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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I wonder how chummy Jill and Kim are? Or are they so similar in their need to control that they have no friends?
  2. Here's the IG post for anyone who wants to see the rest of the pics. Not much work happening. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSYMWe5sMdv/?utm_medium=copy_link
  3. I also saw that HSI sent an undercover officer to the lot under the premise of wanting to buy a used car and was met by a man named Randy. Smuggar was also there. So, who is Randy other than Smuggar's fall guy? eta Can't wait for Emily D. Baker's take. She's all about a sassy lawyer. 😃
  4. You're right. All those guys in the trades are going lord knows where. Thinking on it, I wouldn't be surprised if Chad brought Covid home to Erin. And I agree about the Websters. With Alyssa's health issues, one would think they would be especially vigilant. But Alyssa has said that she's cured, so I think they're more cavalier than they should be.
  5. I'd hope John was vaccinated, what with going into different stranger's homes on the daily. Lawson saves his nastiness for Twitter. He's been quite vocal on that platform.
  6. Yes, Kelly's mother's husband died, and Kelly's mother herself was very ill. There were pictures posted of some of the kids visiting, and she appeared to be in bed. All that and Lawson still f!aunts his anri-vaxx rhetoric on SM.
  7. Such a hope-filled message. 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSX-ndSFXUP/?utm_medium=copy_link
  8. You're right. In all the years she's been on the show, we've never been introduced to a girlfriend of hers.
  9. There were some hot dogs down on the far left side. There was a video where you could see the entire grill.
  10. Hilaria's BF Jase is in town... https://www.instagram.com/p/CSXaKo_LNJL/?utm_medium=copy_link
  11. I missed it during the Super Bowl. The 5000 times I saw it during the Olympics more than made up for it.
  12. Ugh, Jeremy and Audrey. They should have stuck with Zack and Tori.
  13. Yes, they're in south NJ. Can't remember the name of the place.
  14. "Better performances" being relative. Of course, they suck on a good day. 😁 David also recycled one of his sermons and basically gave Covid the middle finger.
  15. Those BF pics are pretty recent. Daxxxy is almost as big as Famy.
  16. They claim the pod is coming back. I'll believe it when I see it. They are nothing if not flighty in their grifting.
  17. Pic #3 is so RAD!!! 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSVm0zuHxA3/?utm_medium=copy_link
  18. Poor Charles. Can't cry and sing at the same time.
  19. I wonder which team Terry prefers: Johnny and Tara or Tim and Nastia?
  20. But certainly not on a page branded to share hope. It's totally off-brand. I'm glad their Leghumpers let them have it to the point that they deleted the ill-advised post
  21. JinJer show their true colors. And they're not very Christian. 🙄
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