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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. But even when her IG was public, she always disabled comments. The only people who can comment on her drivel are her FB friends. That said, it's hilarious when she forgets to turn the comments off on IG. It's like the wild west...tons of "feed your kids" posts, among other things.
  2. Jill is photodumping again (more fishing and sunsets). They go onstage in 45 minutes. Shouldn't she be making sure her kids are ready? eta Just added 3 pics of Nurthan. eta again: Gabriel's devotions. Don't you have some eyeliner to put on, Jill? 🙄
  3. Dallas. Or she used to be before using racist slurs against Mexicans.
  4. Johnny Mac reviews the book. Don't worry, so will I after reading it this weekend. 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CScNOMFlG8p/?utm_medium=copy_link
  5. LMAO that they were in Summit. That's where my East Coast family lives. Not in that neighborhood, though. 😃
  6. I don't watch LPBW, so I didn't realize the twins were estranged until the Dillards' visit.
  7. They met Zach and Tori on the coast. Not sure where they met up with Jeremy and Auj.
  8. True, Randy just happened to be there the day the undercover agent established location of the "lot." (I put that in quotes since the lot was the size of a postage stamp.) That was months after Smuggar downloaded the files. Randy might not have been in Smuggar's employ then. And I agree, no one is brazen enough to download that kind of stuff with someone practically sitting on top of you. Not even Smuggar.
  9. Yes, he has his own business. Otherwise, the Duggars would have been sued in that case of the exploded septic system.
  10. If they're still out there, the proceedings between the lawyers for Tati Westbrook and Without a Crystal Ball provided many laughs.
  11. Biggest dickhead in the Olympics goes to this marathon runner.
  12. Very disturbing reading. #44 in the search warrant identifies "Randy."
  13. One small quibble. Oregon is not a hot place on the coast. I'm surprised they weren't wearing socks. Or at least Derelict. Jill was wearing a dress, so I can see her just wearing sneakers or sandals.
  14. You couldn't pay me to be forcefed that. Even if it was created by someone I actually liked, I still wouldn't eat it. 🤮
  15. Man, she must have found good wifi because she's on a massive photo dumping spree. Biking with "sweet" Renee, devotions with Nathan, fishing with Sammer.
  16. At least Nurthan had a place to stay in Fort Worth. I wonder if they continued on with the Rods or went home? https://www.instagram.com/p/CSZ6MxSLthA/?utm_medium=copy_link
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