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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. Let me get this straight. Charles sells his company to Quinn to be with Liza, then takes out a huge morgage on his town house to start a new company because he is still passionate about books and wants to be with Liza and then he sells that company again - for a dollar - to his old company because of Liza. How does he get the startup money for Mercury back? How big a share does he still have in Millenial, and how much does Quinn own? Diana is still the MVP of the show, the rest was too contrived. And thats probably not the effect that micro dosing is supposed to have - Liza was full on trippin? Btw: Happy 48th Birthday, Miriam Shor!
  2. I'd rather watch paint dry than Josh and Charles' bonding trip. What are the odds of Josh's 'what keeps us apart' comment not being directed at Liza? They have fooled us with the promos before ...
  3. Well, here is confirmation that someone will not return for season 4. I know a lot of people here didn't like the character (and the actress) but I liked her story as a secondary plot. There might be the odd guest appearance though?
  4. You are right of course, my comment made no sense in that regard 🙂 Its more that they are just aging out of their early to mid twenties and that their focus has shifted. Lauren, as per her job, is keeping the trendy, hip stereotypes alive that Liza, in the early seasons, had to pick up to keep her lie going. On another note: Nice timing on the Lion King dig with the popularity matrix.
  5. If it weren't for Diana and Lauren I would seriously question why I still watch this. The show has such a weird vibe since it shifted its focus away from Liza's lie. Diana still does not know about her age but all of a sudden treats her like an equal? And are they (Kelsey, Josh) slowly outgrowing the Millenial tag altogether? At the moment Lauren is the only one who still highlights the generation gap the most and the story with the Instababy was on point. As was Josh's change of mind regarding the free stuff. Everything relating to Diana and jewellery was smashing. The piece she wore with the red dress was stunning.
  6. Here is a cute little preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omGZHNR-Y9s
  7. It might be quite exhausting to stand in front of the hot glory hole and that they switch it up because of that. Or he needed to prepare something else in the meantime. Janusz was a bit harsh with his assistant at first, but he later acknowledged that the slate was heavier than he thought, and at the end he told her that she did a good job, which was nice. The annealer I sorta understand, because it will be the glass blower who makes the incision and breaks the glass off the pontil into the assistant's hands. And I guess every change of hands is risky and it needs to go into the annealer as quickly as possible.
  8. I have mentioned that I am a fan of sleek, modern design, so I was rooting for Janusz from the start and really thought that he had it in the bag. The different parts of his sculpture where really elegant pieces, simple shapes, great ideas and well put together. He is a great craftsman, but maybe a more whacky, exuberant designer was what they were looking for when it comes to art glass. Deborah really went for something unexpeced. I could have done without the cartoon ham, but the pan and the large egg were stunning. Shame they didn't show us the sausages in more detail, there was quite a variation in colour, wasn't there?
  9. Once again, the contestant who fails to follow the brief is the one who got the boot. Alex, dear, you shot yourself in the foot right at the beginning. He has brought a lot of scientific instrument ideas to the competition and I enjoyed them all, but this was not what they asked for this time. LOVED Deborah's sculpture. That foot looked great. Janusz was lucky that Alex missed the brief. The story was lovely, but the arm was a bit clumsy. I wonder what Edgar would have done 🙂
  10. That was a weird episode. Did they always plan to have one episode were nobody got kicked out? Otherwise the number of episodes makes no sense - unless they lost a contestant before they started shooting. The sculptures were, I felt, on the same level and it came down to taste? I liked Alex and Janusz more, although I would have liked the weights to be bigger. The difference in scale made Deborah and Patrick's piece look unbalanced, but I loved the beaker with the solid liquid that Patrick made!
  11. They really wanted to keep Janusz in the competition, didn't they? That was one fugly sculpture that was as unrealistic as they come. Alex, wow, he picked something that was in his wheelhouse (creating great shapes in clear glass), not hyperrealistic and a great visual. Well deserved win! Deborah had a very whacky idea and took time to test her colours. While I liked the result, I have to say that it wasn't as realistic as it could have been - someting that works better from a distance. If Patrick had attatched to the flower head in a more realistic way they would not have been able to send him home. I loved this sculture!
  12. That was a really cool challenge! Loved Alex's pill box and Janusz with his whacky hair brush that looked like a sex toy. Deborah did well too and the only thing that I wasn't sure about was the writing on the tube. Patrick was lucky that Momoko didn't quite hit the brief of the challenge. I agree that it would make an interesting light fixture though.
  13. See, with Janusz' roticello work it would have been nice to get some technical and historical background on this technique. Beautiful pieces - and he stood out by not doing just plain glass. Patrick and Alex made very nice things too. I was not as in love with Patrick's goblet as the judges, and what a shame that Alex's was leaking. Conceptually I liked Leah's, it was fun. But apparently the judges where keen on functionality and I am sad to see her go. Especially as both, Deborah and Momoko's pieces were just so thick and therefore not that functional either. Was the shape of Deborah's pieces really that innovative? I have seen vases with such shapes before in antique shops.
  14. There is an assembling process before the presentation that we do not get to see. Apparently the are glueing pieces together, do etching ... This was a weird one, because some of their concepts and designs where a bit odd. Janusz' was very abstract and Alex' looked like and Edwardian medical device. They were both stunning though. The judge pointed out that Momoko and Annette did things that are more about the present than the past. This time Annette's looked like the airport gift shop item. It was the right decision to send her home. While I wouldn't be able to tell how Deborah's man bun baking machine would work, it looked great and I am ok with her winning the challenge. Patrick did well, but while the story was certainly relevant, the gas mask didn't look futuristic to me.
