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Everything posted by technorebel

  1. It's too bizarre. I hope Danielle doesn't have a pet bunny. She could come home from work and find a pot boiling on the stove...
  2. It's true, Meri does seem more relaxed. She's in a different season of her life than the other wives, and she seems to be okay with that. I'm liking her, too. I hope she does finish her degree and finds some fulfillment in a career of some kind.
  3. My opinion about kids being on reality shows is all about the money. If every single person working on that show is getting paid, I want each child to receive a check in their own name just like any other working actor. Every single adult who appears on a reality show and puts her kids on it can be accused of exploiting their children. That would include all of the Housewives, that little couple and their two adopted children, even that young couple on Alaska the Last Frontier show their baby. There are literally dozens (at least) of reality shows in which children appear. Aren't their parents all exploiting them...or just Kate?
  4. Thank you for this. Brandi has said the nastiest things about and to everyone, then plays the "poor me" card. I can't figure out how she continues to get away with it.
  5. Nah, Walentis pretty much bashed them both. If Jon gives an interview where he talks about his finances and such, then it's public knowledge, provided Jon is telling the truth, of course. He seems to give a lot of interviews, the latest being about his new career as a DJ.
  6. There's a book by Al Walentis about the year that everything fell apart for the Gosselins, and it's much more balanced than Hoffman's. He writes about Jon only interacting with the kids for the camera, but as soon as a scene was over, he was busy on his phone with whatever girl. At the time, Jon would come stay at the house when it was his turn for visitation, and Kate would stay elsewhere. Walentis writes that one of the twins called Kate because Jon was groping the young nanny in front of them, and they were disgusted by it. Kate showed up, the police came, big scene. At any rate, I don't see Jon as a victim, but as more of a perpetual frat boy, one who still thinks he has a "brand" to build fame on. Besides his appearance on Couples Therapy, he gives interviews all the time. I'm sure he showed up at Kate's garage sale just because cameras were there. If you're going to call Kate a famewhore, Jon's right up there with her.
  7. Beden, I would not have stayed in that house for any amount of love or money. I've had a lifelong fear of bears due to one stuffed teddy bear with evil eyes that my mother wouldn't let me throw out. It used to watch me when I slept. So when I see this bunch so la-dee-da around all those grizzlies, it makes me nervous. I think I'll have to start drinking when I watch this show. For medicinal purposes, of course.
  8. I didn't get where Leeza's team was going with that video until I saw it in its entirety. The look on Johnny Damon's face as he's imagining that fantasy with Brandi and Kenya in bed was priceless (though I'll always see werewolf when I look at him). I thought Lorenzo's video was a cute idea, and Kate looked gorgeous in it.
  9. I read on another forum with posters that live in Alaska, that production brought some hired shooters with them for protection against bears. That would make sense. I sure wouldn't go out there and depend on the Browns to protect me. And yes, Eme, why no perimeter set up around camp to warn against bears? In the book I read, the hunters would string up a line with tin cans on it, at the very least.
  10. Beden, I want to hear the bear in your kitchen story. I'm fascinated with bears at the moment.
  11. This show is getting so boring for me, all I was wondering about is why one of Nathan's wives didn't cut those strings hanging off the brim of his cap. Maybe the third wife will be in charge of his wardrobe. I will give the Browns credit for raising some pretty terrific kids so they must be doing something right. I just worry about what will happen to the younger ones when they inevitably lose those houses and have to move back to Lehi. None of them seem like awful people really. If they lived in my neighborhood, I'd probably enjoy their company as long as we don't discuss religion. Maybe they should write another book and go into more details about their past difficulties and how they affect their present relationships. I want to know what exactly happened between Meri and Janelle. Is Janelle still so hurt that Meri was bossy in the kitchen in terms of where the dishes go and so on. It seems so petty. How can they want to spend eternity together if they can't get past the foolishness.
  12. I googled his church. They have a Millionaires in Training Childrens Ministry! My, oh my. Is it wrong that I think of these people as "The Thicks", as in thick as a doorpost?
