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Everything posted by shoetingstar

  1. For some reason I thought this was the last episode of the season and kept waiting for other storylines to be wrapped up. So when it ended I went from shock, to confusion/anger, to relief after the preview came on. lol. Whatever I feel about them, Lawrence and Issa have great chemistry. My favorite part was when her "ex" hook-up showed up "Brrrrrhatttt" and Lawrence kept imitating him.😂 Issa and Lawrences have the same sense of humor and just seeing them being open and honest (no eggshells) was refreshing. Not sure about the hook-up's long term consequences.
  2. New to this section of Primer. I binge-watched Insecure in 2 days and so I could catch-up to this season! Some things that stood out tonight: Issa ran from her like a job?? Issa was at her previous job for 5 years before making a change. In fact, Wasn't Molly at her previous law firm less than 5 years?? The timing of this only Molly episode was jarring. They have not made her very sympathetic. I'm somewhat biased though as I have a loved one very similar to her MO. Who have a specific type of negativity wrapped in velvet- They are likable, personable - you may even have fun with them. However, they never can admit wrong, never listen to another person's side, and everything is someone else fault. She brings up things that were done and settled years ago as proof to be mad at someone. And there's always something to be mad about. Love them but It's frustrating and I limit my exposure. I thought in that airport scene that they would give her dots to connect to realize Lawrence and Issa had not been hooking-up as she thought. The towel scene and argument after: black women have all been there and it sucks. When she pointed out that white couple did not have to give a room key - that should have been enough. Actually her expressing her experience should have been enough. However, I'm astounded that Molly is a successful lawyer who cannot communicate in a more effective way in personaly situations. How delicious would have been to see that lawyer skill used to cleverly eviscerate Andrew's Brother and put him in his place, while maintaining her cool? On a Shallow note: omg covet her wardrobe and, and like Brother-in-law's Wife - her figure is amazing. I lol when she asked if she was going to try to sleep with her!
  3. I'm re-watching multiple season, including this one. And this is only because I checked out of 14 and 15, so I'm backtracking to catch-up lol. It's still astounding how lazy and disinterested the writing became in later seasons. Glaring while I'm watching Season 1 through 5. Ass-mo-dayus ate up way too much screentime. So yes that very satisfying!! Middle fingers up, tell him Boy, Bye to you and your stupid suit, per Ketch. Dean being utterly unprepared was so embarrassing. Just the fact he didn't use a backpack, alone was so impractical. (Now I'm suddenly picturing Dean with a Fanny Pack and it's hilarious😄). He didn't know what to expect and I know he had to carry light, but Ketch at least had gloves that came in handy for the cold. Was not impressed with my boy Dean here and it seemed ooc for him. Charlie's return was at first exciting but overall they really didn't commit to anything to justify it (same for all these returning Apocalyptic version of these characters). It was like: "Here we brought her back! Aren't we clever. You don't expect that, huh? Now you can leave us alone about frid--- uh - killing her previously. And....now she's gone. Now leave us alone, mkay." They really waste potentially good moments/characters/situations on this show. It get frustrating to say the least. I did like Sam's speech to Gabriel. But the Sam wanting to get out but figuring that Hunting is his destiny as been wash, rinse repeat. And it was good to see Cas get to be badass, temporarily, for once. The Ketch/Mary thing is no for me. But I like him as a character.
  4. Yes, it was fairly epic! Using that fact to prove that he was indeed Past!Dean, no less!
  5. I totally agree. In a semi-related note, he also liked wearing Rhonda Whatsherface's pink, satin panties. That's a light example though. Dean's sexual adventurism is pretty much canon to me. I just consider him is your go-to person if you want to try out some non-vanilla stuff with a safe, non-judgmental person (Vanilla is fine with him too, though lol).
  6. He damn sure should have gotten her number lol. It would be nice to have the audience be aware that he remembered, even if he didn't give that up to Rowena and in front of Sam. And to one of your other posts, you are damn straight that Dean knows what 5th Base is. It reminds of Season 3 when Sam walked in on Dean doing a little sumthin-sumthin with the twins and Sam was horrified at what he witnessed. That still cracks me up. I still wonder what he saw, specifically lol. Maybe it was 4 and 1/2 Base? ;)
  7. OMG. They were awful. I'm sorry. I just remember them as hair and teeth. Not likable at all. Casting failed this time. That "fight" with them and the boy was in now way believable. I wonder if they had casted less stereotypical "pretty/hot" (putting in quotes because this is relative), blonde/thin/tall, etc., how that would have effected the dynamic. They were going for a Victoria Secret Model look, I guess. How about if they were "plain" (also relative), or just normal "cute" but powerful and well-acted - would have been a more interesting episode. I guess that could have backfired on Dean, however. Why was the younger one wearing MOM Jeans? And what's with killing people out in the open in parking lots? They were going to try to off Dean in broad day light! Who does that? Oh and Dean had more chemistry with the sporting goods Cashier than the Sister Witch. Is it bad that I enjoyed how Rowena made them kill each other lol? #ImBeingPetty&Don'tCare But YEAH For Cas getting some wins and not being 1-tortured, or 2-emasculated, or 3-Demeaned by fellow Angels that are so much like demons I can't tell the difference anymore. And yeah, the Sam and Rowena heart to heart was a total surprised, a welcome one. I can't help but love Rowena in spite of her misdeeds. Did anyone else thought Dean would remember that little connection he and Rowena had from the episode when he'd lost his memory? I could have sworn he had a bit of recognition at the end of that episode. I guess that would be too much continuity for the likes of this show, huh?
