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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. Ah yes...the '60's...baby oil sunburns, reflectors, Seventeen magazine and Lemon shampoo, Sun In for the hair and Tab soda...the good ole days.
  2. None of them seem to latch onto something to pitch that's unique or original. Kelly with the water (they did that on RHONJ) and Shannon with her blah food line was also done on RHONJ.
  3. Agree! Not too long ago, Bill was mocking Biden as an "old man" who smells like old man pee. It was gross and disrespectful...and he wonders why so many people have stopped watching him lately. I stopped watching him a year and a half ago. His rants about the same old stuff like millennials, religion, Democrats, Liberals, etc...are just tedious and repetitious. He's become a grumpy old man who really doesn't care to hear another point of view. It's become clear that he is now more of libertarian. Hard to believe HBO just extended his contract...clearly they don't how to fill that time slot on a Friday night because Bill's show is just a snooze fest now.
  4. Kelly has "professional" drive? Say what? Is she secretly the CEO of some Fortune 500 company that no one knows about? The only "drive" that I see Kelly having is a sex drive...as for her appearance...clearly she spends a good amount of money on cosmetic procedures. Her face is so loaded with fillers and Botox she can barely move her over plumped up mouth. Gina has let herself go and seems to be OK with it. For Orange County she must be considered pretty frumpy...that place is consumed with physical appearance and how good you look.
  5. Ugh...all the whining about being near her parents! Good grief...grow up already! My daughter lives on the other side of the country...I haven't seen her in almost a year and had to miss her wedding due to COVID and this woman/child is moaning over being 20 minutes from her parents???? I thought the house they chose was a good compromise for them...he gets a nice piece of land with privacy and she gets to put her "stamp" on the kitchen and house to grow into with kids in the future.
  6. Actually Kelly going to ASU fits for her...huge party school and if I'm not mistaken, ASU is where Joe Francis went to recruit for his "Girls Gone Wild" videos.
  7. Shane is kind of weird and passive aggressive towards Emily...he does appear to be joining in the catty conversation about the other women at these get togethers. The producers are not focusing on him or on his and Emily's relationship issue this season and apparently completely abandoned the whole "Shane taking the Bar exam" storyline...
  8. Emily is definitely a shit stirrer...that's her role this season. Not liking her and Gina is getting on my last nerve. Ugh...her sloppy house, her sloppy looking outfits and combative personality are just obnoxious. Not fat shaming but Gina has gained quite a bit of weight...it's really noticable when you see the opening to the show and they use her photo from last season. I wonder if this new guy is taking advantage of her and is just with her for the rent free accommodations...seems sketchy to me.
  9. OMG...this Levanthal guy is just like her last husband...weak and more of a valet/manservant who's banging his boss. And he isn't even a good looking valet/manservant...yikes...Kelly has a type. Older omega men that feel grateful to be with a hot woman and will grovel and do their bidding. It's sad...he will end up being kicked to the curb when she gets bored with him. Her constant declarations about what a great sex life they have and saying this in the most vulgar terms is embarassing for Jolie. Everything this woman does is embarrasing for Jolie...including her overdone cosmetic work. And might I add I found her astoundingly ignorant comment about the COVID pandemic being no big deal and equating it with seasonal flu to be mind-blowing...she just needs to STFU especially about scientific and medical matters...stay in your lane Kelly...the only medical topics you should ever discuss are your multiple boob jobs.
  10. I agree about Braunwyn walking away from the show. I feel like we're watching someone having a nervous breakdown let alone having the side effects of detoxing. This is why I think she should have gone to a rehab first and detoxed under medical supervision instead of doing this alone at home. Her husband is worthless...he should have insisted on getting her into a rehab where she would be medically supervised, had therapy and would have detoxed safely and successfully. This is painful to watch and she certainly should not be doing this around her children who already are being exploited by being on this show.
  11. The chef lady drove me crazy with her hyper personality...so dramatic about everything. Wise choice however with the townhouse. They get a pool, don't have to maintain a lawn and her daughter will meet other kids at the pool or in the community. The coven of girlfriends was a bit much and the realtor had more patience than I would have had.
  12. You misunderstood my comment...of course self awareness that you have a drinking problem is one of the first steps to being sober...unfortunately, there are people that deny, deny, deny, deny that they have a problem and isn't until they get into trouble with the law or at work that they seek help. Having a GP guide someone to a good rehab or program and give them the health consequences of heavy drinking can be the red flag they need to do something about it. Not everybody has the self awareness or discipline to treat themselves and need straight talk from health professionals. Women, in particular, have co-morbidity issues with alcoholism with greater risks of breast cancer and other cancers, liver damage, heart disease, etc. My point was that Braunwyn self diagnosing should be bolstered by a physical and consultation with a GP or other health professional for support and guidance. She's had a lot of pregnancies, stress, etc...all these things can a take a toll on a woman's body and mind...drinking complicates this...and now there is COVID to add to it. That is all.
