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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Puerto Rico. Is the realtor Otto related to Kevin? He gives off the same vibe and looks similar. These people are crazy to take on that house. Once the reno is done, there won't be money for a boat.
  2. Dallas. I liked this couple. Geneo didn't last in the NFL long but it sounds like he has a backup career. I'm surprised they picked the chateau. Interesting sleeping arrangements but if it works for them. Brave for sharing that with the world.
  3. Grizzly

    S18.E06: 1mm

    Good catch! Abby would have thought of that.
  4. South Korea. This guy is so annoying! No view is good enough. The realtor should have Andrew point on a map where he's willing to live. But I do envy his ability to walk up to a stranger and start talking.
  5. I thought for sure they were setting up a Maneet win to balance out the finale of men and women. Alex must have been doing her supermarket shenanigans to not take part.
  6. Grizzly

    S18.E06: 1mm

    If Gibbs were better at communicating, maybe he wouldn't have to shoot his friends to save them.
  7. So glad Stephen went home first! At least he had a good attitude about it.
  8. Eddie is a judge, I don't know the host. It's a Canadian show. Maybe spoof isn't the right term. I'm trying to say it doesn't take itself seriously.
  9. Because Valerie can't make royal icing, so she was impressed.
  10. I think maybe they are going for a spoof. I laughed a lot. When the son said his caketopper doppelganger looked like a troll, so spot on. Couldn't believe that won over guy sitting on log. Mike's hand painted shirt was stunning. If you're a baker with a thin skin, this show is not for you. They should get rid of the comedian and replace him with Zac Young. Really up the snark factor.
  11. I am liking all the women who are left. None seem to be too extra. The guys I could do without, which is rare for me. There's usually 1 I really like. My prediction for finals is Laura & Amber. Bartenders seem to do well since they understand mixing flavors.
  12. I was hopeful that Jill showed some self awareness when she said she gave her housekeeper her old range rover because she "put that woman through hell." Amazing that she could see someone else's point of view.
  13. Did you try at the end of the new episode? TV Guide lists it as a 2 hr show.
  14. I was wondering what they were living on. She was only going to substitute teach. His paintings couldn't sell for that much. Glad she finally learned how to pronounce Kauai.
  15. Wiesbaden Germany. Poor Kevin is drinking already. This couple is going to drive him crazy.
  16. Tulum. I can't get past all the hideous outfits. Not sure if I like Carmen or not. Ok, she fosters dogs, she's all right.
  17. Ft Lauderdale. Glad they chose the place with the most space. No sense getting a house that's too small. Who was dying to take a pair of scissors to his hair? Loved the dogs.
  18. I hate how Troy is always the whipping boy. The chefs all made some good looking dishes. I wanted to eat the mac n cheese and the pizza. And then Bobby killed it with his sandwich. He's always easy to root for.
  19. D'von was classic passive-aggressive with Bella. I have to wonder where he learned that at such a young age, and why? I'm looking at you, mom. Peel the peach indeed. She seems very invested in this experience. Duff and Val liked his hand pie so peach skin was not a problem. Loved when Matthew's mom said she liked having a messy kitchen if it meant her son was cooking.
  20. Actually the worst part was the Gaga impersonator. Her face had as much in common with Gaga as the meat dress one.
  21. Natalie was the only one qualified to be a judge. Which must be how they ended up picking the worst cake as the winner.
  22. Anyone watching Clinton's show? Some of these places are amazing and the buyers are so down to earth since they are self-made people. The budgets are what we want this show to have.
  23. Dublin. Cute couple but if they're both in the automotive industry, why can't Amy get a job at his company? The third place was a no go but the really nice place was so much over the budget. So of course they get the place by the sea.
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