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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Happy everyone is admiring their surroundings and appreciating the wildlife.
  2. What's with all this negativity towards other teams? Just run your own race, don't worry about others.
  3. I can't balance myself, never mind putting pots on my head.
  4. I was wondering why these tribes weren't fishing.
  5. Maidstone, England. How to describe this couple, I've settled on fussy. Nothing seems to be good enough. And is Nick being sarcastic when referring to himself as fun? I didn't see anything wrong with #1 or #2. Why are they so worried about parking the car when Richard talks about how long it takes to walk everywhere? They seem like good parents.
  6. Damn, what did Rashida ever do to Cliff Crooks? Or does Cliff want to keep being a judge on Beat Bobby Flay? It always amazes me that a chef who has no experience with an ingredient outcooks someone who uses it everyday. Something just thrown together, I'm not sure if I should shake my head in disbelief or bow it in awe.
  7. For once, I couldn't guess which daredevil won. There were elements I liked on all of them but none of them were clean. And the dynamic elements were lackluster. I thought the zombies were too small. Crampus was good except for the lower legs but the volcano was a little disappointing. The mummies were fun but looked unfinished to me and Eddie was right to criticize the rocket.
  8. I thought FJ was looking for a person. ☹️ Can I say I was distracted by trying to finish the newspaper?
  9. No one has commented on the lion tattoo Gerry showed on his shoulder during the hot tub scene. I'd love to hear the story behind it.
  10. Not a big surprise but I don't think that was his strongest piece. The octowoman was terrible. Her head was a different color than the rest of her and the judges mentioned her torso. The captain looked really well done, he should have taken center stage. Then she could have been in the background. I liked Rebecca's and Dan's was decent. I was rooting for Ethan all season long, but he didn't shine in the finale. He's young, he'll have plenty of time to win competions.
  11. I think that was a foregone conclusion. The best 2 teams are in the finale. Glad Lori got validation of her tasting element. Dean was so dismissive of her efforts. He was the reason I rooted against that team, he was always telling them to hurray up and calling them girls. The all female team really stepped up and seem to be the favorites. I'll be good with either team winning since I like Nils.
  12. He came off as a jerk wanting to be downtown to be able to walk to bars. You have a newborn, you are no longer going to bars! And he kept wanting prime rooms for his office. If he can work from home, why do they keep moving for his job? I didn't see much of the city from that house.
  13. Mother and son in Massachusetts. All I could think was after having to birth that big head; he should buy her a jetski!
  14. Whenever Dad says "Anna Leigh" does anyone else hear "Emily"?
  15. She seemed happy. Like it wasn't her fault they were out.
  16. Iceland! Have we ever been here? Ugh, we're not seeing much of the landscape because they want to be downtown. The buildings are interesting and colorful. That church is very cool. I know it's a trope, but why go to the trouble of moving to a different country and then insist your lodging be just like at home? That was a dark color throughout the whole apartment at #2. Horses! She's going to push for #3 and he's right, it's too small. Wow, she's going to schlep the laundry.
  17. Indianapolis. I agree with Paul, I loved the wood features at #1. The backyard was good. Also liked the modern space of #2. Not sure why he's buying for a future family. His future partner will want to put their own stamp on it. I do agree with him (again, this must be a record) on the raised sinks. I hate those, feel like I'd be knocking my hands/wrists into them all the time. Will he do location or cozy?
  18. Shota was as adorable as you'd expect. I think he has a crush on Brooke. The judging gave some of the lowest scores we've seen. Hard to know if it was fair.
  19. I don't typically care for what Danni wears but she looked great in that green leather dress. The dolls were all sufficiently creepy. Raggedy Mathilde had terrible looking arms due to that dynamic element. The winner had a huge doll and then several equally creepy smaller dolls. Very well done.
  20. Yes. I meant kudos to them for doing such a tall piece that didn't fall over.
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