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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Anyone see 2 dead bodies in a forest? I liked this ep, everyone had their moment. Not sure why Gibbs was in a suit at the beginning. I could do without the Fornell story line.
  2. I wouldn't buy Eddie's album, but I wouldn't change the radio channel if he came on either. He and Ree made cute carolers. I thought Thomas was robbed. He made actual 3d objects. And they tasted his twist ingredient. Christina's tree looked awful and no taste of fig.
  3. I didn't realize there was a height requirement for upside down cake. Jon should've done something different with his oranges but they tasted the rosemary in his cake. They didn't taste it in Eva's and her decorations were no better. Want to know how judging works. I have to wonder if Jesse's next role is Santa Claus. He is putting away the food like there's no tomorrow. I'm happy he gets to taste things, it would suck being around all that good stuff and not trying it. But he's not discriminating. If it were me, anything with coconut or funky flavors can be pushed aside. Pregnant Megan seems to be putting booze in all her desserts.
  4. The narwhal was excellent, just not sure how Christmassy it was. Didn't like the elves ruining the penguins' wedding. And Johnnie can leave with his validation that Shinmin liked something he did. As an aside, Jewel is a completely different person on Candy Land. She's nice, calm, and not critical. Makes you wonder.
  5. People used to sleeping in a different time zone would appreciate having a dark bedroom.
  6. Especially if Nick comes too. They seemed to have a lot of fun together. Loved the line about the dog knowing more languages than she did.
  7. South Dakota. I physically recoiled when they showed the red and purple walls. The newer house was definitely the one to pick.
  8. Madrid. She's 30?! Oh dear, I thought she was having a midlife crisis.
  9. Berlin. Oh the horror, Adam is always positive! She doesn't understand how refreshing that is on HHI. Kevin is adorable.
  10. Grizzly

    The Judges

    I know GZ doesn't get a lot of love on here but I enjoyed watching him and his wife on the couple's episode that reran last night. When he said how he did the show so people could see how talented his wife is...the man is not a jerk.
  11. I thought the judges were too harsh on the junk drawer tree. Sure it was the least impressive of the 4 pieces but the concept made sense. And tape is never symmetrical so Erin can just stfu. What did the female sugar artist do for 5 hours besides the tasting element? Couldn't believe the stuffed animals won. Yes, it was visually stunning but the judges kept harping on the static figures. The beehive was more technically difficult. I liked the bees better.
  12. Anyone notice how halfway through the delivery challenge, Chee was carrying his and Hung's bag?
  13. When he said she was a fun killer, I asked why did he marry her! And I hate white cabinets.
  14. What was the point of the megaleg when it was predetermined the blonds would be eliminated? Wish Phil had told the 2 teams from the mine 5 who aren't in the true alliance since he seems annoyed about the alliance.
  15. No real reason for Will and James to yield anyone. They are just miserable people.
  16. I didn't like him because I thought he was loud and quite the braggart in his talking heads. Once the first round kicked his ass, he was a lot more tolerable during the show. The fried mac n cheese between 2 slices of bread that Sarita made first round would've had me handing her the check right then. Maneet looked haggard in this ep. Hope she's doing ok.
  17. My one problem with the ep was if Freckles hid the key card behind a wall in the bullpen, why was Maurice in the basement? Worst map drawing/reading in history?
  18. Young Gibbs and Ducky, be still my heart! You are so right crazycatlady58, young Ducky is extremely hot, maybe it's the accent. The episode was just about perfect.
  19. After angel lady decided to not take Ree's advice about putting a face on her wreath, knew she wasn't winning.
  20. Kess seemed to do a lot of cheesecakes. Would not want a sage dessert. Loved the battle of the carrotcakes. And Eva showing up Jamal, that cream puff looked delicious. This is the best of the holiday shows.
  21. After seeing what 100,000 can get you in Racine, WI, I'm dying to see what 200k could buy. Wonder how long they'd been holding on to this episode. Love David but not his wardrobe. The pink pajamas shouldn't be worn in public. But I loved the white top with the fun sleeves Jackie wore at the first house. She definitely picked the right one.
  22. I got the impression the husband was an introvert. Since he and the son were the ones who had traumatic accidents, mom was going to make them happy. They can always try the city center in a year after everyone is comfortable with Italy. With covid, they're probably grateful to have all that room. My pet peeve with this show is everyone acts like they can never move again.
  23. Florence. The son requested his own room. I want to know who is he sharing with now?
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