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Everything posted by shoetingstar

  1. I haven't seen anyone mention this, if someone has, I apologize: Has anyone thought Monique may be suffering from Post-partum Depression? I have found Chris to be incredibly unsupportive and entitled to her for sex. NOT saying this makes any of her actions okay. Just that she needs to speak to therapist after she talks to her pastor! This is the best RH franchise right now. So it pains me to say this - but I'm already SO over this fight. I need that red or white wine Robyn and Monique were discussing. Gizelle and Wendy really worked my last nerve and then found some I didn't know existed. No, Gizelle, Monique was after Candace, she not just beating asses willy nilly. No Wendy, we do not think ya'll represent all black women and if someone does, they are a lost cause already anyway. We have seen all the Ladies pop-off at folks verbally: so stop acting like miss Prim and Proper 2020. Y'all children watching that too. Verbal abuse is not okay, either. Now THAT would be something I wish the black community would discuss. Monique: WHY not tell the audience what you really were mad about? i.e. You thought Candiace was spreading rumors that your child was not by your husband? I'm disappointed that Monique doesn't see anything wrong with her actions. Candiace: I don't condone fighting. However, she really likes to provoke and has said such nasty things. The problem is she found someone unhinged enough to pull her card this time. I can't quite figure her deal out. The frustrating thing is that these two grown ass women - and no one talked to the other one about their issues? But you were so close as friends? You just snipe at each other from the sidelines? The hell is wrong with them? There's a huge gap or whole in all of this. Out of all of them, Robin I was the most impressive - I didn't agree with everything but she stated her points calmly and clearly with out all the theatrics and without making it about herself as Wendy and Gizelle did. Bravo, Robin! As a former Junior Usherboard member of St. John Baptist Church, I take strong offense to this! ahahaha Let me find some security before we discuss further. hmmph.... Plus Gizelle ain't paying nobody but her Fashion and Wig Stylist (!!?!!!!), maybe production footing the bill. LOL.
  2. I've been doing it every Sunday with no problems. This one got into my subconscious somehow lol.
  3. So...during the episode I didn't the think The Pickaninny Twins were that scary. I was actually a little disappointed and side-eying folks. YET when I turned out the my bedroom lights and closed my eyes to go to sleep them Heffas popped up in the corners of my room. It didn't help that I checked out the show EVIL and it featured a Paralysis Demon. The last time this happened was during the Ring. When I looked across the room at my my tv suspiciously lol. Misha Green, you got me! edit: Seriously! They taking all the stereotypical characters and making them scary. Aunt Jemima, Sis you migh be next!
  4. Not Fashion Fair! *cackling*😂 and Anointed to Be Disappointed. Sounds like the "urban" version of Cruising for a Bruising from Grease! lol
  5. She couldn't tell them with her mouth. However, if adults our carefully watching a child they can see or notice something is off. I was very disappointed in Leti - she was right there and hadn't seen the girl since the funeral/wake. They were a direct take on Topsy from Uncle Tom's Cabin aka the Picaninny stereotype. That was the book in the bathroom that Dee was looking at. I theorize there were 2 because allegedly Harriet Beecher Stowe meant for Topsy to gain sympathy for the anti-slavery cause. However, she became a stereotype of an dirty wild black child that became a comedy staple in Vaudeville that still plagues black girls and women today. The duality of INTENT (a them in the episode) vs. unwanted results. But US may have been a Pickaninny reference as well! Never thought of it that way! https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/antiblack/picaninny/homepage.htm
  6. I AM - yes! along with the biblical reference @Chicago Redshirt mentioned - it's a strong foundation of the Law of Attraction that calls back to it, that you attract or receive that which aligns with who you identify yourself to be. Some great stuff to dissect in this episode. I just want to say that as a plus-sized black women who loves sci-fi, horror, all things supernatural: How many times do we get to see a plus-sized, black, nerdy, woman (aka blerd!) ON SCREEN in all her glory and various adventures and time-periods? Not just to support the lead, or prop up another character's storyline, or just exist as only a maternal figure - but experiencing various adventures for herself? And this after Ruby's journey as well. For that alone this episode has significant meaning for me that brought tears. As silly as that may sound.
