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Winston Wolfe

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Everything posted by Winston Wolfe

  1. As another poster noted, Gina apparently spends a lot of time filing for bankruptcy. IRL her Accountant would be asking, "did you turn the Food Truck into a nonprofit? That's a whole different business model you know."
  2. If Holly really wanted revenge on Victor why not make the toxin a fatal, painful, slow-acting poison? Do these folks really want #justice for luke????
  3. I'm falling out of love with Regina and it's making me sad. Could she be any more naive? However, it's clear she's going into politics now, somehow get elected and then run the entire city into the ground just like her food businesses. Le Sigh. Yeah, that was really rough to watch. Growing up in a Black household in the 1960s, the first "how do you know each other" question would have been met with "go outside and play. This is grown folks' business, not yours."
  4. Probably an UO here - particularly in light of my dislike for all things Whoopi and a personal bias based on 35 years spent working in education and social services. Teachers are in unique positions to move their students to better places in life. It's not their job to decide who wants something "more." Mark is looking to break the Connor Cycle of Failure and Dysfunction, and the Whoopi character blocked that. IMO, her holding Mark back had more to do with her animosity towards Jackie than him. Plus, Whoopi plays the same "omniscient," cranky curmudgeon in every damn part I've ever seen her in. I've never seen any "talent" with her, only Ego.
  5. Oh yeah, I remember Alexis telling someone that Prego Spaghetti Sauce was "the working woman's friend."🤣Like Natasha ever had time to cook something other than Popcorn.😆 Jessie Brewer - I vaguely remember from back when my Mother watched GH and all the Nurses wore those White Caps and the sparkly white, starched uniforms. Seems like eons ago.
  6. More horrible GH pacing. Didn't Mrs. Woo slip that in Victor's drink like two months ago??? The writers probably forgot. Poor Mistuh Sheffield. Maybe if Eileen wore shorter skirts and spoke with a high-pitched, nasal Queens accent? Stranger things have been known to happen....
  7. That was some UCG last night when Regina told Sophie (paraphrasing here) "Well, when my last Restaurant failed....". Regina, here's an idea. Stop trying to save random people who haven't asked for your help and don't really seem to want it. Instead, how about finding the Boston SCORE Chapter and taking some courses around not running one business after the next into the ground? Either that or go to school and become a Social Worker. But doing both jobs ain't exactly working out. At this point, does Sophie even have anything in common with young people her own age? Hanging around with the late-30s and early-40s pack of co-dependent weirdos, can she even hold a conversation with her contemporaries? Maybe that's why the off-screen date was so unfulfilling for her.
  8. Since Esme's amnesia appears to be real, can you imagine how un-nerving it must be to be surrounded by all these psychos and sketchy characters? Of the people in her immediate orbit only Laura, Liz, and Diane seem to be mostly ok and even Liz has issues with Esme. She starts with Ryan and Heather as parents and it all goes downhill pretty quickly.
  9. Now that you mention it, by spending (apparently) most of their available time with Jon's friends Danny and Sophie are clearly looking for surrogate parents. Gary clearly has an "older brother/father-figure" presence with Danny and Regina is definitely serving as a substitute mom for Sophie.
  10. Hmm - "adult baby." Seems like that could apply to half the characters on this soap.
  11. Remember, as Gary said "we don't talk about Bruno."
  12. This is bad, because she can't change it, but her pointy chin bothers me. (Wicked Witch of the West chin?) This is equally awful, but for me it's the combination of the two. She looks like a Gremlin, but I'm warming up to her anyway.
  13. I'm madly in love with Christina Moses and Regina Howard - but - even though Regina may be a marvelous Chef, it's pretty clear now that she is a HORRIBLE business-person. She should either get a partner with some business savvy or find a five-star Zagat's establishment to work at. How many different businesses can she run into the ground? David Giuntoli is SUCH a gifted actor. When Theo started into his little freak-out at the vet, Eddie gave Greta that "confused" look that parents sometimes give each other - that kind of "I have absolutely NO idea what to do here, do you?" expression and it was Gold.
