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Everything posted by technorebel

  1. I don't think they've ever talked about telling the girls about the prison sentences. It's obvious, though, that the two oldest DO know, just by remarks they've made to their parents. I think Tre is deluded if she thinks she can keep them in the dark about it. Joe did say that Milania said, "Is there something you want to tell me?", so she's heard things. These days, all kids are on the computer at an early age, so how would they not? Even my four year old grandson knows how to get to the games on Google Play.
  2. Tori ended up with a gold-digger anyway, though. Through googling the topic, I read an article that said Tori was estranged from her father before he had his stroke. Maybe she's the one who blew the relationship off first.
  3. It's amazing what kind of crap gets picked up for another season. This fake family and their wilderness shtick. We already read online about their big house, the Dad who's a published writer and their website. I don't believe anything that comes out of their mouths, but here I am watching it just the same. I'm a sucker for Alaska shows.
  4. Well, I can't begrudge Meri her boy band crush. What else does she have besides 1/4th interest in a used husband?
  5. I'm just now watching a marathon of the first season of Little Women LA and hooked on it now.
  6. I wonder if Danielle got the idea of a foreign husband from her friend, Angie, who was in a similar situation. Angie seemed on a par with Danielle, looks-wise. Maybe she had snagged herself a hot young Muslim husband from overseas and Dani thought she could do the same. While I might not describe Moe as "hot", I think he is handsome.
  7. No, removing the ovaries won't cure the disease. It involves much more than just the ovaries.
  8. I'm sure I'd be very grateful if one of my relatives left me a measly 8 grand, but maybe when you're raised as one of the truly rich, $800,000 is a small sum. I'd like to know why Aaron Spelling did what he did, but I guess we'll never know the truth of it. I'd also like to know to what extent Candy subsidizes Tori and Dean's lifestyle because she must be.
  9. Of course Aaron had the right to leave his fortune to whomever he pleased. I kind of agree with you, though. When you have 800 million, would it have hurt to leave half to Candy and split the rest between his kids? I don't know if Tori would've blown it all or not or whether it's true that he didn't trust her with money. But Aaron left the same relatively paltry sum to his son, too. Does that mean the son was undeserving or untrustworthy as well? It's just curious, and all that he accomplished is to make Tori permanently bitter toward her mother since she's the one who got all of Daddy's money. It almost makes one glad to be living in modest circumstances. I doubt if my kids will fight over my 2000 Grand Am.
  10. Will someone link it for Taylor? I am, sadly, link-impaired.
  11. Medically speaking, both terms mean the same thing. No one here made any homophobic statements, in my opinion. ETA, I just took a look at Mo's facebook page to see what the fuss was about. I think you were referring to some of the people commenting there rather than us. My God, they're like vultures fighting over Mo's carcass over there.
  12. I can't get over the attraction this guy has for some people. If he could bottle it, he'd make a fortune.
  13. I think she'll go voluntarily and be dressed to the nines with her hair and make-up done. She'll smile in case anyone's taking photos and save the tears for inside.
  14. So we'll have to wait until next summer to see the next season here in the USA? Bummer.
  15. And Danielle cannot just pick her minor children up and move to another state. They have a father. You have to have the court's permission to move kids out of state. I'm assuming, however, that Mo has to reside with Danielle in order to get that green card.
  16. I hadn't thought of it this way. Kenya has pretty much neutralized Porsha with forgiveness and a hug, leaving her fuming and looking foolish. Clever girl! Yes, I enjoy Kenya, too.
  17. I think Daya did come across as difficult at first, but then a softer side emerged. My opinion of her changed when she cried as Brett's daughter was leaving. Also, Daya had kind of trying circumstances here with the house and bed sharing. I'm glad they got their own place, and I believe they really do love each other and will make a go of it.
  18. Remember that convenience store clerk she bulldozed into closing the store so he could come pour the gas in her stranded car? She did give him ten whole dollars for that service. He stood there on the curb watching her drive away as if he'd just been through a tornado.
  19. I can't speak for anyone else, but my reasons for distrusting Mo have nothing to do with prejudice against muslims. It's his own words and behaviour.
  20. I watched a couple Myla Vox music videos on YouTube, and they're not bad. It's typical boy band stuff with nice harmonies. I don't know how big they really are in Nicaragua, though. I thought the group was just releasing their first album.
  21. Mohamed possesses some kind of Tunisian charm that causes total strangers from all over North America to contact him with offers of assistance. I'm gob-smacked by it. He can probably walk into a restaurant and other people pay for his food.
  22. What on earth is Sheree doing for money? I can't imagine how she's buying groceries much less financing this house. Maybe she did get a big settlement out of Bob after all.
  23. I woke up in the wee hours and watched this off the DVR. It looks like any funny bits they had, the producers saved for this episode where there are only 3 or 4 of us left watching the show. Jannik and Sascha at the spa, good God! I've never seen men spend so much time on their looks. This would be considered very effeminate where I'm from, yet they're not gay? And Jannik's modeling faces. Every time I see those poses, I wonder why Natalie is so keen to marry him with that goofy hair and too-tight pants and all. There is just nothing masculine or attractive about him (to me). Bleona has got the VIP behaviour down pat, except she's really not famous here and probably won't be. She spends all that money on studio time, then exercises and has a massage while there just to prove that she is really very busy, too busy to care about other people's time. That massage therapist looked really angry at the wait. Maybe Bleona's a good tipper.
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