  15. Oh Edgar, the writing was on the wall. Sorry to see you go though. Deborah was right, when she said in the first episode that people either love or hate her. She does interesting stuff, but she is not my cuppa tea. Her creation this week didn't do much for me. Neither did Momoko's who got really defensive about her art. I am not sure whether she should have explained the piece better in her description or if we should expect the judges to know about the cultural references. It was whimsy but too fussy for me. I will say though, that in glass I really love scandinavian glass. Simple and elegant, and I am really not into these very busy designs. I liked Patrick, Annette, Janusz and Leah's and giving Leah the win was well deserved (and I agree about the colour). Why is the host of this show judging the pieces too?
  16. I would like an additional challenge like they had in the Pottery Throwndon. Focus on one technique and explain what they are doing. They also mention Italy a lot as the centre for glass making, and some snippets about the history of glass would be nice too.
  17. I liked Leah's, especially that you have to look closely to see the hole. Alex's did well again and the taco holders looked neat. Annette's was like those kid's princess cakes where you stick a Barbie doll in the center and use fondant to create the dress. Janusz was a bit too fussy for me. Edgar is still getting by with his creative ideas, although he is hardly the first one to come up with the egg/chicken feet idea. He needs to sharpen up his technique. No surprise about Benjamin leaving, it wasn't what the challenge asked for, and it looked poorly executed.
  18. Thanks so much @ElectricBoogaloo for recommending this show. I love it, even though I have to agree with your review. It would be nice to get into all the finished pieces, the contestant's description and judges' opinions as well as some technical information on glass blowing. It is a very nice mix of contestants. It took me a while to figure out why Janusz looks so familiar, he reminds me of Scottish blacksmith Kev Paxton (Money for Nothing and Flipping Profit on the BBC). I really enjoyed watching the glass designers sketch out their designs either on paper, on the floor, on glass or the table.
  19. Dunno if this is the right thread for this, please feel free to move it somewhere else if it isn't: Question: Younger Q for ya. Now that Josh and Claire aren’t getting back together, is a Josh-Liza reunion imminent? —Kate via TVLine
  20. "I have only slept with my authors after I've signed them" ... oh Kelsey. I know what's happing with Charles and his new company is a big deal from a business perspective, but it is really just the equivalent of Liza quitting to work for Chicky - its just on a different level because Charles was a business owner and Liza was just and editor/assistant. As much as I would like the women to succeed, it is so hard to root for Kelsey in this situation. She and Millenial should be the ones out, working with little overhead in trendy locations using Lauren's whacky influencer ideas to promote new trends, but instead they are just trying to run old school Empirical under a new label. I think this whole story will always suffer from the terrible set up in the last season finale. They should have split Empirical and Millenial and let Quinn buy Millenial. There is also no way the Charles/Liza relationship is gonna survive that. Josh and Clare are very sweet, it almost makes me root for them again. I like Maggie and her new squeeze and the garlic thing was both, hilarious and kinda cute. This episode needed these secondary stories to lift the mood.
  21. It cracks me up everytime when Miriam sais to leave 'a nice comment' at the end of each of those videos.
  22. I am sure we all know what would have happened if he had shard that info with her ... Liza would have told Kelsey (either reluctantly or running to straight her - she likes to mix it up), Kelsey would have thrown one of her tantrums trying to either blackmail or sabotage the start-up or leaving Millenial and (miraculously) taking all her authors with her. Or some shit like that. Charles should have sold Millenial to Quinn, kept Empirical and started Mercury as a new imprint. Liza would no longer have worked for him and everything would be less ... of a feckin mess!
  23. Was that a spoof on Amanda Knox or is there some other murder suspect I am not familiar with? Having the story cross over into Charles and Liza's sex life was a bit of a reach, but hey, whatever works for them. I was surprised by Josh's divorce proposal, the promo fooled me there. I knew Charles would go into business with Zane. As he wasn't content with sitting at home doing nothing, getting into publishing again is no surprise, but to me it is easy to anticipate that due to the theme of the show, Kelsey will come out on top. Its nice to see the women succeed, but I am so tired of Kelsey. Even if announcing Quinn's candidacy was the smartest thing she could have done to get them out of that sticky spot. Liza and Charles are doomed. Glad that Maggie has a love interest again. That Beatles movie 'ad' confused me (where Liza asks Diana about her weekend) because I remembered that they wore those clothes in the first episode. It was weird.
  24. Very sweet story about Diana and Enzo and the story written in her own words. Using her words to set up the Josh and Liza story again, so soon and somewhat in reverse is really quite annoying even with the continuing lack of chemistry between her and Charles. The funniest scene was the Uber drive to the hospital and Claire stating that she and Maggie are bonded for life because they are the only people who have ever been inside her mother has hilarious. So these first two episodes only spanned Kelsey's first week as an editor? Liza's championing of Kelsey is getting more and more unrealistic. And that stupid argument they had after Liza told her about Charles' suggestion, where Kelsey jumped from one assumption to the next and Liza was unable to string 3 sentences together to tell her what the conversation they had was really about? And Zane wants to date Kelsey now? NOW? With all signs pointing towards Zane and Charles going into business together (and possibly splitting up Empirical and Millenial, so that Kelsey is stuck with Empirical?)
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