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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. CA is such a clusterfuck. I have my name on several wait lists, but they're still only vaxxing 65+ and medical workers. It's going to be a while before they get to me. As a medical worker, Mr. Woodhouse is vaccinated, so I feel a lot safer than I did for the ten months prior.
  2. Yes, Josie has the clotting disorder, and is apparently allergic to one of the meds. They've obviously found a workaround so she can carry a viable pregnancy to term.
  3. Yeah, Jessa's hair is probably the darkest, followed by Jeremiah and James. I'd put Joy's normal hair on the next tier with Jill and Smuggar. I think Joy colored her hair after seeing Jana darken hers. I thought Jana's look washed her out as well.
  4. It's a girl. We have Sterling Sharpe out there, so I just wanted to make sure we got the sex right. 😀
  5. Brandi is quitting. Sorry, I couldn't copy the link. edit: see if this works. https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/brandi-redmond-announces-real-housewives-of-dallas-exit/
  6. She put herself being pregnant in the last poll she did when Nurie courting was the correct answer.
  7. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Geez Med. You had one job to do... Bleech, indeed. I won't bother watching the replay.
  8. She looks like a female version of Marcus. He still hasn't grown into his looks, and he's what, 7 or 8?
  9. She was on the honor roll at beauty school! I've seen some newspaper clippings regarding her family, and one of them mentioned that she'd won some awards. No wonder she thinks she's God's gift to hairdressing. 🙄
  10. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    With me, #ABN is always implied. 😁
  11. Nope. Not after Jill posted about her oh so successful homeschooling earlier today. 🙄
  12. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    It's an all-nighter on the west coast. I'll watch the replay in the morning if Novaxx loses.
  13. No. The Bates girls over clot. They take thinners during pregnancy then have to stop a couple of weeks before delivery so they don't bleed out.
  14. Not to mention, Priscilla has also been on a very regular schedule with her kids. Until this last one who came about six months earlier than "normal." There's absolutely no reason Anna couldn't also have one off "schedule."
  15. This guy is also a graduate of the Masters Seminary, so Jer has a personal stake in this.
  16. Her choices were: Timbits, Renee, or Kaylee courting. Nurthan expecting. Jill #14.
  17. Don't do that to Clooney's ass! That would be such a Jeremy thing to do. 🙄
  18. Bubble tea is probably half that in Arkansas. As for pitter-patter, I doubt they thought about baby footsteps when they made that post.
  19. Yes, she said it. I forget the context, although I think it was a talking head.
  20. As Mechelle reminded us, "Don't worry, it doesn't last long." 😂
  21. They haven't been in the "special thanks" category since the demise of 19 Kids. Remember, they didn't even APPEAR in the first several seasons, on!y to eventually worm their way back to full on "talent" (snort) status.
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