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Everything posted by qtpye

  1. This show does a good job of deglamorizing finance but still understanding why it would still be desirable for the characters in the show. For most, it is the only way to get close to masters of the universe money/power.
  2. Some of my favorite people on earth seem to be born in October. My cousin is a beautiful brown-skinned woman who married a white man. My cousin went to an elite private school and that is where she met her future husband. She was shocked when her children did not come out looking biracial but straight-up white (blonde hair/blue eyes) and she does get mistaken for their nanny all the time. She does not take it as racism (most of the time) but because she looks so different from her sons. It is very annoying, though.
  3. So, on the podcast, they interviewed Brande Roderick who I think was the number one girl before Holly. Brande had a dream experience compared to Bridgette and Holly. Hef acted differently with her. She had the ideal situation where I think she was only a girlfriend for a short time and was cast on Baywatch Hawaii not too long after she became a playmate. It seemed to me that she broke Hef's heart when she left, though a lot of this is inferred by me and not said on the podcast. Brande said all the girlfriends got along well and she loved her time at Playboy. It seemed like Hef was crazy about Brande but looked at Holly as a caretaker who was willing to do all the "boring old man" stuff that none of the other girls wanted to do. I do not think Hef was ever all that into Holly but I do believe that she was obsessed with him and was, at least at one point, willing to do anything to stay by his side. The ironic thing is that Brigette and Holly might have more long-lasting fame from Girls Next Door than Brande will have doing Baywatch Hawaii.
  4. This show is trash but I love the awesome discussions it sparks. The role of marriage has changed in our society in the last 20 years.
  5. Daggett gonna Daggett. That man will always be a shameless cheerleader for those he likes.
  6. She will rate higher than Emily because she is probably not a falling-down drunk. The Denver brides were the worst.
  7. Lord, I wanted to punch him in the face when he said something like, "Hey, don't go all Mafia on me." and I'm not even Italian American.
  8. Fool me once, shame on Vicki Fool me twice... We all know what happened to the boy that cried, "Wolf". Don is probably thanking his lucky stars for the divorce. Vicki did just a gender reverse version where a man divorces his wife, after becoming successful, to trade up to a gold-digger. Unfortunately, Vicki did not quite manage the "trading up" part.
  9. I predict that the HOA will say no to the pickleball court and tell him to invest in a Ping Pong table.
  10. Jean Smart is an incredibly talented actress. This is one of the many reasons Hollywood needs to stop throwing away female actresses at 30. Women, just like men, often mature and grow with their craft. Ava does get better but she is more of an acquired taste.
  11. Supposedly, Austin and Chicago have wrapped up filming but they are slow to release them after the disaster that was Denver. Here is Tamara's vlog: 1. Most of the men have done some professional/amateur modeling 2. Ikechi is 41 years old, which might make him the oldest groom the show has ever had. 3. Juan is 37 but strongly prefers women who are 25-30 4. Tamara does a Skims commercial from times the 8 to the 9-minute mark which everyone probably wants to skip.
  12. It's nice to hear that no matter what changes in the real world, Tim Daggett will continue to annoy gymnastics fans and will continue to do so for many generations. I never got to watch the Olympics because, by the time I got off work, the press had already spoiled the results. Good job to all those who medaled in this crazy sport.
  13. Not going to lie...Juicy is kinda cute in that last picture.
  14. Lorelai lived her life in defiance because she did not want to be a rich princess, which seems like that is the life Rory secretly wanted. I imagine the paper does not pay a living wage, particularly for New England which can be quite expensive I remember the little twirl she did when she first got her school uniform and could not believe she was a "private school girl" now. Not many blue-collar working-class girls have magical rich grandparents. I do not blame Rory for not wanting to work and leading a life of luxury. Her getting together with Logan (while he was engaged, I think) and she was dating that guy everyone kept forgetting, said that she was still enamored of that lifestyle. I know the original premise of the show is a spunky mother/daughter duo with insanely rich grandparents but I think the revival put the nail in the coffin that Rory is a regular girl who just wants a regular life. I mean would she even like Logan if he did not come from such a powerful family that even looks down at the Gilmores?
  15. If I was a rich Beverly Hills woman who wanted plastic surgery, I would run out of the office as soon as I saw that face. I could not trust anyone who thought THAT looks good.
  16. Your friend probably thinks that you are jealous of their amazing love. She will be singing a different tune once her bank accounts are drained and the guy is nowhere to be found.
  17. Lol, I guess Terry is doing his version of "leveling up". I honestly think I would rather live in Newport Beach than Beverly Hills but to each his own.
  18. That's what happens when your livelihood is based on being Andy's sock puppet/assclown. If I was brilliant enough to be a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, I would do everything in my power to protect my family from blood-sucking paparazzi. Fun fact, I have heard that celebrities putting themselves on social media has greatly diminished the financial prospects of being paparazzi. I think there was a video of Terry and Heather exiting a club several times in a desperate attempt to make the paparazzi follow them. It could have been another fame whore couple. I think after several tries one of the photographers finally yelled out "Heather" but might have called her the wrong last name.
  19. It's sad because Phaedra and Kandi had one of the best friendships in all the franchises.
  20. Last I heard, Kenya was a former Miss USA. I doubt Kim could even win Miss Ole Country Buffet on her best day.
  21. Robert certainly loved emotional pain. It felt like his first wife treated him horribly and he secretly loved it.
  22. Her uncle was also quite cute, the one they wanted to set up with one of the howives. I think the Canada episodes were some of the best episodes of the shows. I remember Vicki screeching about not having threesomes on the slopes.
  23. Yasmine is a valuable asset because of access to her family's vast fortune. She really does not have the savvy or toughness for the business. Her ex-boyfriend was totally using her and she seemed oblivious. However, there is a chance she could come into her own in the third season. Harper has been painted as an absolute cutthroat whose true motives are well hidden by her charming and youthful demeanor. Her brother wanted nothing to do with her because he claimed she was exactly like their psycho mother. However, Harper is young and of course, she would also be a victim of such a supposedly terrible parent.
  24. We all love wealth porn but the problem is Heather is about as interesting as mildew. She and Terry are so pathetic with the "look how rich we are" that it comes off a little desperate and sad.
  25. She does not give a damn about those babies, to her, they are just props to gain sympathy. I have no idea how she convinced a handsome, younger, MIT grad from a rich family to marry her but she has a way with the fellas. When she gets out she will probably convince another bunch of old fools to give her 9 billion dollars. I wonder why people have not come down harder on Channing, her mentor at Stanford. He is the one who gave her clout and respectability to back up her bogus claims. I used to be so fascinated with the story of Theranos and now it is just another story of a pretty lady taking advantage of simps with too much money. It's just boring.
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