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Everything posted by shoetingstar

  1. I was wondering the exact same thing! Most people I've introduced the show too really enjoy the 1st season, I have to check what season they are on now... Isn't that when Yabba Dabba Doo took over?
  2. THANK you! This make sense when you account for the superstitions of that time and just normal human reaction to being rejected by a Parent. I wish they had put this in show because it makes him look less petty, and dare I say, immature. I totally agree. I really hate when characters do things because the script tells them to vs. Seeming like real people making choices for better or worse. Somethings I was able to just ignore and go with the flow...Years or rom-com grooming. But they really should have upped the stakes to make the Wedding rush even more understandable. There were alternatives, Daphne could threatened Miss Jealous with her own family's dirt, to keep her quiet, as they all had some.
  3. In light of the Sera Gamble years, where she was accused of favoritism toward Jared, which effected Sam on screen, this is mighty interesting.
  4. Agreed! And he came out of nowhere - like this is your first episode? lol I really don't get Kim's thinking at all. It's interesting that she was able to apologize to Kevin for throwing the drink on him. Does Anny need to throw a drink because calm reasoning went over her head. So my conclusion, she is just super judge-y toward Anna and feels she deserved it??! Which makes me like her even less.
  5. omg WHY is Kim and this Celebrity Hairstylist dude in Anna's shower and throwing her Sexy toy out the window? Wow, Grow the fuck up. This was not acceptable or funny in any way. But Kevin sticking up for Anna, was a nice surprise.
  6. All the "K" names were throwing me for a second: Kevin, "C"hristine, Kelly, Kim, Kane. Then you had two As Anna and Andrew. I found Kevin attractively immediately, but being that I'm a Reality Show veteran, I already decided he would do something problematic to make me dislike him. It's hilarious he called Andrew dumb, when Kane called him the same in the next episode! lol Kane - What does he do again, what are his connections? He actually made me feel bad for Andrew, which I greatly resent. Andrew had a point about why does Kane know his sex life details. Plush I like that he didn't throw Kelly under the bus and talk about their sex life. If Mr. Save-A-Kelly really respected her he wouldn't have entertained that either. I did like him doing the prayer with the Pregnant friend that just lost her Mom. Kelly - form experience - get away from Andrew before you have an oops, and get pregnant or worse. This will only lead to heartache. Though I hope he takes the counseling serious, for himself not to keep you. That doesn't end well. I was cooking while most listening, so I somehow got the idea that Andrew was Anna's son she mentioned earlier. So when he was going off on Kelly. I kept waiting for her to say "I didn't raise him like that, or something." I love that she apologized to Kelly for what she did say, but maintained that Andrew did was not cool. Christine - yeah, she needs to calm down about this who Queen of society thing. I had the biggest laugh -when she was SHOCKED that Anna had her sitting so far away! Mess with the Bull you get the Horns! She started it, but Anna knew how to finish it. I don't like her per say, but I'm outraged by her husband. Didn't she nearly die or something trying to have the first child? And he just wants a daughter? I thought he was going to want another boy as insurance. Pretty common in these times societies. I get Surrogacy is an option but he seemed totally flippant about her concerns. I LOVE Anna - like Kim said she does things other people could not get away with. But she doesn't seem mean-spirited or arrogant. like Christine That scene when Kevin tried to return the clothing and shoes (he's another source of comedy)- I think she was genuine. I've been wanting to see this type of Rich on reality. Unapologetic about their wealth but not a complete asshole.
  7. Yes, he could have. I like this, it has more depth and speaks better of his character. I was thinking we would find out that he thought his earlier impediment was genetic or something and didn't want his children to suffer. The writers missed some great opportunities. When Daphne said it out loud as presented, it rang so hollow. If he had explained the WHOLE situation it would have gone down so much better. Be he stubbornly wanted to hold on to his anger. He had defined his very self with that vow.
  8. Maybe he did the pull-out method as well? lol It's apparently been working for a lot of these men. Either way, we weren't given enough information of the circumstance. He could have been given order to leave sooner than expected. Or like you said, maybe he was as naïve about conception?
  9. If you are looking at your partner, and can see they are in distress and they say "Wait, wait Y/N". I think that's a huge clue the person is having trouble of some kind. It wasn't just the language, but his facial expressions and body language. Daphne did not have the motives of a rapist, but people concerned with this are not pulling this out of thin air. In any case, she suspected Simon had taken something from her (her dream of children), so she tested her theory by taking what she thought was owed her, his seed. Agreed.