  8. I've been waiting for a long time to see Sam process his grief and finally we got that. It finally spilled out after the further events of, finding Mary is alive and being tortured, The Bad Place, and seeing Kaia die to save them. It was a continuation of his earlier loss, so it was very timely from where I sit. And I agree it was very difficult to hear him verbalize such harsh conclusions about there lives- oh, my poor tragic Winchester Boys. In other news this episode was callback to season one's the Benders for me. It also reminded me of my personal trauma from seeing the film Hostel (seriously!). The humans being the true monsters to other humans. I really liked how Dean carried himself in being there for Donna. And Donna got some good moments with the interrogation and I cheered her on when she kicked that Butcher's evil ass. Solidly creepy episode.
  9. I think Being an Ass is her Default. She did seemed humbled that Patience visions were not BS, however. It's temporary I'm sure.
  10. That's one of my favorite movies ever - to have Jensen in the role would be a treat. Except, the whole Clarence/Angel thing would surely bring about some easy comparisons to his current job!
  11. Forgot about that - I have to rewatch that eppy. But it's hilarious because Normal Dean had a threesome with the twins in Season 3. Triplets are totally new ground according to the Writers! (btw, This only adds to my bitterness over the potential wasted - if they just had to have Dean be a Demon....Which also adds to my personal bitterness about the wasted potential of Vampire!Dean...)
  12. LOL - this cracke me up! He gave a couple side-eye looks. That's about it! Hilarious!! Well, he also had - the sex! That's totally different from Normal!Dean! It cracks me up that said sex was with like one chick in a few weeks period, if I'm remember correctly. How EE-VIL of him! I'm with you - the deaths are just annoying at this point. Cheap Tricks are better as a Band than a constantly used TV Writing device.
  13. That's true about Sam and Jack. In light of that, I believe the timing was just awful. We had just learned how awful her life was from Sam's exposition to Dean. It was very hard to see her victimized or not heard by another character. It wasn't just the act of pulling the gun on her, the context and timing was hard to accept. I just wished they had done it differently, maybe even have Dean share his desperation and intent - I normally don't champion more exposition, but letting the scared girl know what the hell he was doing and why would have been preferable. It needed to come from Dean - because he is the leader to me and previously shown to be good with kids and teens. I probably should take this to the "Who Did the Writers Screw?" thread! :)
  14. oooh - thanks for the explanation before I dive in...
  15. It's pretty sad that I started watching this episode, and then days later realized I hadn't finished it. And I almost didn't care, but I didn't want to dodge spoilers. So I watched, finally, and about 95% of it all annoyed me. Lots of overacting from everyone not Dean and Sam and the girl that payed Kaia (even the actor that plays Jack, who I normally like, was a little off to me in this one). Just came off to me like lots of nonsense just to get that last shot of the boys in the Dino foot imprint. THAT was a cool shot, I must admit. But I'm not excited about that type of deal being on Supernatural. Hated Dean pulling the gun on Kaia. WHY do Angels have to be such dicks? I can't tell them from the Demons. Oh wait, I did like Jack and his "I love Cocaine" line was hilarious lol. I'm enjoying the fan reactions - the Jurassic Park memes more than the actual episode and plots. This is when I appreciate the fandom.
  16. Dean pulling that gun on Kaia in The Bad Place hit me all kinds of wrong. Though in hindsight I can understand his mindset was all screwed after seeing Mary in what was a hell-like setting. I'm sure, there was a better ways to show his desperation though. Just feels like more ammo for the ones that already hate Dean for being mean to poor like "marshmallow" Jack. Also, Are you guys listing your favorite Dean episodes or moments? I missed the original post to know exactly. Thanks.
