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Everything posted by Bluesky

  1. Probably because her character is pregnant.
  2. Not horrible, I just don’t see it. Rabbit teeth, weak facial features and always plays the weird guy. He’s kind of gross.
  3. We saw earlier that Tom was thinking about how the affects Tom and no one else. Tom Calling Greg to get rid of evidence of his no good shadiness in his office. Laughing at Greg with an in appropriate joke. Tom is a snake.
  4. And poor Roman was the most damaged as the youngest by a cold cruel distant mother. What will happen to him?
  5. You’re being taken in by influencers and Kardashians instead of doing your own research. I’ve seen those Jeans in Nordstrom for over $150 and for less at discount stores. You don’t have to pay over $100 for excellent Jeans Every brand has a curvy section. Your best bet is ignore silly influencers who will say anything to make money. Take a day and go try on as many as you can. You’ll find what’s best for you They are cheap looking for the price.
  6. Face tuning apps are making everyone look like they’re 20 years old. Not in real life though
  7. Bluesky


    Did the review say who did her face? Were they plastic surgeons or “self taught” immigrants working out of a hotel room.
  8. This is NYT “What is cheap for these Americans is brutally expensive for southern Europeans, whose average wages are substantially lowerthan Americans’. Locals are competing for housing against wealthy foreigners in markets already distorted by Airbnbs and corporate real estate investment. The result is a generation failing to launch, with more than 90 percent of southern Europeans under 35 still living at home, rates that eclipse their American counterparts. Those who have apartments face evictions and unpredictable rent increases in cities with weak rental protections, like Lisbon, Barcelona and Athens.” This is ME The Portuguese and Greek people resent the foreigners coming in with their tax breaks buying up the best properties that they couldn’t afford in America. It’s people with upper middle class incomes who want to live a wealthier lifestyle.
  9. I think because he hadn’t been morbidly obese his whole life like most of them he might have it easier. When he sat down with his mother and daughter and he had the serving bowl of pasta I thought he would serve. Then he puts it in front of him and ate the whole bowl. I didn’t know how he would make it but he did!
  10. Probably. Going to the eye doctor is usually last on the list, especially if you don’t drive or read books. They probably have specialists come in to the center.
  11. Kaity has the beautiful feminine dress on and she walks like a football player.
  12. All I could think of was snakes dropping from the trees. I couldn’t go there. Too bug and snake phobic.
  13. I always forgot Gabi existed. Four? Who’s the fourth? Has anyone picked a woman who who wasn’t so basic? Kaity looks like she could be his sister.
  14. Her family lives in New Jersey. She moved to NYC for her job. I think she was just showing him her favorite areas?
  15. She is not going to age well. She looks like she’s in her 30s, not sure how old she is. Those fake boobs age her. Her features have all been changed to what is in fashion now, she has access to the best clothes, photoshopped photos but there’s nothing there. She has no appeal. I’ve never heard her talk but I can only imagine she doesn’t spend too much time working on her intellect. Of all of them she’s the saddest one in terms of being an empty vessel.
  16. Forgot about that. Even worse she probably has whoever is driving her to put the car seats and babies in while she sits in the front exhausted.
  17. Amy is delusional thinking she gets all the exercise she needs taking care of Gage. There is never a time she’s in constant movement for at least 30 minutes. She drives from one place to another, and then plops down. Or she’s on the couch while Gage is running around.
  18. There might be times in her life where surgery is not elective. Her children might need surgery. She needs to stop whining about the 1% risk and think about the obesity risks which are much higher. As for Meghan, I can’t figure out what her deal is. Does she work? Who is this fiancé? What kind of partner will he be if he’s been so passive about Meghan’s decision to freeload in someone’s basement? So many questions…
  19. That rule stands out to me for some reason. We used to use slang as teens saying “me and Joe are going out” but those grammar rules were hammered over and over. My pet peeve is when people people misuse further and farther
  20. You compared her to two women who are famous for their talent. Kim is more like one of the first influencers. No talent just good looks. A lot of people have good looks with no talent. It must suck getting older when that’s your thing.
  21. Plus out of all the tropical countries in that area that are just as beautiful but much cheaper. Costa Rico is the most expensive. Maybe it’s easier to move there? There’s so many Mexico ones they are repetitive. It was obvious they chose number two because you could see belongings stuffed in the closets haphazardly. The third one looked like a short term rental. I wonder if they insist on couples mentioning their need for two sink bathrooms just to aggravate viewers. There’s another bathroom down the hall if you can’t wait!
  22. Since that didn’t happen his grandmother was the next best choice. There are tons of mothers who are just as moronic as Barb and their kids will never be 100% ok, but who is? Jace knows he’s loved by Barb. I guess she might be thinking that Jace is old enough to report anything gross guy does wrong or Janelle.
  23. It looks like she attached something to her ass because it’s so unnatural looking. She should call it a day trying to compete with 22 year olds in shallow beauty photo shots. With all that money get a meaningful life.
  24. Anyone know how much was rent? I’d guess they were on the weekly payment plan of $20 per week I can’t believe how short Tammy’s legs are. I wonder if her hips were messed up because her weight wouldn’t allow her legs to be closed properly.
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