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Everything posted by Bluesky

  1. Who owns the duplex? If it’s a rental I would guess Amy’s side has been rented. I think Michael has a job, doesn’t he? Amy needs to look in that mirror when calling someone lazy.
  2. He knows they won’t be running. Slowly walking 3 miles is not dangerous for them just painful and difficult.
  3. You can if you’re low income which is fine, she had a lot of mouths to feed. It’s the medical. It’s got to be in the millions in medical bills for the sole reason of eating so much that you literally can’t move. Some probably have private insurance but it doesn’t take much for those hospital stays and operations to get into the 7 or 8 figures.
  4. I wonder what the figure would be if all the government assistance this family has gotten with regard to medical care, housing, disability benefits and everything else they received growing up with that mother of theirs. It’s in the millions
  5. There is something under the surface of him that’s eerily creepy. He’s so quick to snap no matter how hard he tries to keep it contained. And it’s subtle but I can imagine it’s not so subtle when he’s in a private relationship
  6. That lumpy fat ass makes her legs look stumpy. With all these girls on social media photoshopping 23” waists and bigs hips with fat thighs, it’s way too common to keep men’s attention for too long. That’s why they do it, right?
  7. Rhythm is definitely innate. Kim’s kid got her lack of rhythm from Kim. Mariah’s kid got Mariah’s lack of rhythm. You would think singers would have a natural sense but just look at Taylor Swift. Yikes she’s bad.
  8. He was rude. I hate that they have a formula where some girl is sniveling and telling the camera what she could have done better and how she’ll die if she doesn’t get the rose…… and she gets the last rose. Greer is holding on for the vacations, not goofy Zach.
  9. Or at least a stack of wash clothes and change of shirts in a close by bathroom. Wash the sweat off guy!
  10. I can’t remember too many names but Christina is basic. Pretty enough but not a stand out. There are some classical beauties, more subtle, but I can’t remember names. I think Brooklyn with makeup and dressed up is a magnet for men.
  11. Update - I just read an article verified with Guinness that the world’s oldest dog verified in Australia was 30 years old! I don’t remember what type it was, it was thoroughbred and records were kept by the breed people. I didn’t think a 23 year old chihuahua was that unusual. Kind of like 100 year old people. Cool but becoming more common.
  12. Her making those faces where she opened her eyes as wide as possible with her mouth wide open were designed to get close ups and it worked. So glad she’s gone.
  13. Dachshund’s live a long life too. Lil Bit did look good for his age. Lucky for Lil Bit that he was naturally healthy because I doubt he had routine check ups. Gross. I’m so glad I didn’t see Michaels nails. I am wondering what that little fuzz thing is on top of his lip though.
  14. It’s not as rare in tiny dogs. Small dogs like Yorkies and chihuahuas have an average life span of 20 years. Our Yorkie was almost 20. There’s no way that dog was a record. There is no world wide record keeping of every dog’s birth date date of death. Most people just don’t go to the media.
  15. I thought they loved that octagon house? He put a lot of work into it. They don’t have any prospects for high incomes in their 40s and 50s, most people’s prime earning time. Do any of these idiots ever go to a financial advisor?
  16. Little Bit was the best dog. My tiny dog was also born in 2000. He died in 2019 and I still miss him but have a lot of fun memories.
  17. There’s no excuse. It’s a noose. Everyone knows nooses are for hanging people or suicide. It only has negative connotations. She’s just a stupid woman who is dressed by other people to showcase their clothes. Givenchy needs to take the criticism not this useless empty twat who just follows orders.
  18. I cannot imagine being anything but spotless when staying with friends. Rent a storage unit! Tina is shameless. Not embarrassed at all in being a leacher and invading the families space.
  19. Thank the stars that the next baby is also a boy. Amy has no business raising a girl. She hasn’t been able to control her eating and it would be so sad to see a mini obese Amy following in her mother’s footsteps.
  20. Yeah it’s also heavy on the anti Palestinian which wasn’t apparent in the first three seasons. I’m gonna watch it though. I’m Almost half way through
  21. Which one is Jess? I noticed a few uggos. They weren’t all beauty queens. So much long wavy hair. Either black or bleached blonde. That one whose mother is a singer or actor with a horrible boob job didn’t have much to offer. But she’s there for awhile.
  22. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. It’s kind of a weak name especially when he’s a full grown man.
  23. Anyone watching season 4? It’s pretty good and I was hoping to hear from people who know the area.
  24. First photoshop picture up top. I don’t know why they cut his thick afro in the back it looked cute
  25. Yeah, I don’t get that. Either pay for the real ones or buy a quality bag from one of the many new designers. Do these people even realize they’re stealing from Chanel and LV and whichever other designer they think makes them look important. I don’t even know how LV stays relevant with everyone walking around with fake LV bags. From 10 year olds to people making minimum wage. They are everywhere
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