  10. Well that was a ride. Good finale. Really interesting in what Season 2 brings. Simon and Daphne ended up being the least exciting part of it all. And Ha! So I was right, it was Penelope! When Eloise told her it was Modiste and P didn't even ask questions. It confirmed it even more. Usually when your friend tells you a story you want details. Penelope could have told Colin privately about Marina's pregnancy. Then only their two families would have known. But she wanted Marina to be humiliated and to suffer, without getting the consequences of the Fallout from her choice. She could have left an anonymous letter for him. This is the same girl who has been publishing a newspaper in secret for months. Let's not forget all the digs she took at Marina's expense. She embarrassed Colin, someone she claims to love. And she put her own families future at stake. Let's not forget her own MOTHER was apart of the situation. And it was ignited by her FATHER squandering the family moment and therefore not being able to send Marina back home. Marina while, not perfect was trying to do the best in her situation. Penelope acted out of SPITE when she saw 1- they were leaving to get married right away and most importantly 2- when Marina harshly broke the news that Colin did not see her that way. Penelope was absolutely wrong in how she handled this. And in the end she lost Colin. And Marina got a respectable man who could take care of her, after all. While her family is in shambles. As for George making an honest women out of Marina before he left. Marina didn't even know she was pregnant until she got to the Featherington's house. Also she apologized for her remark to Penelope, the girl was under a lot of pressure. Penelope was only losing her "fantasy" of Colin. Anyway, I developed quite a crush on Colin myself. So Penelope has good taste, at least lol.
  11. Are we supposed to believe Simon heard Daphne crying? They really need to repair this soon. It's not fun to watch like the film War of Roses from back in the day, or something. I was hoping that Marina had deeper feelings for Colin and would have expressed them. I actually like both of them. Could "George" is probably the General himself?! - Idk I wanna know why she gave up hope. so suddenly. Daphne could have talked The Duke into writing the General or she could have just wrote again slapped the Duke's insignia on it. It's not that hard, folks. I'm so glad Daphne gave her some understanding. I actually liked Daphne when she was not in scenes with Simon. I hate that they made her Mother so ungracious, however. The moment Marina's news became public I thought it was Penelope. But it's almost obvious enough to be Red Herring. I was waiting for Eloise to find some secret she shared with only Penelope in Lady's Whistledown's paper. Perhaps the Whistledown name will be the clue. The Modiste would be a good candidate as well.
  12. I found the Sexcapades with Simon to be unnecessary overdone. The last Daphne and Simon scene and the issues of consent have already been discussed ad nauseam. Thank you to the person who reminded us that he had that stuttering problem, and it may have reared it's ugly head while he was upset. Honestly, when she said that Simon knew marriage and children were ALL she wanted. I don't believe it - they don't communicate enough for that to have been expressed. So yeah, they both are assholes to me. His lie came back to bite him. And she should have stopped when he said "Wait." I was enjoying her interactions with the towns people and it was the first time I saw her doing something unselfish (outside her family's future). She was actually given a personality beyond, "I have to marry." I wished we saw this side of her earlier. I really feel bad for Marina and for Penelope. Unrequited Love is horrible and I think she genuinely thought of Colin's welfare as well. However, her spiteful side was crowding out the bigger picture of her family's future. I think if she knew that they were in a bad financial state she would have been more accommodating, perhaps. Marina was harsh but I really think it was a case of ripping off the bandage in one swoop. The real villain is the strict, rigid, completely unforgiving societal rules that were presented as "right" but were really about Men ruling according to their own whims, contradictions and all. Whether I like the characters are their choices, they are all victims or at least stifled because they are not allowed to be individuals. So who told Whistledown? Who else even knew and also didn't mind ruining the Featheringtons? Penelope crying to Eloise might be a red herring... On a casting note: I really hate that the one other black character in a major role is the unwed pregnant girl who ruins everyone's life. It's an interesting choice. Also, I really wish they would give Anthony something else to do besides the Bridgerton Marriage Ogre. Completely agree with this!
