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Lady Whistleup

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Everything posted by Lady Whistleup

  1. Also Jason Brown doesn't have the consistency to make it to the top of the podium. He's gotten more consistent, but he's not like Nathan Chen. Men's FS's technical standards have always been very high and harshly judged. I feel like Jason Brown is like Johnny Weir, Emmanuel Sandhu, Paul Wylie -- other extremely talented but technically inconsistent skaters.
  2. I actually really like this program.
  3. I've noticed that some people seem to start shrieking "I don't watch tv" whenever you bring up a topic that's slightly thorny. It seems to be a way of saying "I don't want to talk about it so I'm going to say I don't watch tv." Some people also say "I don't read the news" although that's rarer. I also noticed that many people who say they don't watch tv will make an exception for sports too. Its weird.
  4. I only wish Nathan could skate with the kind of speed and smooth stroking of Hanyu. Hanyu's stroking and edges are so smooth and fast.
  5. Yeah but they're not watching Skinemax. They're watching March Madness. There's not going to be a Nike moment during March Madness.
  6. Of all the fundie quirks this one is the most head-scratching. Why does something become less sinful if you stream it over a laptop?
  7. Big big night for Arkansas college basketball. Wonder if any of the Duggars watched.
  8. Oral Roberts/Arkansas is a great game.
  9. The ice dance competition made me miss Virtue/Moir and Papadakis/Cizeron showdowns.
  10. Really gutsy of Nathan to program his most problematic jump (the 3Axel) as the last one in the program. Respect.
  11. Go Nathan! Yuzu had a very rough skate.
  12. The final group was an awful splatfest.
  13. I wish I could care about Bradie Tennell's skating but ... just so dull.
  14. This is the worst editing of Swan Lake ever.
  15. Just thinking about something: maybe Jill feels that by being a young earther she can feel superior to Derick in one way: her fundie bonafides. Perhaps in the society in which she grew up a Derick type "old earther" would be a FINO (fundie in name only). Just occurs to me that there's not many areas Jill can feel superior to Derick. Derick is more educated, Derick actually got to have a childhood, Derick has a family who still takes an active part in his life. But having a more truly fundie position on the earth's age? Jill has that on lock.
  16. Derick believes in "old earth" so I suspect if Derick is in charge of Izzy's education it won't really be an issue. Old Earth is basically "the earth is billions of years old. The six days are metaphors." It will be a major issue with Jill, but judging from what we've seen Derick is in charge of helping Izzy with schoolwork. Probably because Jill actually can't be of much help. I think Izzy will soon be more educated than Jill, sad to say. Like "soon" meaning in a year or two.
  17. Oh my. She already monetized it -- some foolish soul helped her get an LV bag today. https://www.instagram.com/p/CM07pvojf9J/ I feel like I am living in a bizarro world where people are giving GIFTS to this vile woman?
  18. Her social media makes it clear she goes around without a mask calling people racial slurs and intentionally picking fights. She also sends her kids to school without letting them get random covid testing. Here she is at Whole Foods: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGqUIlnN3_/
  19. In fairness everyone was dressed like they were doing their best Nicolette Grant imitation.
  20. Holy shit this is hideous. Her IG has gone "viral" unfortunately: https://www.instagram.com/stephaniedenaro/ and https://www.instagram.com/stephanie.denaro_/ Why are people so vile? I don't understand the Stephanie Denaros of the world.
  21. No its the hideous magnetic lashes she's been shilling.
  22. You know Jill in that video really bothered me. I think it was the smug anti-intellectualism that was annoying. I could see her reacting that way if Derick talked down to her, but that wasn't what happened. He was trying to explain his POV about believing in the Genesis as more of a metaphor and thus why you could believe in the Genesis AND believe that the earth is billions of years old. She had this total "you're not godly enough for me at this moment" expression. She's going to be in for a rough ride when Izzy starts doing science projects.
  23. Well in the video, you could tell Derick and Jill have been down this road before and Derick says they "agree to disagree." But Jill doesn't agree to disagree at all, and it's clear she finds Derick's old earth beliefs completely unacceptable. I mean what's next? Derick believes in fossils and carbon dating?
  24. You're right. I'm glad Jill is not cowed by Derick. However it's still depressing that THIS is the hill she's willing to die on. Also, how shrill and flushed and combative she became at the mere suggestion that the young earth creationism theory wasn't correct. At that moment, I felt bad for Derick. I think Derick probably low-key believes in evolution too. If he believes in "old earth" then it's likely he knows about the archaebacteria being the first life inhabitants and the fossils and whatnot. Jill uploaded some videos of Fenna being trained by Derick to roll over.
  25. I just rewatched the video. Jill says pointedly "Derick leans old earth." By "old earth" I assume she means that Derick thinks the earth is billions of years old. She says it like it's some sort of sin. Later on she says "He's happy to discuss ... I just don't like discussions most of the time." She's gritting her teeth as she says this. Something tells me Derick will one day "suggest" watching Planet Earth with Jill. He obviously is biting his tongue about this issue.
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