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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. There is a show on ID channel tomorrow called Scientology: A Students Descent. I know nothing about it but the tag says: "A devout member of the Church of Scientology becomes a spy and gets caught up in the organization's war against its critics." I didn't see this listed above so it might be interesting, I have it set to record on the DVR and will report back
  2. This is cable after all, half siblings is practically not related nowadays at least tv-wise
  3. I really liked it. In shows like this I always think that everyone is too clean and disease free and have good teeth. Nothing to complain about here, this is an unclean, rough looking bunch. I like the story, I am sure there was some brother/sister boning going on, they are only half siblings after all, and the kid has very dark hair, like the sister. Her husband is a dick, I don't like him one bit. In for the season
  4. This was a weird one for me. It was all over the place and things I thought had no chance of winning did. I guess I have some watching to do
  5. The Crown was so, so good! Glad it's getting some love
  6. Everyone is getting a little case of the mush mouth. Alcohol is flowing for sure.
  7. I found Goldie hysterical and adorable. Even Amy was funny trying to reign her in. I couldn't decide if it was a bit or not.
  8. Thandie Newton was robbed! She was so good!! I hope Westworld isn't shut out
  9. Timothy Olyphant is in Santa Clarita diet? It's about vampires or something else dark? Why didn't I know this, I am so in!!!
  10. Was the lady that is with Mel Gibson pregnant? How many kids does he have/need?
  11. I find Denzel cold and humorless. He is very full of himself.
  12. What the fuck is Nicole wearing! My husband said she has really messed up her face, looks just like her husband,
  13. I think Michelle Williams hates the red carpet. She is always so awkward and uncomfortable at these things. Her dress was not great
  14. I have my ballot filled out and am waiting eagerly for the globes. This awards show is always fun. Giulianna is there in a huge dress designed to mask the fact that she is a stick figure.
  15. Courtney is a whiner but I still like her. Let's hope the judge calling her out will shut her up for a bit and focus. Tash getting the boot was everything! You should never wish for someone to get hurt and then think you have won something when they do. So tacky and gross. She really fell down the stairs and I am sure it really hurt, but was the arm wrap really necessary? Giah's deadpan reply with :"I fell twice stop being such a baby" was hysterical. Hate social media crap, I hope thats the end of that. I get that is where the market is, but I don't want to see it every week
  16. The father had him. Nothing happened as far as I saw after that
  17. I enjoyed how much they complained about Courtney when she was clearly sick, they even gave her shit and rolled their eyes when she said she couldn't wear lipstick with nuts in it because she was allergic. Such a drama queen!. And when they asked her to stick her ass out and she couldn't because she had rods in her back from scoliosis. Even Tyra wouldn't be able to tell she she wasn't being a team player or arguing with the photographer. Such bitches. Courtney clearly has/had issues and they could not let it go
  18. Ok, so Letter writing: to tattle on all your scientology friends ethics: nope, nothing here except hubris estates: only to take them after the people die public relations: they really need the help here promotion and marketing: they think they have this in the bag, but it smells like day old fish to me bookselling: makes me laugh, I'm sure Tom Cruise is buying 90% of the books they "sell" I think this is an absurd list and is pure nonsense. I sure am glad the scientologists don't know who I am
  19. I can't even imagine how terrifying that must have been for Homer. He must have gone through that ordeal so many times before he fooled the crazy Dr. into thinking he was out. How they are not all crazy is amazing for me. So they all have to eat something to unlock a higher level in themselves or something? I wonder if they will all be able to do it? Sounds like it has been at least 3 years since she was taken.
  20. This one was slow for me, but still engaging. What is up with the creepy Dr.? I am sure Jason Isaacs is up to no good at all. They said she was gone 7 years?
  21. Wow! Ok, I didn't know what to expect when I saw this, but it is intriguing. The main character is so good! Steve needs to grow up a little, he's a punk. I can't wait to see the rest, good thing I have plenty of free time, between this and The man in the High Castle starting today, I will be very busy. Can't wait to find out what the OA really means.
  22. I got The Bridge and boy was it full of information!! I loved how much they delved into the minutia of the Church and what they do. The chart was crazy, and Leah said she got to Grade 2 and couldn't do any of the things it said she could. I mean, Tom Cruise should be able to move things with his mind and cure cancer at his level. So much bullshit.
  23. I watched and loved the new format! It seems more edgy and fresh. Tyra had to make an appearance of course and there was a lot of girl drama, but I liked the look of the girls picked. The drama of transgender? Kyle and Starr was cut short when Starr didn't get in, so thank God for that. The German designer was suitably nasty and terrible to all the girls and he made me happy. I can not wait for makeovers!! I hope they keep that episode intact. I am in for the season
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