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Everything posted by technorebel

  1. For that matter, what happened to the cabin the townspeople helped them build on the last plot of land? I guess someone else will have to come along and clean up the messes after the Browns. Discovery has been busy scrubbing Facebook pages and what-not, which only makes me more suspicious about this family. Apparently the truth conflicts with "reality".
  2. Now they're wandering around on Chichagof Island in their leather jackets in the rain like bikers lost in the woods. These people are not right in the head. Plus, there are an astonishing number of bears there. It's an accident waiting to happen.
  3. I'm not aware Kate was photographed hitting her children with a wooden spoon. I did read that book by Robert Hoffman, though, and that was one of the things he alleged. On the other hand, Hoffman was Jon's friend, and I don't think he was unbiased. Kate WAS verbally abusive to Jon on the show. I might have done worse if I'd had to put up with his cluelessness. I just don't think she's as bad as people make her out to be, but then I don't know her in real life. I also believe Kate was stuck in a pressure cooker due to the demands of filming and personal appearances, along with having 8 kids and a childish husband. Hoffman said that Jon moved into the apartment over the garage once the marriage unraveled. I don't recall him claiming that bodyguard Steve was sleeping upstairs with Kate while Jon was in the basement. One thing for sure, though, Kate is polarizing. People either like her or absolutely hate her.
  4. Oh, yes, she was/is a great singer, but as a teenager, David Cassidy was the draw for me. Although I did know who both Shirley Jones and her husband, Jack Cassidy, were, they were more my parents' generation. Talking about this old show reminds me of how the entire family used to watch the same tv shows in the same room, not like today.
  5. It starts February 22 on Arena tv in Australia. On the show's facebook page, they say that Bravo hasn't confirmed any plans in regard to the second season.
  6. I can see why they did that with the voices. I used to watch the show with my mother who was a Shirley Jones fan, so it would make sense to emphasize her voice for TV. But my mom was most definitely not running out and buying the records. That would've been me and every other teenager, so the emphasis would be on David. I sure wasn't buying those 45's for Shirley Jones.
  7. On my on screen guide, it shows that the first two hours are just a repeat of the two hours we watched last Sunday, and only one new one-hour episode.
  8. Yes, in the book Janelle says she met Meri's brother, Adam, and converted him from the polygamous cult to mainstream LDS. They lived together for only six months. After the split, Janelle remained close with Adam and Meri's family. She doesn't say what happened with the marriage, just that he had little spiritual comviction. It must make family gatherings interesting, no?
  9. Everything you say is true. I just don't know how they (as young women) can see the reality of polygamy when they can only filter their perceptions through their religious beliefs. Their own Doctrine & Covenants tells them that they will be destroyed if they don't embrace polygamy. They believe that God himself lives this lifestyle, and that, in order to progress in the afterlife, they have to live it too. That gives them some very powerful incentives to ignore any drawbacks they see. I remember when Christine was participating in a panel that her aunt, Kristyn Decker, was on also. Her aunt eventually left polygamy and wrote a book "Fifty Years In Polygamy". Christine insisted that her aunt was just married to a bad man. She just won't hear that there might be something wrong with the institution of polygamy or her religion. So, while I think they might see that all is not well, they just push it to the backs of their minds and don't think about it.
  10. Now you know Mellie wouldn't spend that money on therapy. It's not the gypsy way. Speaking of money, I've wondered what Mellie is living on. Surely this show doesn't pay enough, but is she still dancing?
  11. I think the women who choose this lifestyle have an idealized version of polygamy in their heads. They think they're going to have some kind of enlightened and deep relationship with their sisterwives and aren't prepared for the natural feelings of jealousy and such that always rear up. If they grew up in a polygamous household, their father's wives must have succeeded at hiding the ugly parts of the Principle. It's too bad no one ever told them the truth because they might've made different choices. I don't think Kody and Janelle were creeping around. I think Meri was actually in favor of marrying Janelle since they got along so well as sisters-in-law. She just didn't realize how those feelings would change once Janelle was sleeping with Kody. And all of them in a small trailer as well.