  13. Yes! To everything you said! At the begining of the pandemic didn't Bill have Scott Atlas, the current pandemic guru at the White House who is championing "herd immunity"on his show? Bill was all for herd immunity at that time...well, asshole, now it's here! It's clear that Trump has embraced it and that's the strategy for dealing with COVID. Millions more will die and the healthcare system will probably collapse. This Atlas jerk is a radiologist...he's never done one days work in public health or has any knowledge or expertise of infectious diseases or in epidemiology. Yet Bill had him on his show and validated his crazy views on COVID. Bill has changed a lot in the last two years or so...he seems more in line with some of the wack jobs over at Fox or at Brietbart. He's lost all credibility on most things and he is getting lazy or smoking too much weed to do any research or even read. Sad...even sadder HBO just renewed his contract through 2022. I have to think that they just don't know what to do with that Friday night time slot.
  14. Bill lives a life of luxury in Beverly Hills. He has his bubble of other comics and use to spend his free time back in the day at the Playboy Mansion and at sex clubs in LA. He has great disdain for millennials, women, children and marriage...yeah...he can relate to the "everyman/woman"...NOT.
  15. Self diagnosis is really self awareness and owning you have a problem. I have a close family member who would not admit or self diagnosis until he got into a drunken brawl at a business event. He was lucky to have not been fired...the CEO and board had a hearing and he was ordered into an outpatient rehab. He saw his GP who did labs and referred him to an outpatient facility that took his insurance. It included one to one counseling and group meetings every week. It was a four month program with after care. It saved his life because he would not ever admit he was out of control with his drinking. Seeing his physician who sounded the alarm to him and wanted to do labs on his liver was essential to getting him to rehab...he didn't really care much about the the company higher ups ultimatum since he could have easily taken his retirement instead...I know it's different for everyone but seeing his physcian who he trusts and knows him was the truning point. He's a year sober now and doing great. I think Brauwyn needs a physician to look at her liver and run tests...every woman should be getting regular physicals and especially those with substance abuse issues.
  16. That wasn't a house...that looked like a former drug den. If my memory serves me right, they paid a little over $400,000 for that? It should just be demolished and put a new build up. It was disgusting and they got ripped off.
  17. I agree with you however...I think Shannon should have been more sensitive to Braunwyn's newness to sobriety as the hostess and told her she had several "mock"tails or sparkling waters, etc. that the bartender would be glad to serve her. To walk in and have Shannon talking up tequila was kind of passive aggressive at the very least. On the other hand, hanging around with these women who day drink and drink themselves under the table at parties and on trips would not be optiomal for someone who is self professed "alcoholic". Just ask the Countess on RHONY.
  18. Couple things... Braunwyn self diagnosing herself as an "alcoholic" seems sketchy to me. Any person with a modicum of edcuation would see their general practitioner and get a physical, lab work and a consult. A physician's referal to a reputable program that is thorough in a plan that includes after care would be what most people do. To self diagnose and not even consult with a health professional and then tag along with Shannon to her acupuncture guru is absurd. Alcholism is a disease that needs to be addressed both physically and mentally...what is wrong with these ditzy ladies? Kelly Dodd is a disgusting piece of trash...low class and vulgar. And isn't she pushing 50? She acts like a sexed up 19 year old with no impulse control.
  19. You're probably right...those kids do nothing to help unless they get paid. Sounds like Jeremy isn't the golden boy so much anymore. It's all about Zach and his kids.
  20. She had her friend help her. She didn't want strangers touching her stuff. A lot of people are like that. I think she now sees she sould have hired a team to do it. Whatever...it got done and now Matt can STFU and stop bullying her to leave.
  21. Kail is a mess. She is trying to create this perfect little family of sons who are growing up with a mother who has random unprotected sex with men and has borne four children, out of wedlock, with three different fathers. Failed relationships and an unstable home to boot. Just because she can afford to live in a big house in a nice neighborhood doesn't make it a stable, healthy home. The in and out of friends, the on again off again with deadbeat Dad Chris, the fighting with Javi and Jo...none of these things are healthy for children to be surrounded by. She's a disaster area.
  22. I agree with everything you said except the Addie part...that's a helluva an indictment to make about a little girl that she will be pregnant at 16 because why? I see her as a breath of fresh air in that family...she's funny, has a sense of humor and brings laughter to her sisters and parents. She has a great relationship with her Dad and sometimes seems to have a better take on what's going on with the adults in her life then they do. Thank you for bringing up the nails! All of these girls except Chelsea have these super long creepy nails! How do they change a diaper or even do any household chores with those talons???
  23. She's probably upset that she has to use her drug problem as a storyline since there is nothing else for her to use as a storyline this season.
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