Far too hot a potatoe. On another note: I've recently rewatched some of the earlier episodes. Funny how Jared was able to waffle on for minutes about how he killed his parents after he got shot in the neck, while Tatiana dies almost instantly after being shot in the kidney area (and of course all the bystanders doing nothing)
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