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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Cross posting from JD's thread. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9H0WSA6Py/?igshid=1u7dhbszrbl6i
  2. Abbie's birthday tribute. Jill posted something as well (complete with prairie wear). https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9LQtXH50-/?igshid=ojiyarq0f3wy https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9H0WSA6Py/?igshid=1u7dhbszrbl6i
  3. Do I detect just a smidge of sarcasm? 😁
  4. I like just about everything from classical to death metal, excepting modern country. I could NEVER make a list of favorites, but I did have something like 5 copies of the Pretenders first album in my possession at one time. Sadly, I got rid of all my vinyl. I'm kicking myself now.
  5. Derelict said that he plans to take the bar in July, so he'll be cramming, no time for a job until the bar is done.
  6. These are cute. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ6-TKWHIiW/?igshid=1hme7jec9xcet https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ6-x5RHo0q/?igshid=13rlra35ytpna
  7. It appears that this Sunday night service that Ben preached at is almost like an open mike for aspiring ministers. 😁 I wonder how many times he got to practice there? Listening now. He's far more relatable than Jeremy, and this sermon is almost two years old. eta that I got nosy and googled the church. Ben is not listed as current staff there, so we can eliminate University Baptist Fayetteville from possible employers.
  8. Joanna's eyes look especially pulled. I saw part of one cooking show. I don't get her at all. She's aloof, bordering on snotty. I don't see how anyone, let alone the fundies, could like her. I know they love her because it's known that they attend a hate church, but I didn't hear any religion brought onto the cooking show.
  9. Someone apparently contacted Pickles who is apparently a Duggar insider. This person said that most of the Duggars had it. No way to know how reliable the source is, but Pickles apparently doxxed the informant after posting her screenshots of their conversation.
  10. Pecan Thief is also in his mid 30s and went on the stump for ATI on the regular for years. He's pretty accomplished at getting out a message. Much moreso than young Ben. No, I haven't had a chance to sample the sermon, but being better than Jeremy is still a very low bar. 😁
  11. Holy shit Browns! It wasn't supposed to play out like this. Keep it rolling.
  12. As entry level, I have a feeling this is the type of position he landed. Is a church really going to entrust itself to a 25 year old rookie pastor? Even Jeremy was older when he got his gig at what appears to have been a much smaller church. eta: Can we talk about Jessa as a pastor's wife? 😂😂😂😂😂
  13. Ben's hours also depend on the size of the church. He may well be a junior pastor or a youth pastor, or something similar. I don't think we will easily find the church. When Ben worked at the other church, it was never confirmed where it was other than the town.
  14. A pastor typically preaches. Sorry for using the terms interchangeably. 😊
  15. Ben was ordained to preach somewhere. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ4OoKmpOkE/?igshid=1aw8mn71jffbn
  16. Hang in there WTF!!!!! 😃
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