  13. I literally, said "Who?" when you guys talked about Frances. Literally can't remember the child. It's a girl right? lol I'M CALLING IT NOW: Some woman is going to show up saying her child is Simon's. They have to keep more tension since we have like 3 episodes to go? They were too keen on showing Simon turning over to um, spill his seed so he won't get Daphne pregnant. We agree that SIMON is a poor name for such a Gorgeous man, right? He is a Sebastian to me, no matter how over-used that name may be! I was really confused by Daphne's anger directed toward Simon. I understand they were going for the big fight, then shagging formula. But the Tension of her being clueless + scared and his guilt about the garden + knowing she's a vulnerable virgin (vs the experienced women he's normally with) would have been more than enough to get that Bonfire started. The previous set-up was: 1-There hands were forced into a quick marriage: So he may need some time to get his bearings. However, 2- His words to Charlotte were a big Ole Clue about how he felt. If she thought he was just saying it to get the license - that scene should have come earlier. In fact, I thought they had that conversation before the wedding. I'm glad they had that conversation and clarified some things, just narrative wise it should have come sooner. Felt like someone who doesn't read or watch Romance stories who picked upon tension of the two characters clashing, while ignoring that the tension of changing, becoming someone new because of the other person is just as delicious. With that being said: Hot damns that scene was something else! I did have to push away my lack of love for the actress, but once I was able to do that, I was engaged. The highlight was Regé-Jean Page - he really hit the right notes (forgive the saying!). My favorite part was the undressing, he didn't ogle her body, but kept his eyes on hers. Such a nice touch. Good point. His whole motive is that his Father was a Cruel Bastard and his revenge was the vow to never continue his Father's name. On the positive side, it shows that when he committed to something, he is fully committed. However, we make declarations with what we know at the time. He thought this revenge would hurt his father, and therefore bring justice and joy to himself. It's time to reassess, he's only keeping the hurt his father caused him alive by stubbornly sticking to that. Time to figure out what HE really wants. I like you mentioned his friend because Simon may be scared he will be like his father. He does have an example of a good father and also a confident loved wife right in front of him. His mother's pain is at the root of his revenge as well. So the real issue may be that Simon is afraid of Simon being a father (and proper husband), and what kind of parent he would be. I too - loved the view into Charlotte's world. Humanized her but didn't take away any of her edge. It was a nice touch also because it also revealed why Simon's declaration of Friendship with Daphne worked for her. I get the sense that her and the King had that genuine love and friendship in their union. Ah! I thought the same, but then I accepted that when he had her touch herself and they were doing all the dirty talk, etc. He was getting her physically warmed-up and "prepped" for what, uh - came next.
  14. I agree with @Umbelina!! I also wish they had NOT said anything about race whatsoever. It was like they congratulated themselves on their wokeness. My favorite version of Cinderella from the 90s was produced by Whitney Houston. It is the Fairy Godmother of "Color-Blind casting". It starred the charming African American singer Brandy in all her braided-hair glory. The prince was Filipino. His Parents were Whoopi Goldberg and Victor Garber. The Evil Stepmother was Bernadette Peters, the step-sister were white and black. These differences were not even discussed.. They were just allowed to BE. The committed viewers have been marinating in this world the creators built. Mentioning it seems like they lack confidence in the show or that the audience would "get it". Like, "Hey guys! We totally know black people are treated differently in the real world." I mean, if you want to get REAL and historical, the ladies would have more body hair, the teeth would be worse, and there wouldn't be any manicures (I'm assuming?). GREAT point! I guess Lord Featherington was putting all his energy into keeping the lid on his secrets, his brain didn't even think of those options! lol The lovely couple got on my nerves in the episode! Also over Brother Bridgerton and his Sad Singer. The Duke, when I was a child I thought like a child...You have to get over the Vow you made to your Evil dying Father. Think about what you were want and what would make you happy?! Let it go, as Elsa would say! Being happy is the best Revenge!
  15. An earlier time of course, but I am reminded of King Louise The XVI and Marie Antoinette. Not having children for years until her brother took Louise aside and got the details of what they were, or rather, were not doing. There was nothing physically wrong (though there is speculation). They were apparently equally clueless and not uh...completing the act. He then gave the King "The Talk" I guess lol. They did not conceive until that intervention. That was in 1777. Bridgerton is supposed to be early 19th century, 1813 according to wiki.
  16. Yes, that's what I fanwanked so I wouldn't be distracted lol. And to be fair the Prince is rather bland too. Everyone else is rather vibrant, even the characters I dislike.
