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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. Same! And when the scorpion dropped in, I was like, "Oh hell no!" Overall, I enjoyed the episodes and am happy it was wrapped relatively quickly. As I'm not the biggest Maddie fan, I really was not looking forward to a long, drawn out "Maddie in peril" story. Although I'm sure now we'll be getting a long, drawn out "Maddie has PTSD" story.
  2. Other than Parvati, Sandra, and Trishelle, I have NO idea who any of these people are. So it will be like watching an all normie season for me.
  3. Got an offer yesterday for 2 or 3 show subscriptions and picked these 3!
  4. Any and all commercials featuring former boy band members. This includes an insurance commercial with a gaggle of them (even though Joey McIntyre was my first celebrity crush), a cat food commercial with an N'Syncer, and a laundry detergent commercial with the Backstreet Boys. They all made GOBS of money in their heyday. Get better money managers!!!!
  5. https://6abc.com/abbott-elementary-lisa-ann-walter-melissa-schemmenti-food-tour-philadelphia/13526950/ I just love her. Last week when the same journalist was interviewing her about her stand-up shows here, she said "I hope someone buys me a hoagie." Alicia told her "Text me, I'll hook you up!" I'm so glad they followed through. Lisa Ann also appeared at a SAG-AFTRA rally here yesterday with Sheryl Lee Ralph.
  6. I ❤️ The Bear but its inclusion in the comedy categories perplexes me greatly. As does Jon Bernthal's nomination. Don't get me wrong - I have nothing against him and think he's a terrific actor, but he had like 5 minutes of screen time in season 1. It was literally like a "check your phone and you'll miss him" performance.
  7. I saw the touring production of Moulin Rouge here in Philly over the weekend and really loved it. But I'm also a lover of the movie. The standout for me was the set design and costumes. I could not look away from the stage for even a second because everything was just so rich and colorful and vibrant. Overall, it was just tons of fun and I had a big, dopey grin on my face for most of it.
  8. I literally came to this thread JUST to bitch about this commercial. It's for XFinity and the guy kicks everyone in the building off of WiFi because apparently Verizon sucks. (It doesn't. XFinity - aka Comcast - sucks.) And then he greets the firefighter who busts into his apartment by name. It gets played CONSTANTLY during the maybe 90 minutes a day when I'm watching live tv and sends me into a bit of a rage spiral.
  9. Except for Catherine's son when he's drunk. But I'm with you - I don't think Catherine has any resentment towards Ryan specifically. I think she resents the circumstances that led to this point and I think she is tired and beaten down and wondering how much more sh** can be thrown her way, but I don't think she blames Ryan for any of it. I think we see a lot of exasperation from her because he's been a somewhat surly lad and she is walking a very fine line in trying to do what's best for him, but I don't think she resents him.
  10. OMG, that episode messed me up for DAYS.
  11. I've had a lot of issues with this season overall but I thought the finale was just terrific. A great send-off for one of my favorite shows in recent memory. I don't care who got together with whom and who didn't. This show was never a romantic comedy. It was a story about broken people fixing themselves and fixing each other. I'll forever be grateful to have had this through the last 3, tremendously awful years. It was such a bright light.
  12. Ugh. I absolutely HATE when they bring the CIA into it. Fisk is no Bishop and the writers aren't clever enough to come up with a really compelling espionage/international mystery storyline. And like others, I don't understand why Robin has any loyalty to him. The man calls her "mall cop" for Pete's sake. Once she realized they had him, she should have just said, "Sucks to be him" and went about her business. The highlight of the episode for me was the sign on the wall of what was obviously a Target that said "Lowell St. Bodega & Grocery." Bodega, my ass. 😂
  13. Are there actually jurisdictions in this country that make it a crime to withhold Narcan from someone overdosing? If so, that's a crock of shit. Addicts shouldn't be criminalized, but neither should bystanders. What if they weren't home or didn't hear the music blaring? He would have been dead anyway. What DA would bring this case to a judge? This show had such promise when it started but I'm glad this was the finale. Peace out, Accused!
  14. I really disliked this book but thought I would check this out because of Jennifer Garner and Hello Sunshine. It was fine for a weekend binge but had I followed it from the beginning and been forced to wait a week for each episode, I would have bailed after week 1. If I was Hannah, I would have just taken the money and run. WITHOUT the PITA step-daughter.
  15. When I saw that, my brain immediately went to that pro baseball player who recently raised a stink about his wife being asked to clean up popcorn her kids had spilled on a plane. And as someone who HATES slobs and mess, I was immediately side-eyeing Dani even though I want to roll him into a blanket and protect him.
  16. I'm cool with this being the series finale for me personally. I've always been more drawn to the HUGE rescue set pieces that they typically do in the premiere and the finale and I recognize that economically, they can't have massive disasters every episode. I just don't care about anyone's love life or any of the domestic drama which seems to be the primary focus. Unless I come back here next season and someone tells me that ABC re-tooled this and now it is amazing, I'm done. Peace out, 9-1-1!
  17. I'm not proud of this because it is very gross and disrespectful, but when we first started watching the show, I literally sent a text to my friend: "OMG, the woman that plays Rebecca is sex on legs! 😍" She is absolutely stunning.
  18. Thank goodness for this thread because I thought Rebecca said "the guitarist from Creed" and spent about 10 minutes cackling maniacally. May have to do a re-watch to see what I missed during that explosion.
  19. CO-SIGN. This episode cemented for me that I will not be following this show in season 2. Some episodes have been wonderful but others, like this one, were absolutely abysmal.
  20. Wait, was this the season finale? If so, then Hallelujah! I promised myself I'd stick it out until the end of the season but after that, I'm done. It's just a crappy soap opera at this point.
  21. BINGO. My hate for him ratcheted up about 1,000 points in that moment. I don't care about his trajectory or "growth", he's an asshole. Always has been, always will be.
  22. THIS. I've never entertained, for even a millisecond, the idea that they may put Ted and Rebecca together. Well, except for when I'm reading these threads, but I digress... When I saw that, I immediately said "Oh no, please don't" out loud. There hasn't been an iota of romantic chemistry between them and I hate the idea. But I'm also someone who has never much cared about any of the romantic entanglements on this show. I'd be perfectly fine if they just kept the focus on Richmond as a team and left all of the romance stuff by the wayside.
  23. I would 100% go see that. I'm sure it's awful but I'm a sucker for that type of choreography. When it tours. I'm not going to NY for it. 🙂
  24. Can this show please stop wasting so much time on KJPR and West Ham (i.e. Nate)? It's supposed to be a show about Richmond, ergo I want to see Richmond. In the stadium training, at matches, in the locker room, hanging out with one another. All of these side stories are just distracting from the magic. These expanded episodes have been such a blessing and a curse.
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