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Everything posted by chediavolo

  1. I hate Laura and her grating little baby voice and her unwillingness to own up to what she did. “I’m sorry I’m sorry! “Well I’m one of those who doesn’t care if you’re sorry if you’ve committed A heinous offense that has affected the lives of other people so Detrimentally. You can say you’re sorry all you want but you’re still disgusting. I think many people don’t understand early trauma and abandonment in a child’s life and what has led Gwen to become the woman she is now. You can say all you want “oh get over it you’re a grown woman blah blah blah”Well ptsd, abandonment, etc in mental health doesn’t work that way!
  2. This is a totally different show. I hate the two new hosts. Of course like most people, can’t stand Mrs. O. I’ve been erasing it from my recordings for the last few weeks. I only come here to see if anything exciting happens to watch on demand, and it looks like no.
  3. She is quite the conwoman. I still can’t understand how nobody from her neighborhood has come out online or written a book about knowing her. I still like watching the show low except for the celebrity bs. I’ve lived long enough to know that there is nobody out there dead (or alive Fir that matter most of the time) who is really looking out for you and for those of us who don’t have a psychic tell us that our loved ones Have contacted us what are we supposed to feel? shit?
  4. I don’t think I can watch anymore of this Hallmark channel reject schlock.
  5. Was just going to post this. No way these rich families don’t have a generator!!
  6. True. I don’t get this disheveled look still going on. I know where I am salons have been open for many months.
  7. Ha! That’s what I wrote until it automatically changed!!😃
  8. Yes. I I have this and just thinking about the holes (right now🤢😖)makes me want to puke and sleeves me out for lack of a better word.
  9. It’s a new-ish Disgusting trend that I’ve seen in all media. I read two books in the last month where they grossly discussed their bodily functions. One was by Colin Jost where he spent a whole chapter maybe more talking about how he crapped his pants as an adult numerous times and didn’t know that it was not normal😖 I was like , WTF. And then all I could think of was, oh my God Scarlett Johansson married somebody who craps his pants. 🤢 I abhor bathroom humor I think it’s cheap and really, have a modicum of class fellow humans.
  10. 😮 what happened to Chloe‘s mouth/lips? !! she looks like she’s turning into a chimpanzee.
  11. These Hollywood pieces of shit have a lot of nerve. Reminds me of the time Julia 🤮 Roberts was on a talk show, maybe Oprah can't remember, and said hell yes she makes her daughters clothes because these are tough times or some such load of crap like that. Just own it when you are filthy rich. This is why I hate so many celebrities . If I don't see in print where they are donating a little something to people or animals in need, I despise them.
  12. The biggest thing I take issue with this is that she said she’s a size 6/8. Knowing I’ve gained weight also and I know what the size 6/8 fits, & she isn’t it. Be honest.
  13. It is a very poor excuse for a cat café!!😁
  14. Yes she takes you out of the whole show because you can’t help but stare and think oh my god she’s really not helping me too like the show. She needs to be in a hospital not on a sitcom.
  15. Just as she was miscast as Melissa Mc Carthys mom on mike & molly. I actually Feel bad for her. She looks anorexic or terminally ill. Her speech is weird also. I hope someone is helping her. She does not look well, plastic surgery aside. The wig is not complementary either. Where can you watch this?
  16. Garrett was spot on. I felt the same exact way in my jobs. For what I was being paid I was never going to go above and beyond. I was only going to barely give them their moneys worth, which wasn’t much, which is the point. Like they say you get what you pay for! Amy will not be missed. I still can’t get over what a dick move she pulled on Jonah.
  17. I didn’t. I have to watch on my tiny NBC app on my phone tomorrow!
  18. Yes!! The landlord is in for a big surprise and so are they !!
  19. They do seem to have chemistry but I think it’s funny, the connotations.
  20. I was grossed out by the basket. You can give your permission without going that far. Edible panties for your 20 year old daughter? And what 20 year olds need lube? should have been condoms and an appt for the pill.
  21. Susie Kurtz has been looking like death for years even on Mike and Molly. But BY God she could play an alien in a science-fiction movie these days. Someone should help that woman because she looks severely anorexic, frail, and full of fillers, Botox, and plastic surgery she is literally scary!!😳😳
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