  7. Thought the same thing! they could have added padding? But I think she would immediately walk out if they did that!
  8. Reminds me when someone thought that classic song Take Care of Business was saying "Baking Carrot Biscuits". It was board about Misunderstood Lyrics lol. (Tiny Dancer aka Holding Me Closer Tony Danza) sorry I'm so off-topic! Uh yeah Rinna...uhHer Melrose Place run was good. *whistles*
  9. Yes! This and All My Children and the Young and Restless was on thanks to my Mom.
  10. My one pet peeve with the show is how it will show Tic and Montrose doing something horrible. But then the next beat pulls for us to be sympathetic and feel sorry for them. But without context or insight into the previous horrible act they committed. My wish is that the conclusion will shed some light. My goodwill towards Tic is fading, after rooting for him since the moment we saw him.
  11. I haven't been in the BH neck of the RH woods in awhile. But "These are the Lips of her Life" still cracks me!💋😂
  12. I agree - it happens. Men just don't advertise it because it's embarrassing for a man to admit for some reason, especially to other men. I LIKE that Tic was a virgin - it plays with the tried and true "virgin or virgin blood" trope and is usually women. The only time I've seen it be a male is that vampire movie Jim Carrey did way before he was famous LOL.
  13. I was hoping to see the Chicago folks and more of Ruby. However, I ended up not missing them somehow because of the great storytelling. and I found Jamie Chung to be captivating). I mentioned a Wizard of Oz reference from last week's eppy with Ruby's Red Slippers and walking in someone else's shoes. This is from the film, in the book they are Silver. This episode they went full-on Judy Judy Judy! I loved every minute as someone who's obsessed with Old Hollywood. I was tying to figure out just why Ji-ah was so entranced with Judy Garland in particular. There load so female actresses at that time she could have fell in love with, nothing against Judy who was truly special in almost every way. I was delighted with them choosing Summer Stock - this film was made when the industry was turning their back on Judy. Gene Kelly did the movie as a favor to her. And thus we got one of the most iconic sequences (that she crashed dieted to slim-down for): I think she was drawn to Judy's talent but also she represented the American Girl Next Door. That image came at a giant cost to her well-being and ultimately her life. Not sure of Ji-ah would be aware of this, but I'm sure the writers are: Judy did have a horrible relationship with her mother, or rather she had by most accounts a horrible mother. When her father died, she said that "now she was all alone" and she was right. Her mother saw her as a meal ticket. Everyone credited the studio for starting her addiction to pills but I recently read it was actually her mother who started her before her MGM contract. Judy was also born into her career, with no choice, performing as a child with her vaudeville family. At MGM Louis B. Mayer basically molested her, touching her breast when she was an early teen. He also call her, "my little HUNCHBACK." She was called fat and unattractive at the studio, in comparison to the tall, cool blond Lana Turner. Within all this, we have someone who felt ugly, and got the message loud and clear that her body was not her own (the studio made her get abortions because her being pregnant was not "approved" and the crash diets to look slimmer, etc.). There we have the Mother/Father/Father Figure issues, and the low-self worth in spite of the outward adornments. I'm like Ji-ah, in that I think she was pretty and more than anything one of the most talented stars to shine.
  14. Omg I knew something would happen because if the foreboding atmosphere but when the "tentacle" things pop out of her I wanted to throw up! I concluded she was a spider but the were a little too wiggly to satisfy that thought. Also I originally thought she was daydreaming about being a more sultry women because she was so different with this man.
  15. DingDingDing Winner Winner Chicken Dinner to your post! I so agree. Leah needs to be honest with herself. 1-She purposely wore that particular dress to piss off Ramona. Be careful what you wish for, because you got it in spades. 2-Ramona being Ramona was upset and embarrassed and in the Way of Ramona (patent pending) she proceeded to rudely ignore Leah like she didn't exist in front of her 60 Best Friends. Yes, Ramona was a total asshole for shunning her like she didn't matter. I was taught to be gracious in public and speak to them in private. You don't win by publicly embarrassing others, they do just fine on their own. Anyway, 3-Leah was upset (at the reality of the reaction she courted and wanted, or else why wear the very thing Ramona asked you not to wear. 4-So in the Way of Leah (patent also pending) she proceeds to act out, with butt out. Meh. I don't think people are offended by the vulgarity alone. That comes with the RH territory. I'm honestly still MAD at the ladies Tattoo shaming - their comment were shameful and out of date. What frustrates me about Leah. When Ramona gives a shocking reaction, but not THEE shocking reaction she wants, she gets upset and ACTS OUT. Teens act out, but she insists she is an adult. Leah clearly takes out her Mama Issues out on Ramona, and admitted as much in this episode. Now I'm resigned to her being back. I do not enjoy drunk Leah - I hate this show for making me agree with Ramona. First of all Bravo, how dare you?!! Second of all, Sober Leah I can take. She is still full of BS but I like that she can obviously carry a conversation and make her points clearly. And - call me crazy, she has self-awareness AND even considers she could have handled something better. Oh God. Wait. When did I get off the Leah Hate Train?! Behold the power of Sober Leah. *Shakes fists at Bravo* Curse you! I think Luann is sincere, she even admitted to some ignorance, but she may have found a passion project. I mean, as great as her CABARET is doing (??), she is NO Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria - not a great actress. However, I watch/listen to these shows while cooking. So I could have missed her Oscar-winning moment. hee. And yes, are Justice System needs work. There are people who were given long sentences for marijuana possession or selling, Meanwhile, it is being legalized and profiting some of the same states. Punishment should fit the crime, not be fueled by Prejudice. This is Hilarious! Demented Dorinda! or Demented Doreeda! If the shoe fits...
