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Lady Whistleup

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Everything posted by Lady Whistleup

  1. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    Uh oh this is bad. Ja Morant is injured, so is James Harden.
  2. Joy posted a few pictures: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWJiB9pw-V/ It's good Evy is in pants.
  3. I think it's cool that Jill understood that while Izzy wanted to celebrate his birthday, he also wanted to be in school. He clearly likes the routine of school and being part of that community. So Jill did things to celebrate Izzy's birthday that wouldn't interfere with Izzy's school schedule. That's actually incredible progress.
  4. Once again, the judge's ruling was only about Allen's merits and flaws as a parent. It was not to discuss the child molestation charge except as something to consider while granting or not granting custody. The judge was not passing judgment on the relationship with SoonYi. So the harsh language of the judge is telling -- Allen presented as a very poor, disinterested parent during the entire custody trial.
  5. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    The Wolves got vaxxed today. So happy for Karl Anthony Towns whose family was devastated by covid.
  6. The thing that kills me about Goop is that there is some "lifestyle" brand stuff that Gwyneth does very, very well. I have her cookbook "It's All Good" and it's ... good. Nice tasting meals, pretty easy to make. I also don't think there's much wrong with her pushing yoga or meditation. It's when she pushes that pseudoscience crap like yoni eggs or the nonstop detox drinks that she loses me. As an actress my favorite performance of hers is actually The Talented Mr. Ripley. I also liked her in Emma and Royal Tennenbaums.
  7. The Q anon adherents on my social media are almost completely cut off from the regular world for all intents and purposes. They will only read "real" news which excludes any mainstream news source. They only trust the hodgepodge of Qtubers and Qpodcasters who feed into their world views. Many of them are estranged from family members. So it's not a surprise that their response to this doc was a shrug. HBO is part of the "deep state cable," to echo MTG.
  8. He's the sort of all purpose guard that would be a good fit on any team. I feel bad for any player sent into the black hole of suck that is the Timberwolves.
  9. Lady Whistleup

    The NBA

    I loved Paul Pierce as a player but he is like the worst analyst. They started cutting into his halftime shows with a bunch of commercials and courtside interviews with the coaches. He simply had nothing interesting to say. In other news, the Lakers are really sliding with both AD and Lebron out with injuries.
  10. Well Jalen Suggs probably will declare for the NBA draft and be taken pretty quickly.
  11. I think Gonzaga just wasn't used to teams that could challenge them seriously. They won that F4 game on the skin of their teeth, but you could tell that the constant lead changes spooked them. I also think that Baylor's fast, freewheeling offensive style is hard for college teams to defend. Baylor plays more like the Splash Brothers era of the GS Warriors. I felt bad for Gonzaga kids crying though. I always have to remember just how young these players are.
  12. Oh here's another one: in basketball movies the coach is always a gruff, Bobby-Knight type who wears team jackets. They never have a basketball coach be like Coach Cal, Pat Riley, or Rick Pitino with the slicked back hair and Armani suits.
  13. I think Gonzaga is just winded from that F4 game. That, and Baylor is really really good.
  14. Also ... it's Michelle. I doubt anyone ever thinks "man, I really want to hang out with Michelle today."
  15. One thing that's shocking: many of the clips they played of Trump about Qanon were him at his covid press conferences. He was plugging Q at press conferences about the pandemic. Also, still cannot believe MTG got elected to Congress. Has nothing to do with conservative or liberal -- she's simply so unprofessional and crass. I still think this doc is somewhat flawed because of how much Cullen bonded with Fred. At some point it became less about Cullen researching Q and more about Cullen helping Fred escape the clutches of the Watkinses. But it was eye-opening for sure.
  16. Something to consider: Ronan Farrow's investigations on famous people have generally been extremely accurate. He has a reputation to protect as an investigative journalist of the highest standard. If he felt doubt about Dylan's story I don't think he would put himself out there as much about this case. Have any of his #metoo investigations been disputed?
  17. They don't talk though. https://celebrityinsider.org/counting-on-star-michelle-duggar-has-not-spoken-to-her-lesbian-sister-in-years-120554/ Don't think that's the case for Katey and her brother.
  18. According to Fred's twitter Ron is married to a Chinese woman which is why he speaks Mandarin fluently.
  19. Something to keep in mind: the judge in the case was ruling on Woody Allen's custody suit. The judgment was not on Mia's merits as a parent, it was not about Allen's relationship with SoonYi. No matter what you think, I don't think anyone can think that the judge didn't make the correct decision that the kids were better off with Mia than Allen. His ruling's harsh language was about Allen as a parent. I mean, how could any responsible judge NOT rule that Allen was a miserable excuse as a parent?
  20. I think Joy is sad because Evy getting to that age means it's "time" to have another baby. Of course it's not "time" at all but in Joy's world it is sort of "time." Ugh that's depressing.
  21. Well there's a lot of warmth in this family's body language which tells me that fundie or not, Katey is probably more tolerant of other lifestyles than the typical Duggar.
  22. I think the exec pearl clutching about gay actors playing straight roles is one of those things only execs care about. When people fire up a movie on Netflix do they go to IMDB to check if the actor is gay? I don;t think so. I also think that for some A-list actors they've been bearding for so long they don't know how to come out if that makes sense. There are a couple A-list actors who have either lavender marriages or reputations as "womanizers" and they don't know how to break the wheel.
  23. Speaking of clothes screen clothes are never too baggy or too small and a button in the front popped. Like Travis Bickle. His GI jacket fits him perfectly. His hair is just the right length. For someone who has PTSD he either takes his clothes to a tailor or only buys clothes that fit him just so.
  24. Let's not forget that often, medical "experts" are notoriously bad at judging child sexual abuse. Especially if a revered figure is accused of abuse. The idea that children could be "sexually precocious" was accepted for a long time, as was the idea that homosexuality could be cured. I wouldn't take the Yale Institute judgment as gospel truth.
  25. Oh, speaking of which: movie hookers are always wearing super short skirts and hooker heels. In real life hookers usually dress in regular street clothes to blend in.
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