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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Note the leaves everywhere. That pic was taken last fall when Jinger was big pregnant. She was probably pretty miserable and doing her best to keep it together knowing that she wasn't going to get any help from her spouse.
  2. Jill has been posting well after the fact of late. And this isn't the first time she's told the story of the Boys of Walmart.
  3. This isn't the Sunday night service in which I presume the real preacher screams at the parishioners. Jill has said that this service gives beginners some practice. It's probably the Rods and a few stragglers who didn't go home after morning services.
  4. The Sunday afternoon slot is open to beginners. I think all the Rod boys have "preached" in that timeslot. I doubt it's very well attended.
  5. The only female Quinn I've ever encountered was the sister of Daria. 😁 I briefly dated a male Quinn in high school. He was a twatwaffle. Hence the brevity.
  6. Jeremy's watching Man U on his "study" breaks. Of course he is. 🙄
  7. They went to an amusement park in the middle of a pandemic. 😦 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKjK_ZRn1V_/?igshid=8mw49aafs71k
  8. They said that she buried the 5 spice and ginger in chocolate. At least D'von seemed to have the flavor profiles, even if his macarons were a colossal failure. This is consistent with their judging, favoring flavor over aesthetics.
  9. My guide entitles it "Best of." Filmed in Vegas. So, absolutely no help. 😁
  10. Welp, no one met the 75% threshold this year. Schilling came in at 71.1%, 16 votes short of election.
  11. I'm not either. If it's a mild case and all goes well, we likely will get a Praise Jesus post after the baby is born. She's actually more like 8 months along. I originally thought she was about 6. So, her boy is definitely viable if something emergent happens.
  12. To be fair, it was Dan who posted. He's really not obligated to say anything, although I'm sure he would if something bad happened.
  13. Players Association just turned down proposals for universal DH and expanded playoffs. We shall see...
  14. Her "assistants" are much older than Sonya Morgan's "interns." I can't imagine that they're doing it for free.
  15. Wasn't that Lenny? He was awful. And Facebook was around then. No excuses for casting him, FN!
  16. Even Joe Buck criticized the Packers not going for it on 4th down.
  17. Maybe they already do run background checks and nothing showed up in hers? Despite the horrific nature of her crime, it's entirely possible that she had a clean record at the time she auditioned for the show. And if FN did NOT run background checks before, they certainly will start now.
  18. He's been with Utah for years. He may be at the top of the payscsle for a CB/ST coach. But yeah, nowhere near "millions." He also has a law degree (from Utah) that he never used (or used it for a very short time, can't remember). Yes, I googled him. 😁
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