  16. SO WE don't get to hear Pu$$y and P3nis said repeatedly by grown ass woman acting like a kid with a new curse word? SAY Wut!? I was hoping to hear C#nt ad nauseum next season. The show will have nothing to offer us.
  17. Great observation! And we literally got Ruby Red Slippers so the Wizard of Oz (movie version) as well! (the film version at least, the book had silver slippers).
  18. But Ruby hasn't witnessed or experienced all that shit Tic have and Leti had up until this episode. Leti was always free-spirited and has died and come back to life. Leti is now trying to be do "the right thing" for others, for the first time in her life owing to her recent experiences and new knowledge. I may be giving the writers too much credit, but another angle is Ruby being the older and responsible one who took care of others - her dreams of freedom would look different than the younger, always did what she wanted to - Leti. Perhaps, because she was so responsible before she took the one chance to be (safely?) reckless, but not too reckless. Ruby is an artist - so she has creativity, but she is also always saw the bigger picture. Leti was badass taking a bat to the cars. Reckless - cool but reckless with what the police could have done to her. Ruby rolled up with the car so they could throw the guns and bat inside and she could drive them away. Practical, helping everyone. Also, the potion had limits and parameters to the Magic, I'm not sure I would want to be too far from William, my supplier and guide until I knew more. Just like Let is staying close to Tic and his family. There's lots of layers there and that's why I love this episode so much. Even when I don't agree with other comments, its a testament to the richness of the episode that there is so much to discuss and many ways of seeing things.
  19. They definitely missed the Context. In fact, so many of the comments I've seen around various sites are really not grounding their critiques in the reality of Ruby's situation or the historical accuracy for that period. We need to literally walk in her shoes. On one hand, to work for a department store seems so basic to us now. She couldn't even enter certain establishments at that time because of her skin. Her goal was both basic and a lofty. I think that is the point. I think the comments in this site (The Department Store Museum) below explain the Marshall Fields reputation so well. Personally, seeing the Legendary Christmas window displays as an Adult before it closed, made me feel like a hopeful kid again. It's hard to explain!
  20. Was this a reference to THEE Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman?! Love that story! Monique is definitely acting on the edge of unhinged. I've been reading Ray the other way, that Ray has some resentment and is not as interested in her. Definitely not as lovey-dovey as he once was with her while she's begging for his attention. Crazy as it sounds, I think Ashley doesn't mind Michael's affairs are coming out - it guarantees her spot on the show. Plus, the 2 kids give her future security if she leaves him. I think they either have an open marriage or she let's him cheat because she likes the money and doesn't want to be left with nothing. Monique got on my nerves this episode. Like calm the fuck down. I normally like her, but she was way out of line. I'm not the biggest Candyass fan but how were you friends if you can't talk to her about what is bothering you? Just be a grown ass woman instead of the snide remarks. Dammit, I hate that the show has me feeling sympathy toward Wendy. I did not like her on her 1st few episodes and still chuckle when I flasback to T'Challa scared the mess out of her! I notice Bravo Editors play that clip every week too lol.
