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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. This thread is hot. I was sure it was a pregnancy announcement. Thank goodness it's just fundie Big Brother. 😂
  2. Jill could still theoretically get pregnant while Nurie is. Remember, Kendra's mother is still pregnant (due in May, IIRC). But they overlapped for what, 5 months? Same could happen with Nurie and Jill. Let's hope it doesn't happen. 😁
  3. Nurthan's announcement for the families was...tasteless. "We tested positive but not for covid!"
  4. I think it was Dr. Wheat. Michelle had the miscarriage and was told by him that the Pill caused it. Dr. Wheat was a devoted Gothardite. I'm pretty sure this was Boobchelle's first exposure to IFB philosophy and Gothardism specifically.
  5. It's too early to tell about Clairatin. But being so young, I am tempted to put them in the uneducated pile.
  6. I thought Keaton's hair was natural. His mom had very curly hair.
  7. Just came to post that. He's so IMPORTANT!!!! And where are your fancy white gloves, moron?
  8. I wonder who's choreographing UCLA's floor routines now that Miss Val has retired? They're earning their paycheck.
  9. To the contrary, she was all AMEN! when Nathan gave his sermon about worshipping oneself on social media. She TOTALLY missed the point.
  10. I engaged. Not surprisingly, an overwhelming percentage of respondents knew what a kumquat was. 🙄
  11. I said he was going to have to do it. Whether he actually has the cojones to follow through is another story. Jill certainly wouldn't understand saving up for a baby.
  12. Actually, "pee pee holder" was used to describe a penis.
  13. Yes, it was Tori who had one "normal" pregnancy before being diagnosed. I forget where I saw the confirmation that Josie had it. I think it was in the comments of a post.
  14. That's how it is with CVS. If you're not eligible, you don't get to put yourself on a waitlist. Their slots are all taken anyway.
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