  17. His skill set is interesting! I like the idea of the Princes of Hell in general, really. And finally I can give my confession: I may like, or at least I don't hate, Asmodeus...There, I said it! I should probably hate him for the fake southern accent alone. Aside from the knife torture porn (sick of that!), I find myself liking his scenes. The actor has charisma. Evil Colonel Sanders is not all cookie-cutter, he was ready to bow down to Lucifer and/or protect his son to rule in his place. But then he also ambitious enough to takeover when he senses Lucifer's weakness. I really want to see his future interactions with Jack.
  18. But Dean explained his position and also calling out Sam's true reason for trying to draw out jack's powers...Although I will give you that calling Jack a "freak" was probably too much for some to overcome. If they really wanted Dean to look bad, have him act that way without his recent loss. I don't think they have to do much for some people that see Dean as the mean bossy bully no matter what. My real problem with this whole thing is how Jack is being portrayed. They are missing the compelling storytelling mark by not showing him as multi-faceted. Right now he's just this defenseless (lol) puppy that's being rejected. We needed some scenes of him doing something, anything questionable to balance the fact that he has potential to go Dark. This "I may hurt you - so I will leave" conflict is BS. They are either scared to show him make an "intentional" bad choice mistake, because they think it sacrifices him as a character, or don't know how to do so. However, even I like him, and like Dean I was resistant- so why would they care? I do not want to defend him from the big bad Dean Monster, because I believe in Dean's intentions, if that makes a difference.
  19. Anyone who kindly pays attention to my posts know I'm constantly frustrated with the show's writing. But for once, I feel like there's something more going on with the Dean Backlash. It feels like a good portion of the audience is short-sighted or just took a chance to pounce. Why can't Jack be likable AND potentially evil spawn of Lucifer? Why can't Dean be acting like a complete jerk yet also be a man grieving from Double LOSS of Cas and his Mom? Yes, Sam is being supportive to Jack but he also admitted to wanting to use him for a purpose. Is that more noble than wanting to steer clear of him? It feels like people are taking advantage of the shows writing limitations to dig in their heels and not want to see all sides of full picture. Yes, the writing could do a better job but I'm kind of disappointed in the audience this time. Dean is normally protective of those in their charge, particularly kids. The show has made it clear why he was different with Jack. 1-He's Lucifer's son - this should not be so quickly discounted. 2-He fears his powers and the effects it had on Cas, i.e. leading to Cas' death; 3-He thinks the kid may know more than he initially lead them to believe (he was pretty aware in the womb), and 4-He's at the end of rope from not being able to save the people he loves. Why is it SO hard to get at this point?
  20. I'm so at this table with you!! They ruined her character and squandered the potential her return could have generated. My enjoyment of Season 13 has increased significantly because her and Lucifer were AWOL for back-to-back episodes. I pray they both could go away permanently.
  21. Ooh, this reminds me...Back in the 90s there was a movie called The Prophesy that starred Christopher Walken. It was about an Angel civil war, and one of the things that become clear is that the Dark/Evil Angels use humans to hurt God. They were bitter about his love for humans. I remember really enjoying it, but it's been awhile. I wonder if Kripke borrowed from it at all... Though God was a not absent in that universe.... Which leads to my source bitterness...I never liked how God was/is portrayed in the Supernatural verse - Deadbeat Dad - hiding - leaving all of creations fate to a couple of humans? I'm not even talking from a Christian standpoint, but as a supporter of the Winchester Brothers. That's just an incredible shitty thing to do to Dean and Sam after all the suffering they've endured. I almost rather have NO (traditional)"God" exist. How about a Goddess instead if we are going to veer from "Christianity" - or an "Alien" being? And then the Chuck/Amara reveal - while humorous on on one level just pisses me off the more I think about it. Though, I enjoyed that major Dean/Jensen's scene with him. But I notice these Supernatural-type show runners seem to always have Daddy issues at the heart of everything. (I'm thinking Buffy, Angel, I'm sure there's more...)
  22. I'm a bit confused as well about what are Cas' powers at this point. But we are not alone, as the writers may not remember themselves :) And you are so right, the show doesn't really DO subtlety, does it? I mean, not intentionally. I would be thoroughly impressed if this is an exception.
  23. Interesting. I didn't even notice that. The more I think about it, it should become just a running joke - Cas' tie inexplicably changes every episode or even every scene. That would be hilarious. If it's not Cas - who is it? The Empty Primadonna/Diva as I like to call the Entity Cas annoyed for his freedom?
  24. I can see where it may look that way. But even if he liked her more, she had "planned a future" with him, so there was enough to bind them. I lean more toward their differences getting in the way of their potential. She lives by facts and Dean couldn't offer any guarantees for what their future could be or even what it would look like. He had no hunter/civilian relationship examples to pull from or whatever relationship skill it took to overcome her doubts.
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