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Lady Whistleup

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Everything posted by Lady Whistleup

  1. ScarJo actually does not need to defend Woody. She's one of the Hollywood A-list actresses who has enough brand recognition for the work she does that Woody probably won't make a difference in her career now. Which is why her defense of him is so puzzling. She could say "no comment" and it won't affect her career at all.
  2. I think this is a good year to rethink the Academy Awards format. Make it more like the Tony's or Grammy's with a mix of live performance and awards. The Academy Awards format has been stale for so long. Even the dresses the actresses pick for the Oscars tend to be boring.
  3. Billie Ellish is an odd Grammy fetish. To me she's a cheap Sia knockoff. Sia despite her weirdness and baby-like voice has range as a songwriter. So does Taylor Swift even though Taylor isn't my thing.
  4. It was gross to see ScarJo defending Woody.
  5. Why does Hollywood give awards to Allen anyway? He never shows up for awards shows.
  6. I cannot wait for this. Tina's story is almost as incredible as her music. One of my big regrets was I had tickets for the Broadway musical Tina before the pandemic and I never got to see it.
  7. Oh Scarlett Johansson is awful too.
  8. Well I remember the Golden Globes tribute going down about as well as you'd expect it to go down at the time. Which was not well at all. Here's an article about it at the time.
  9. Well I will never watch Diane Keaton, Alec Baldwin, or the Golden Globes again.
  10. This picture of Ava Gardner as a kid is beyond adorable.
  11. Does anyone know of any good biographies on Ava Gardner? She's one of my favorites despite the fact that the "can't sing, can't dance, can't act" assessment is pretty true.
  12. Rough week for former Yankees. Arod and Jlo broke up.
  13. Now I'm worried. I had a bad concussion once from skiing. But I remember Johnny Damon from his playing days. He never got into trouble back then. Obviously things have changed.
  14. We know football causes CTE. Does anyone know if baseball players have risks? Because a lot of baseball players seem to have a rough ride of retirement as well.
  15. So disappointed with this film. Such a great subject (Billie Holiday), such a great talent (Andra Day). Such a dull, by-the-numbers product.
  16. He had 4 times the legal limit. BAC as 30%. He was trashed.
  17. This movie reminded me of Life of Pi. Beautifully made and acted movie, but somehow didn't become a favorite. Too slow-paced for me.
  18. I really hate to say this but Day sounds like one of those people where the more you know her, the less you like her. The other thing is Day has to ask herself why she's feuding with people like Kevin and David. They're pretty innocuous people. Furniture within the BB house, yes. Not good players, yes. But they're not the types to get into big feuds with people.
  19. I believe their engagement if only because what is Tyler going to do without Angela? Without her there's no cookbooks, no jewelry, no money.
  20. Maybe it would have been out of character for people to talk about while having tea. But Simon and Daphne are husband and wife, and I'm sure husbands and wives discussed sexual matters privately.
  21. I was thinking that. Everything I've always read about Malcolm X was that it would have been out of character to ream out his friends. He was publicly very combative but privately he valued his friends.
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