  12. I saw a new post on this forum, and I thought "I wonder who's been arrested now?" Ha!
  13. I remember that episode. The Palins were very welcoming to Kate and kids, but Kate had a stank attitude from the get-go. I can't imagine ruining my kids' camping adventure to whine about my personal discomfort over and over and over...most moms would've just sucked it up and been glad their kids were having a good time.
  14. My understanding is that the adult members of the family have been charged with fraud in regard to receiving Permanent Fund checks. It was reported in various Alaskan newspapers, but I haven't been able to find any news of what happened after that...whether they had to repay the money or were found not guilty. The gist of the charges were that they didn't spend enough time in Alaska during certain years to establish residency. You can be absent for a maximum of 180 days per year, so it sounds like the state is alleging they were living elsewhere for too long. I do know that any forum I've been on with people that actually live in Alaska, the common consensus is that the Brown family is one big fat fraud all around.
  15. I thought I was the only one to watch odd little shows like this. It's like a parody of a country western show. Bursting into song while they're talking to each other! I love it, especially the one that Patty and Megan sang about their rivalry. I remember watching Mel Tillis' tv show with my parents decades ago. Working in Branson must have been interesting.
  16. I'd say I won't be back if they kill Doc off, but who am I kidding? It's zombies...I'll be back for sure. In regard to the nukes, maybe Citizen Z can pull off a last minute save and divert them somewhere or disarm them. I think the writers have proven they're not afraid to be bold (or ridiculous) with the story on this show.
  17. I noticed that when the "dentist" held up Mrs. Brown's x-ray, production had blurred out the date on it, but not her name so, at the very least, we're not talking about current events. But I'm being too kind. I think their whole story is contrived. Why would experienced "bush dwellers" wear leather jackets to spend the winter outside in Alaska? Why would they abandon their land just because a neighbor set off some fireworks? Why wouldn't they be able to tell the difference between gunfire and fireworks in the first place?
  18. One thing that amazes me about this bunch is their complete lack of any ambition. Even Janelle, who used to talk about how much she loves her work, has sunk into the same torpor as the rest. What in earth do they do all day?
  19. Has anyone here ever bought anything from them? I confess that I bought their book.
  20. Yeah, I don't get that part either. It only makes sense if Tre is getting paid to film. She still has bills to pay. I don't know what I'd do if I were in their financial mess. How do you ever dig yourself out of a hole that deep? I'd probably let all the expensive stuff go, like that big house, and move into a trailer or something. Get rid of everything unnecessary. Of course, I don't believe that Joe's going to be able to keep the house anyway. I don't think they have a secret stash of money. It was all spent along the way.
  21. I don't know why I sat through Cabin Fever again. Maybe I just wanted to see the part where Tori stains a beautiful hardwood floor blue...it was as awful as I remembered. It's odd, they seemed relatively happy on this show. Dean looked like he really enjoys working with his hands.
  22. At this point, it probably doesn't make any difference whether she goes skiing or to church every day. Her sentence has already been handed down. It's not as if the judge will go back and add time on because Tre isn't penitent enough.
  23. You're right, Beden. That's why it makes me wonder because these people are not poor. Perhaps the mom is like your relative and scared of the dentist.
  24. Chelsea looks like she wants Cassia to be her's and Danny looks like a complete loon.
  25. Now the dad is sinking another boat! I thought he was an experienced fisherman or something. He's tooling along in a boat that's taken on so much water, the back end is riding really low, yet he needs his boys in the boat behind him to let him know that. I just think the dad is a disaster, and he doesn't actually seem to do much work either. And why is the mom running around with that many rotten teeth in her mouth? They actually do have money so why let that go. Fix Birdie's snaggle tooth, too. Every time she speaks, I think she's going to cut her lip on that jagged front tooth.
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