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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. None of the teams helped raise their May pole except AL.
  2. I guess all the turkey in world isn't going to increase your upper body strength.
  3. I think Zac's dish should have won over Maneet's but of course they were going to pick her to beat Bobby with Indian flavors. The whole thing is a little suspect since when Maneet named the dish, she added on that bread. It had to be an element so the judges had no choice.
  4. I missed the very beginning. What did they do to afford a mil + home?
  5. Utah to Utrecht, Netherlands. Floor looks nice with the blond highlights. But her boots don't go with that cute dress. Wants Dutch charm in the middle of a cosmopolitan city. Modern conveniences but still wants Dutch charm. I don't think he knows what that is. I'm surprised Floor hasn't pushed him into a canal. Yes, let's go for the expensive place with no door on the bathroom and an hour commute for the breadwinner because it has wooden beams that they'll probably hit their heads on. 🙄
  6. Savannah, GA. They were decent actors. All the talk of investments had me thinking they would pick #3. The house they did buy looked to me like a money pit. Wonder if they'll try to flip it.
  7. I really liked Josh's design on his Mt Blanc. Too bad it wasn't set and Duff had to make that unfortunate comparison. Glad he was able to come back and win the main challenge. Thoa had a really good night, happy for her. Wish the editors wouldn't give us those "I want to win a challenge for once" talking heads. Takes away all the suspense.
  8. Anyone notice Aarti's emerald ring? So gorgeous, I'm jealous. I think the teams are finding their groove. There weren't any glaring errors, everyone finished. Sure, the giant gingerbread man was a scale issue. There was nothing wrong with their elements. But besides the windows of their background, what did the sugar artist do? Putting the mistletoe display in the bottom 2 was just nitpicking. They should judge on the final piece, not on who did what. Knew the Santa display was winning. It was quite good and was the best at meeting the challenge.
  9. The deer makeup that Brad and Ron had on was freakishly well done. Love Ray, Maeve not so much. They should of had the flash in the cameras go off for their dynamic element. Agreed their display didn't hit the challenge but their cake sounded amazing. Ridiculous that teams who've been there before get surprised by the bonus bake. Too bad the road trip display ran out of time. Knew hot tub was winning. My only critique is their dynamic element had the fish swimming backwards.
  10. Greg & John left at almost 10 am. Do they not do the 12 hour pitstop anymore?
  11. Maratea, Italy. Why wouldn't you want to live there, it's gorgeous! How many city center places come with fruit tree groves? Methinks her parents spoiled her. Not my favorite hunter but I liked the realtor.
  12. I hate snakes. So everyone they encountered was a bad guy. Takes the guess work out of it.
  13. Chris Scott had never made an impression on me when he judged. Glad to see Justin doing well. Tiffany is always fun and a tough competitor. Carson is a treasure.
  14. Fairbanks, AK. I was interested in seeing how Alaskan these houses would be. All had indoor plumbing and no composting toilets so not in the boonies. The wife lucked out. Anyone watch Buying Alaska? She didn't. That show led me to watching HH & HHI. They picked the right house for them.
  15. What is Ashley wearing? Her tiramisu looked like a trifle. Lady fingers and expresso does not make it a tiramisu. Wish Javier had won the advantage. This pie challenge is tricky. Well, we all saw that coming. This just wasn't the competition for Jennifer.
  16. Jesse was adorably uncomfortable thinking about his parents having sex.
  17. This was a great episode! No wonder these people have won in the past. Such talent. And all the teams seemed to mesh well. The quilts were stunning. A friend made me a quilt from my dad's shirts so that hit home. And then there were the stadiums. They were all well done, I couldn't pick a winner. I enjoyed that there wasn't any pieces breaking drama that we usually get when they have to build a structure.
  18. I laughed when Jake handed in his SITD and asked if Kaleb could blow on it or something.
  19. Is Amy's necklace one of the dipper constellations? Very cool.
  20. I bet Morgan is regretting her pep talk to Anna Leigh. Instead of saying hang in there, race all the way to the mat; she's wishing she said just coast. And Morgan was a lot kinder to AL then she was to Lena.
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