  13. Jon said in an interview that the twins refuse to see him. I hope that changes. I don't know what the reason is, but he's still their father and that relationship is important. It's too bad he and Kate don't get along better. It would've been great if she'd offered to let him stay in the garage apartment until he gets back on his feet. Of course, going on Couples Therapy and screaming about wanting Kate to die isn't the way to get along with your ex. The twins did an interview with People magazine in which they said the only strange thing about their childhood was the never-ending stream of girlfriends with their Dad. Maybe things would improve between them if he were in a stable relationship.
  14. Well, it would be hard for me to pull up some genuine emotion knowing that the whole thing was fake. I'd probably giggle or something, but maybe when you're actually in the exercise, it seems more real. I'd probably try to do it just to shut Jim and Elizabeth up. I guess next week is the paintball shooting exercise. They've got to come up with some new stuff.
  15. On a completely shallow note, I was struck with how beautiful Karen Gravano looks this season. She's absolutely gorgeous...then she opens her mouth and the illusion evaporates. This show has otherwise gotten so stale over the years, it may be time to pull the plug. None of the storylines are interesting, and dropping Victoria Gotti in there doesn't help anything.
  16. Some of you know what's going on as opposed to those of us who have no clue? I don't know the family personally and neither do you. What's posted here is only each of our opinions and not much more. We're all entitled to an opinion, no?
  17. I thought Aviva said she wants baby number 5? Which I don't believe anyway. I think the only thing she really wants is another season of RHONY. I don't know who Heidi/Spencer are, but I remember that Natalie chick from Bridezillas. How do women like her get the nicest, most normal seeming guys? I don't know if I can stand to listen to her again. She should really be paired up with Spence.
  18. This is the second time they nearly lost the skiff! Then two of the sons get lost and have to be rescued. Do they send out a search and rescue team in Alaska for guys that have only been missing for three hours? Seemed like overkill, and I guess they didn't find that missing crab pot. And why, oh why, would any of the boys be assigned to dishwashing duty when they have all the hard labor to do and the girls are playing with dolls and the mom is doing what exactly? Nuttiness. Having recently read a book about bear attacks, the way this bunch skulks around, sneaking up on the bears is driving me crazy. Bears don't like it when you sneak up on them and stand there staring and whispering to the camera crew. It really pisses them off. Plus they are so going to come into your camp after all that food you have around. I think the bears are having a meeting right now to decide who they're going to chow down on first. I'm voting for the dad.
  19. It's odd to me that Hoffman, who had become buddies with Jon, just happened to be at Kate's house going through her trash on the very day that she threw computer discs in the trash, and that one of them contained what he alleges to be her journal. Of course, since it's not handwritten, I don't know that it actually contains Kate's words, or that Hoffman even found such a thing. I don't find him to be completely credible, and it's not that I'm a big fan of Kate. I don't love her or hate her, but I don't see her as an ogre either.
  20. I meant that Jon was a disaster on the show Couples Therapy.
  21. Hoffman claimed that he found Kate's hard drive in the trash and that it contained Kate's journal. None of us know if that is actually true any more than we know that Kate did something to purposely have high order multiples. I don't have any personal knowledge of how much time the kids spend with Jon or whether he is a "calming factor" in their lives. I do have an impression of him based on past behaviour and his appearance on Couples Therapy. I thought he was a complete disaster on that show and hope he's pulled himself together since then.
  22. Ouch. I guess Kate really does need that bodyguard.
  23. I think Elena really does love Preston. She was upset to the point of tears over that girl dancing up on him, otherwise she'd have shrugged it off. He seems to be completely in love with her, too. If Traci cries anytime another woman's pregnancy is mentioned, she's a mess. I get the impression she was rather spoiled by her father and doesn't know how to handle any kind of disappointment. She's not as big a mess as Christy, though, always stirring the pot. Christy must've made a hell of a mean drunk when she was off the wagon. Manipulative.
  24. For those that watch RHOBH, wasn't Leeza at Brandi's housewarming party?
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