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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Amen on Jessa. You just articulated my opinions far more eloquently than I ever could. She makes me roll my eyes more than any other Duggar or adjacent, although Jeremy runs a close second.
  2. This is going to be a loooong game. ☚ī¸
  3. Not surprised. They probably got it from Carlin.
  4. For crissakes, Jill, get Olivia to an optometrist. Poor thing squints something awful in every picture of her.
  5. Giddy trashed the pantry at the TTH. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ1jO5uJIcK/?igshid=ytz6b319xpao
  6. I went to top public schools, and the most that ever happened to my dyslexic brother was that he was held back in second grade. He wasn't diagnosed until he was in private school at 14.
  7. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I must have heard his name this morning, but I definitely heard it in passing.
  8. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    He was named yesterday. I heard it from someone, can't remember who.
  9. Yeah, it dawned on me after I hit send that he probably went into hospice. eta He probably went home. Both of my parents had hospice care at home and passed there rather than a hospital.
  10. He was released from the hospital after 7 weeks earlier this week, so I thought he was doing better. ☚ī¸
  11. I can't believe that Smuggar will be 33 in March. Time flies.
  12. Half the people there, including her own kids, weren't even wearing sweaters, ugly or otherwise.
  13. At least Layla,would be walking. Carlin likes to carry her offspring like a sack of potatoes.
  14. That would make sense if she allowed comments, but she doesn't. She only gets feedback from FB.
  15. But if they were raised in a semi-insular cult, who would recognize the signs to get him the help he needed? Something just seems off about that story.
  16. They're around. Trace and Lawson deleted their pics. I assume they heard from UP.
  17. She claims this is her natural hair color. Why would she do a photoshoot with wet hair (as claimed above)?
  18. Yes, Alyssa, Josie, and Whitney. I also expect Tori to announce soon.
  19. Deleting their videos (which I saw earlier) illustrates that they want to keep their easy money.
  20. Video on Lawson and Trace's IGs. eta: they took them down. Maybe pressure from UP?
  21. WTF Jer? https://www.instagram.com/p/CJsHKO8lYyf/?igshid=89g7hh2kyk6x
  22. They were pictured in FL a couple of days ago with Suze. Jill probably took these last week. 🙄
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