  14. Poor Sophie. Other than the potential Love interest last week, when's the last time we've seen her with someone her own age? That being said, Regina and Sophie have excellent chemistry and a nice mother/daughter vibe between them. And Sophie really needs a Mother figure in her life. Also, it occurs to me that Rome and Regina share a "social justice/save-the-world" gene. A fitting end to their arc would be to have them start some kind of nonprofit, maybe Alzheimer's related. Yes indeed. I wasn't a Greta fan, but am warming to her. She and Eddie have a nice, comfortable vibe, whereas Katherine and Greta seem kind of forced at this point.
  15. Is that kinda like "I shot the Sheriff, but I did not kill no Deputy. Oh, no."
  16. ...and most of the PC residents who belong there aren't in any one of them...
  17. I'd be all for Kevin and Laura being a modern-day Nick and Nora Charles, sipping Whiskey and solving murders. They had that kind of mature chemistry in those scenes, connecting the dots while Jordan was absolutely useless.
  18. Jordan. Originally Kevin was a match but because the physical after effects when he was trapped at the psych ward when Ryan switched places, he couldn’t donate. Curtis got a bunch of medical people to take Ryan’s kidney and have Kevin pretend to be Ryan to give consent to the procedure. Was that retconned? Asking because I seem to remember Laura saying that Kevin was pre-diabetic and couldn't donate a Kidney.
  19. Yep, that was beyond unrealistic. Maybe Becky could have Googled worker's comp to find out how it actually worked? Even worse, Jackie, who's supposed to be older and wiser, went right along with it, while realizing doing so is fraud. Sometimes these folks dig their own graves with spoons, other times with shovels.
  20. So did I. People have all kinds of fetishes and Eddie was totally correct in questioning her motives - she was kind of "fan-girling" men in chairs without first providing some context. Still, I liked Eddie's date other than that, and maybe she'll give him another chance. In the meantime, he's headed to University, maybe he'll meet someone there. Great and Eddie do have a nice, unexpected sibling chemistry and I don't much like Greta. Did anyone else expect that Maggie's Boss was going to offer Gary the temporary hosting gig? Nice fake-out DJ. I'd really rather not see Sophie if these are going to be the kind of storylines she gets. The actor is too likable and capable for this kind of crap-tacular writing. And as other posters have said, Sophie really needs some friends her own age, not a bunch of 30-somethings. Well, it least it takes some focus away from Rome's depression. Overall though this S/L has been surprisingly well-done. IMO, the break did this show a lot of good. Two episodes in the writing has been much better - these are the shows we should have been getting for the past four years, and most of us wouldn't have been so frustrated. Oh well.
  21. Even though Darlene and Becky had moments of clarity, they were both all shades of AWFUL this week. It somehow feels wrong that Darlene gets a gig by being her normal, objectionable self. The biggest problem with many adult members of the Conners clan is that no one is truly interested in positive self-change. Yet they wonder why everything always goes badly for them.
  22. because he didn't give up the family name. becuse he wants to show his kids that the Corinthos name means more than just "mobtacular stuff" (per his conversation w/Sonny, And that's another thing. Who willingly hangs on to the surname of a man who killed their biological father? Just when he's beginning to connect with that man. Clearly speaks to what an irredeemably sick puppy Mikey is. Oh, and because it can't be said enough: Die Willow Die!!!!!!
  23. Yep I noted that too. Mikey is only a Quartermaine when it's convenient.
  24. This may be a UO, but I thought this episode really wasn't all that bad as AMLT goes. Sadly, the characters were all consistent - Gary stealing the candy bar is EXACTLY what we'd expect him to do. Maggie was Maggie, just preggo. Too late to fix these folks now. I'm basically tuning in to see the three or four characters I actually like/care about - Rome, Gina, Eddie (mostly) and Sophie (they really don't know what to do with her, and the actor/character really deserves better). But I agree, this show could have been SO much more than it has been. Maybe it will finish strong, but I kind of doubt it.
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