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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. At the end, I thought they showed the college daughter being there and surprising the mother. All I could think is where is she going to sleep? Was there a couch?
  2. I recognized all 3 players and remember liking them. But I am very disheartened to not be seeing Devin again after tonight.
  3. At least Fran vetoed Jonathan's idea about painting doors black. That would have looked horrible. With all the damage they had to repair, I was wondering if the bath and bedrooms were redone. Totally agree with you about the kitchen. She doesn't have a lot of counter space.
  4. Could someone please do a screen shot of Blue's tattoos that had Evie and Mackie exchanging looks?
  5. Madison was in bottom 2 last week. I distinctly remember her standing there with her arms crossed. I would not miss Lila's big bow. Agreed that Elsie staying was a good choice. When they announced bake sale as the challenge, I thought they had just done that. But I was confused, having just seen the first ep from season 1. Bake sale was the challenge for them. Hadn't seen season 1. They eliminated 2 kids the first ep and if On Demand is to be believed, there were only 4 eps.
  6. I turned off the second hour as soon as they showed what's his name in the preview.
  7. Anne's team had the advantage of all materials on their station but half of them presented raw chicken! That tomato prep must have been a time suck since no one on Tiffany's team had that issue.
  8. 6 people and 1 bath would have been a no go for me. Especially at #3 where the lower level sleepers would have to go outside, up the stairs, and in the main house to use the bathroom. The houses weren't what I was expecting for a lake cabin. They all had nice docks. And I liked the couple, seemed like nice, normal people.
  9. Ray did this as a way to show he cared. Him getting his hands dirty and going out of his comfort zone showed her how much she meant to him. Sure, he could have just thrown money at her but this made it personal.
  10. Lol for FJ, I said Fruit Loops. Didn't really think that was it since "fruit" was in the clue.
  11. I didn't know his Superchef restaurants closed. Because he's never there? I've been wondering why he's been wearing this giant T necklace this season. They should cancel this show. The competitors are so unpleasant through the cook and then all respectful at the end. I can't suspend my disbelief anymore.
  12. Didn't like it. When Evie was all teary saying they'll kill Kane, I said "Who?"
  13. They were an interesting couple. I didn't really feel the connection between them. Hopefully the kids vs puppy was producer driven, otherwise they shouldn't get married.
  14. Oh Tiffany, how could you take that guy on your team? He needs to go, he is seriously delusional. I imagine his facility tells him he's "helping" the psychiatrist. And Tiffany also took the orange chicken guy. I might have to root for Anne's team. I like Eddie Money's daughter (Jesse) and Mikaela.
  15. I didn't like Steve. A little over the top in his reactions. I know the object is to win as much money as possible. But if no one else had any money, I'd probably be a little slow at the Triple Toss.
  16. Freising, Germany. Geez, autocorrect changed Freising to Freaking. Ryan seems like a good friend who's looking out for Dan. Wonder if he's told Dan that nose ring looks horrible? Liked the vignette of Dan and Jonas playing basketball. Studio place had no real living space. The shared space, I think Jonas said the 2 roommates were women. 1 bathroom may not be ideal. If the suburb place was convenient to public transportation, it might be doable. Hope Dan can find a job when he finishes his degree.
  17. I saw some of that. You are right, she was the worst. I went and made dinner instead of seeing which place they bought.
  18. I've been looking at descriptions of upcoming episodes. So strange, I'm not seeing any where they have to find a house before New Year's Eve so they can throw a big party. 🥳😏
  19. Chiang Mai, Thailand. I took an instant dislike to the hunter and her friend. Doubtful that the senior in high school daughter will want to come visit much. Umy should show Kellie exactly what her budget can get. Ah yes, #3 is a reality check. Guess that budget had more flex than she thought.
  20. St Louis. I'm liking Timothy. Wouldn't mind being friends with him and Carlito. Tim looked at some interesting properties. He wasn't too picky. I think he'll be happy in that house.
  21. And the people who complain how places are sterile and lacking color. Are you not bringing any of your own items to personalize the space?
  22. I know these Christmas themed episodes have been hokey. What is this woman going to do with 3 extra bedrooms when the kids aren't visiting? Use the space for storage so the husband can stop complaining about not having a garage. But I've enjoyed getting more international eps. And it's interesting to see how other countries celebrate the holidays. Merry Christmas, everyone!
  23. Should have been the episode title.
  24. Minnesota to Mexico city. Where is their money coming from? Is Raul making that much from his bead work? I can't even figure out what Steve does except want to put his stamp on a place. I liked the arches at #3. Glad they are having a good time.
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