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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Joy was back in time for a wedding earlier today (it's still Saturday here). Pretty sure she flew back Friday.
  2. At least their thousand days didn't end up like Anne Boleyn's.
  3. But who's counting? 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSlDbNuLl9M/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. He sold "religion?" If so, that was what, 3 weeks?
  5. Amoeba Records has been around forever. It's an institution. I guess Jinge hangs out in the "all things classical" section. 🙄
  6. That's what Ron Richards is doing. Erika tried to get him thrown out, but the judge wasn't having it.
  7. Smuggar made Bill Maher's snark list last night. Segment was called Books That Didn't Age Well.
  8. She did. In Carlin's latest vlog, they showed Joy trying stuff on.
  9. Watch the video. You can get a better look at the finished product.
  10. In Carlin's latest vlog, she and Joy went to Starbucks and brought Chick fil A back to the warehouse for whoever was there. We got a twofer! 😁
  11. Video of Joy at Covid Central Salon. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CSkNlEbJK1T/?utm_medium=copy_link
  12. 20 thousand? Try 20 MILLION. Maybe even more. That is the amount in the early reports the ladies are reading about in these last couple of episodes.
  13. So they do have a teaching track doctorate. Good lord, imagine Jeremy as your professor.
  14. Why would CP even come to his mind when law enforcement showed up? He could have unknowingly sold a stolen car or something. It's just such a strange thing to lead with unless it's on one's radar. Smuggar should have kept his mouth shut. But this is the idiot who didn't even consider getting busted by the feds. VPNs are cheap.
  15. Too lazy to look. Does anyone know if the Masters Seminary offers a doctorate? Because I doubt even a pet like Jer wouldn't be allowed to teach with just a master's and a couple years experience at a church plant.
  16. Didn't work with Mechelle and the Starbucks she mainlines. 😜
  17. No, she mostly said that the defense is still in discovery and now has a date in order to make up their minds as to plea out or proceed to trial in November. She didn't spend much time reviewing this as today's court proceeding wasn't up on PACER yet. eta She did add in the Q&A that she thinks Smuggar has a "big uphill battle" to get off. She didn't elaborate.
  18. Just heard via Emily D. Baker that Smuggar has until 10/20 to plea out.
  19. I'm sure Austen's best points are totally lost on her. Her favorite heroine is probably Fanny Price. 🙄
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