  21. Each episode is like 7th course meal. It's a lot to chew! Not literally thought, this is another show on my list I can't eat food while watching lol. Speaking of that I had such a pit in my stomach hoping Ruby/William would not go like Tara/Franklin back in the day on True Blood. I had a traumatic flashback to that storyline that was kinda amusing in the twisted way TB was, but honestly abusive to a black female character in the long run. I noticed some parallels with the two Ladies, Both of the Ladies soaking in tubs talking to William and Tic. (I'm jealous of those big clawfoot tubs!) William to Ruby: Does that scare you? Atticus to Leti: Don't be scared/afraid of me. The general them being Metamorphosis and FEAR. Ruby saying that as White!Ruby people did not fear her - they feared FOR her. They treated her like..."A human," William finished with recognition. Montrose with his fear of who he really loves (fuck him for what he did last week though). The obvious butterfly motif was used but Locusts were mentioned twice - on the tv screen when William was opening Ruby's body (ugh!) and Montrose's lover (the bar owner - I'm forgetting his name) said it in Spanish to him. This is significant as Locusts are a source of fear, used as plagues in the bible - and if you've ever seen The Ten Commandments. I'm amazed because I just learned an interest fact about Locusts...they are actually grasshoppers. Stay with me here...Grasshoppers can jump 25 feet or something but they can not fly. And they are also solitary insects. It takes 3 particular changes in their environment to bring a profound change to them. Serotonin in their brains is stimulated and they began to form groups and change physically to the flying Locusts that terrorized Pharoah and has put fear into farmers. Another thing I'm curious about: Why did William explain the Butterfly change backwards? The Caterpillar actually turns in to the Butterfly but he explained it the opposite way. hmmm... Or the comfort of a bed! Like no one does the Horizontal Mumbo on beds in the 1950s, apparently. I was disappointed with the Tamara thing at first, but I personally have had mixed results working with other black women. I've had one mocking-me because I'm "too proper". I've had some be harder on me. And I've had a supportive kinship. Other than Insecure, I can't think of a another show that tackled the layers and nuisances of black women encountering "the other black' girl in competitive work environment. I interpreted the scene as Ruby's initial motivations were good, she was curious but also wanting to encourage her ("They can't take your education from you."). It changed soon as she found out that Tamara had no education or training. Ruby takes nothing lightly and lost respect when she found out the girl had no training and seemed to not care to put in the best effort (in Ruby's eyes at least). It wasn't fair though, being that Ruby was a white manager (White!Ruby) in Tamara's eyes. This story Christina about William intrigues me. Last episode the Police/Lodge Chief had his men follow her, and then she appeared to them later as William (and beat their asses before they could shoot!). So they know William exist, Plus this episode they brought his "wife" back to him. Call me crazy but I think Christina actually digs Ruby, in her on twisted way. The actor playing William really sold some genuine feeling towards her. If They can feel genuine feelings for someone else.
  22. To "Run game" means you are doing shady schemes and deals. You have a Hidden Agenda and can't be trusted. She is implying he was doing something dishonest. He used his connection to Doorida to get something from Scott. And he did it "behind her back" - without her acknowledgement or approval makes it shadier. It could have been a legitimate business transaction - However, we are getting this through her demented view. It felt like charity (GASP!) to have Tinsley's Boo give them (because John belonged to her in her head) cash. Another way "running game" is used - is when a man is trying to get a women in bed. (Can apply to anyone but traditionally was applied to men in pursuit.) Basically they approaching the other person with that Agenda in mind, so most of what they are saying can't be trusted as fact. It was all to achieve that goal. This little fact confirms that she is like the Godfather to these people. She has put fear in these ladies. Sonya just goes wherever the Gravy Train goes and won't jeopardize it continuing, Lou actually had some shame about her drinking troubles that Dorinda could exploit. Leah is fawned over by D - so no incentive to see anything wrong. It took Ramon of all people to open that door and now poor Tinsley to come and kickbox it down! I think Ramona, unlike the others, is untouchable than the others - has her own money and connections (through her 60 girlfriends LOL). edit: because Running Game is not gender-specific lol.
  23. Jovani! Jovani! Comes to mind - she was so pissed Luanne didn't give her the proper due for having John supply clothing. She had a narrative that implied John was a wealthy businessman and she could do better looks-wise. But his money made up for it. So Tinsley having an actually wealthy boyfriend give her John money was embarrassing. And you do not embarrass Dorinda - she embarrasses you! NOW we know why Doorida (TM Boxing Trainer) kept going on and on about how she respects Leah for being a good mom. This while there was no proof she even knew what kind of mother Leah was. It was to make Tinsley feel shit in comparison. Narcissistic Women do with their children and friends, pit them against each other by showering praise on one over the other. While making the other one work for their affection. This was women is vile and ABUSIVE. Oh yeah, please let's not sweep Sonya's hater attitude under the rug. She has been such a dismissive cow of Tinsley and is seething with Jealously. Who knew Ramona would be the most gracious and supportive of the group? I think Bethanny would have had some snarky comments but would have been more supportive as well. She does what she wants and wouldn't be afraid of Dorinda. This was one of THEE Best Reunions episodes!: The way Tinsley brought facts and Bravo backed her up with receipts was a thing of BEAUTY. We finally got a concrete root to Dorida's hate of Tinsley.
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