  17. THIS is why I came to forum. I've felt this way from the moment the Queen picked her among all the women. I guess that how the casting of this role when? I also thought she looked about 12. She's an average girl and there's nothing wrong with that but stop telling us she is this stunning BEAUTY among all the ladies in this town. She really doesn't even have the witty-enough personality to counter it. I notice they keep the other ladies plain. Like that tall blonde mean girl who wanted the Prince so badly. They give her weird hats and awful makeup. Marina is the one exception and they had to saddle her with a pregnancy so she wouldn't be competition. The actress is fine though and I'm otherwise, enjoying the show. 😄
  18. I purposely avoiding his social media when he kept embarrassing himself (like the "wanting to fight Bieber" comment, or whatever it was). It was more of live and let live, still wished him well. Ironically, I started the show back in 2005, partly because of knowing him from GG. hmmm....Mish-ah has definitely help ignite, and reignite the Destiel fire over the years. One consequence being Jensen being unfairly attacked for not getting onboard their ship. (NOT that he can control people or is responsible for the actions of others, but you know what I mean. He influenced.). I mostly avoided him too. Recently I was impressed with his reaction to the BLM, with the virtual talks that featured Black professionals (Jensen and Danneel joined). 99.5% of his posts are political now. He broke that pattern a couple weeks ago to post a long thing about the Destiel scene. I skimmed, and can't even remember what he said. I'm so over it. I'm ready to block The D-ship from my twitter timeline at this point.
  19. Moose has been on my "are you kidding me?" List since he said the Final was his Favorite episode. But I'm still surprised, especially at Misha.
  20. If only "that spiteful bitch Dabb" from his original draft had stayed. He too classy for that tho.
  21. Amen, and not to Chuck. Ahem. Okay, I'm going to get cheesy as hell. But it really makes my day to see good Jensen news and accomplishments. And also, I always think of you guys who deeply support him.
  22. Thank you @MAK! Exactly, well said. It breaks my heart that this selfless Man was continually brought low, because they needed him to grovel. And he had the nerve to have the very human feeling of anger about all he's gone through. This is making me re-think Dean's Self-hate, was it monologued (it was always some baddie telling him about it) in Season 1 or added later? Not that I needed an excuse to re-watch Season 1, again. heh.
  23. Oh Sammy. God love him (heh), but the hypercritical part of Sam's nature was continually swept under the rung. Now, we do find out in this episode that he did Agree to be Michael's vessel, with some conditions., of course. He hadn't done anything yet though. This was my conclusion why he was able to kill her: The angels and supernatural beings like TWoB don’t understand human kindness, and this is their downfall. The moment “she” confirmed that Evil could win, and that Dean could be just watching it from the sidelines, the struggle against Dean was lost. Even though God is AWOL, there are laws of the universe that still exist. Dean’s true mojo was when his actual brand Faith was triggered – his noble (not pathetic), care for others (not self-hate), and his true faith that People Are Worth Saving and that Dean Winchester is the one to do it. Sadly, the writers leaned into Dean being a self-hater instead of Dean being selfless.
  24. Servant of Heaven, actually! And that's even more thought-provoking. Good point! I guess it was a couple of the defaults for Dean's character, packaged in various ugly ways. Ah, I found my little tumblr post about it back when I actually used it. lol.
  25. I still SEETHE thinking about the Finale. A mess. ....So many great points made during this discussion. I wanted include one pattern I've noticed: Dean getting built up as "Special" and "Absolutely the only one Needed" and "The Only One Who Can Do This" (usually by some Being) and then...totally pushed to the side for someone else in the home stretch. It's so demoralizing, frustrating, and ultimately hollow. We have the whole Michael deal in Season 14 - he ended up with Nougat after all. Zachariah pestering Dean to accept Michael back in season 5 only for them to use Adam in the end. And my personal favorite: The Whore of Babylon, also from season 5. I did a whole write-up on that. I'm still intrigued with this story for "99 Problems". Basically, were told only a "Righteous Man" can kill the TWoB but DEAN DID IT. That is an actual great discussion: Does Righteous mean perfect? or someone who willingly sacrifices himself to save others? Was it Dean's destiny and the Angel previously missed it? Much could have come out of that. However, they immediately put Dean in his place and nothing came of it, that I can recall. It's been awhile since I've watched these episodes so I could be forgetting something. Can you guys think of other examples? I'm so surprised Castiel declaration to Dean touched me (and I'm not a Destiel), because it really was more of the same.
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