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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Syracuse are the Orangemen. Can't be more orange than that. 😁
  2. Jeremy only did a year at Syracuse to satisfy the academic side of his soccer scholarship. It's not his alma mater.
  3. Horrible judging tonight. Kandy was horrible in the LSFYL.
  4. They live in Fayetteville, which is the biggest city in the metro area. I'm sure there are preschool speech services available. As I said before, Jessa claims that they followed up on the home visit that we saw on the show. We only have her word, but that has been shown to be less than truthful in the past. We see Henry now, and he can barely string a sentence together. I have my doubts about what services Henry supposedly received.
  5. She also admitted their marriage wasn't perfect and they have spats. She also fell for him when she was 13, but they didn't start " talking" ( her word) until just before her 18th birthday. She married at 19 1/2.
  6. TLC did show the Duggars fellowshipping after home church back in the day, but they have never shown them at any of their churches since. I for one would be interested in hearing Pa Caldwell preach knowing we'd be getting a sanitized version of his usual fire, brimstone, and hate.
  7. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I'm perplexed as to who allowed him to play at all? Was that the Nets' call?
  8. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    He didn't start because they were checking contact tracing. Then he was cleared to play. That is, until the league pulled him. Looks like he won't travel to Philly for their game tomorrow. eta The tweet is in my time zone, west coast.
  9. He stated his desire to work for the voiceless fairly recently, easily just a couple of months ago. He didn't call his clients voiceless, I can't remember the branch of law that would represent. Oops! 😁
  10. Suze threw Nurthan a shower for the people from FL who didn't attend the wedding. Of course, Jill refers to her as Susanna KELLER Bridges. πŸ™„
  11. He was off playing golf this afternoon while his wife was stuck at home with the kids, probably having to also have dinner on the table when he returned. Fuck you, Jeremy.
  12. Looks like the Dodgers won the Trevor Bauer sweepstakes.
  13. It's used much freer in GB. It's not considered the slur it is in the States. Source: my friend in Northern Ireland.
  14. No, just the one on the show. Jessa claims he had some further therapy, but there has been no evidence of it.
  15. I think they're already home. Carlin's story today was about picking up Evan after his week of work/school that he couldn't get out of.
  16. Didn't she also have HUGE cross earrings? Had to show off knowing that she was going to be filmed for the Duggars' shitfest of a show. πŸ™„
  17. Layla's party was before her birthday. Joy didn't stay in TN for an entire week. This is borne out on her SM.
  18. They're posting well after the fact. Carlin's story reveals that Evan had to stay behind for work/school, but they were picking him up later that day. So, last Friday?
  19. 36 weeks and a sales pitch. Anyone want to change their guesses in the pool? 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2PKnulebB/?igshid=16jir23sbaakx
  20. What's even worse is Henry is almost 4, and he's still practically intelligible. πŸ˜₯
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