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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Minnesota to Mexico city. Where is their money coming from? Is Raul making that much from his bead work? I can't even figure out what Steve does except want to put his stamp on a place. I liked the arches at #3. Glad they are having a good time.
  2. Finale was OK. I thought the challenge was to put lights on something that wasn't a house. So an elf house and a houseboat. Agree with the judges that the elf house could've been better if it were a different color. Red would've been nice. And the houseboat needed movement. So long Shinmin, see you in September. Anyone know what is coming in this time slot next?
  3. This is my first Christmas after Mom died and I decided to bake some of her recipes. I remember loving these cookies as a kid. They're just meringue with chocolate chips, total sugar bomb. The pie I don't remember her making. But it does have uncooked rum in it so not to serve to a child. Nancy would love it. Still pretty sweet with no crunch factor so probably wouldn't get me to the next round. The chocolate was too thick to do a proper swirl on top. I don't think I would have done this if I didn't watch this show. Pictures too big to fit in same post.
  4. Chambrils, Spain. I couldn't stand Maggie, or that too short dress she was wearing, or her voice saying things were too small and sad. Does she have a life besides her kids? I think it's cool that Gabe has kept in touch with this Spanish family he summered with. I hope he is able to enjoy this new chapter and am so glad he got the place he wanted.
  5. I noticed with John/Greg, the TAR fannypack now has a cup holder.
  6. Cork, Ireland. Gee, is she going to be working from home? The first place did need a lot of work. The kitchen and bathroom would need to be done before I moved in. So I hope the dogs don't have to go out too often. On the plus side, you could let them out while you're in the shower.
  7. PA/NJ shore. House #1 was nice and updated and then there'd be some distressed wood that stuck out to me, not in a good way. #2 seemed like a good choice for her. Brian was even willing to give up the shore for it. But Hilary still thought it was too small. You're not going to get a ton of room in a Cape, her preferred style. #3 had the beautiful backyard and no furniture. Will that be their choice?
  8. I was all prepared to not care about this episode. The old, team member is in a hostage situation, trope. But darn if it didn't pull me in and give me all the feels. The only clunker was JD and that woman in charge. Did we know he was supposed to be married? And now the Doc's personality makes more sense.
  9. I really liked Aarti's green dress. Very sorry to see Aaron and his team go. Maybe angled their display differently. If they had Santa and the window on the other side. Then the boy would have been facing the judges. To me, the remaining 2 teams are the preppies and the chain gang.
  10. Darn it, Justine is winning this thing, isn't she? We can't get rid of her. Ashley either. At this point I'm rooting for either Kevin or Thoa. Love Sherrod but he always makes little mistakes.
  11. Thank goodness the man who doesn't watch football didn't get that category. Josh Peck didn't seem to realize there's a time constraint. He was so slow. Jeannie Mei was the better partner to go for 100k. She's competitive and did a great job in the winner's circle. The second half was much better. At least these teams got through all 7 clues. I've heard of Eliza but didn't know the guy. Was it me or did he not make eye contact with his partners?
  12. Go away, Ree! My goodness, the poor bakers kept messing up when she talked to them. Joseph has a bright future ahead of him! His work was so clean! Very impressive.
  13. They should have had Corey's dance instructor as the greeter.
  14. Texas/Alaska to Thailand. Tommy's a character. I don't understand why having a baby makes joining the military a better choice than attending college. Never home to help with the baby. The pay couldn't have been much. But I guess money in instead of money out? These places are nice and modern. It will be interesting to see which factor turns out to be the most important to him. Nice point, Umy. He saves so much money he can afford to take his daughter to a nice place. Yeah, didn't think the girl's mother would let her go to Thailand.
  15. Anchorage, Alaska. They seem really young. And why haven't they said how far these places are from work? In winter, that's got to be a consideration. Thought they might pick #3.
  16. There is no way in heck that I believe Damaris beat Stephanie Izard. Sunny even said the Mexican hot chocolate, the star ingredient, was very subtle in her dessert. And Duff loses on a technicality?! I can't even with this show.
  17. I think this was the best episode yet. Extras had speaking roles but weren't the big bad. The case was pretty tight. And Mackey had a moment or two of not being an asshole. I actually liked her back tattoo. Surprisingly delicate for a Marine.
  18. Sea horses went home, all woman team that hadn't won a challenge yet. Don't quote me but I think the shark won the night.
  19. Again, the judges were commenting that Aaron's cake person always did their characters. Well, the lady who did the shark always does their characters too. It's something all the cake artists do since they typically make big pieces. The undersea pieces were nice but nothing spectacular. Kind of happy that the sugar lady who kept bragging that she did everything by hand went home.
  20. Is anyone watching her new holiday episodes? Just saw the first one with Alex Guarnaschelli. Cute show. I love Alex (her facial expressions) and Selena seems very relatable. The dishes all looked delicious and seemed easy enough for a novice cook. So funny how amazed Alex was that Selena had every cooking utensil in the book. And called out Rachel for eating the cheese. But wearing white dresses while making tomato sauce, beef gravy, and chocolate bark seemed risky. Kudos to Gracie for washing her hands.
  21. I'm sorry but his space "ship" looked like a toilet.
  22. Never in a million years would I have guessed that Stonehenge could be bought at auction. The land it sits on, maybe? That would have been a very cool thing to own but the hassle of trespassers must have been too much.
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