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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Why didn't the winner from the first individual challenge get an advantage? Nothing against Murph but that win was pure luck. And it really tugged at my heartstrings when Linda said that was the most support she'd received on a job. Unfortunately the comment won't make her life at home any better. Disappointed that the first 2 out are women.
  2. Did anyone see the bourbon episode? What the heck, Geoffrey and Ted put ice in their bourbon while Maneet and guest judge drank theirs straight.
  3. She is definitely having fun with all of this.
  4. Since we're being superficial, I love Alex's hair when it's curly. It gives her a softer look. And was that a swipe or a just kidding when Anne made that crack about not hiring Alex? I like Zach, the football player, and strangely Ari. For all her over the topness, she can cook.
  5. Figured that's why she wanted a 1 bedroom, so in-laws couldn't visit. That place looked huge on the outside, surprised it only technically had 1.
  6. So corny but highly entertaining to watch. Hated the first 2 guys, glad they didn't make the final. I ❤ Joe T, especially when he's announcing Uranus.
  7. I love when their dogs are on screen. And I don't remember that tournament so happy to watch it with Guy's commentary. Hunter just gives him someone to talk to, otherwise he's talking to himself.
  8. If I get a dead spot in my tv watching, am definitely going to on demand this show!
  9. I'm an only child and I played rather than going to sleep. Not sure why they had the boy and girl share a room rather than the 2 girls together.
  10. In Austin, those pants! Talk about ugly.
  11. The funniest line of the night was when Ari referred to Anne as Juliet up on her balcony.
  12. Who can believe the Jersey Shore people would be the less obnoxious group?
  13. I think this episode will discourage older viewers from applying for season 3. That one guy stuck to the pole like velcro! Jon Lovitz chips better when he's blind.
  14. For all of Andy's fusspot behavior, they looked really happy in that wedding photo. So glad they showed it.
  15. I love Realtor Richard! And he's too funny about fusspot Andy.
  16. I wish there was more of Alex cooking and less of the episode. What do we know about her boyfriend?
  17. I knew she was in trouble as soon as she said red onions. I don't like them myself but dude, lighten up.
  18. The golfers do seem to be better this season. Aside from those twins.
  19. I didn't care for Tanner even though he had some nice looking supporters.
  20. Chris from Atlanta would have loved Whitney's entrance for the Fairfield ep.
  21. I didn't see this but I love Bear. Is he in it or does he just narrate?
  22. This makes me very happy! I loved Wipeout. I hope John & John are back.
  23. No, they'll buy the house that's over their budget. Lol.
  24. Every time they say Steve Guttenberg, I say no, Donny Most from Happy Days.
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