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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. It happened after they stopped filming this season..I read about it online. She was coming in dressed in sweats and slippers with her hair in a messy bun and kept her space sloppy also. To top it off, the other stylists there were complaining about the trashy friends that would hang out there all day as did her druggy parents...cursing, smoking and verbal fights. The guy who rented the space to her evicted her. Also...she would make appointments with clients and not show up. If they tried to call her it would go to voice mail. AND...get this...her clients had to pay in advance! The going price for a "do" by her was $225.00!!! She's either doing drugs herself now or just decided to rip off people and take the money and run.
  2. He took advantage of a young naive girl and I had a hard time buying his excuses for sending her to a town 10 hours away and then being mean to her so many times. I felt badly for her and it illustrates how much differently men and women process personal relationships. She fell in love with someone she never met or saw...she was intellectually and emotionally very involved. He wasn't but had to know she was falling hard...he took advantage of her emotional infatuation for some sort of personal agenda or cruel intention. Her seemed decent enough when Neve was talking to him and genuinely remorseful for allowing her to travel under dangerous circumstances to meet him. But alas, he only called her once and did not contact her again. Hopefully she has learned a valuble lesson and will not engage in anymore online relationships for some time. I wish her all the best in her new life here in the United States.
  3. Mueller was the tall guy who flunked senior year at that Christian school they all went to. He's married now and has kids. Maybe Destiny is his wife? I agree about Zach...cocky, arrogant and rude. Always was a lazy kid...lazy in school, lazy on the farm except at "punkin" season as Matt pronounces it. Tori could have done so much better...and the way he keeps nagging her to have more kids right after giving birth to both Jackson and Lilah is just obnoxious and annoying. She's barely home from the hospital and he's telling her he wants another kid ASAP. And the way he berates both Amy and Matt to their faces is awful. They are wrong for bringing him into their drama but he sneers at both of them with this smarmy tone that makes him look like an asshat. Yes...I hope Jackson and Lilah give him the seem kind of treatment he's giving to his parents and treat his house the same way he treated theirs...karma.
  4. Well maybe I should rephrase it...Bethenny would make snarky remarks and sly put downs of others projects and new product lines. I do remember her snarking on Heather's shape wear and being very "I can't be bothered" with Kristen's nail polish collaboration. I remember thinking how high and mighty she was behaving when she started out making organic cookies and selling them at a table in supermarkets. She had a way of being dismissive and a tad condescending to other women who were looking to start something or were seeking her approval. As for the Carole thing...it was obvious to me that Bethenny was jealous of Carole leaving New York to hang out with other people on the West Coast. Bethenny seemed oddly possessive and yet needy...in a way I understand. She had dysfunctional parents and a dysfunctional childhood. I'm sure she was guarded and cautious in new situations with other girls growing up and probably found it hard to be a part of a group coming from the kind of home she had. Backgrounds like that make it difficult for women to build relationships and trust someone. She and Carole had a great relationship and seemed to have fun but Carole might have felt a little smothered and decided to duck out for few months and be other people. I think Bethenny felt like she was dumped and lashed out. I have some empathy for her but there's room for improvement regardless of how much money she has or how grand her apartment or Hamptons home is...just sayin'...
  5. Thank you for your post. I think it is important for people to understand that this is not a simple business transaction or negotiation. There is the land, the house and other things that will come into play. I was appalled by Matt's aggressive bullying Amy into a quick decision and poo pooing about the holidays being a problem for getting this done in a short period of time. He has always been domineering and has tried to use strong arm tactics to get Amy to bend to his will. Amy is right to defend herself and get as much good legal advice and employ proper people to work with her....Matt is just a bully and why is he just wandering, uninvited, into the big house to "check up" on her and "offer help"is just bullshit...he was there to inspect, criticize and put pressure on her to clean up the mess and pack up and leave. I understand her defensive attitude...he came into her space without warning for ulterior motives. They're divorced...call her up and ask if you can come up to the house to talk to her...what a nerve he has. I am not excusing Amy at all for what we saw last night...she does need to get a professional service in to help with weeding out stuff she wants and stuff she can get rid of...it's just too daunting to do herself and her hoarding tendencies are pretty evident. When someone is like this they have difficulty choosing what to keep and what to let go of...she needs help and needs to recognize this and deal with it before Chris bails on her!
  6. OMG!!!! I forgot how out of control these kids and Mueller were in their newly remodeled house...they were such brats! I kind of understand how Amy wanted her kids to be able to have friends over and have fun but that wasn't "fun" that was destructive chaos and disrespect for the home. And the physical "play" was jaw dropping. That Mueller guy could have injured Zach or Jacob. I was reminded of how belligerent Jacob was. Zach as always cocky and smug...I liked to see how he reacts when Jackson brings his friends over and runs rough shod all over his weirdly designed house. Yeah...why don't Zach and Tori put a bib on the kid?
  7. Brianna says she wants Devoin's mother and father to be a part of Nova's life but I really don't think she does. Letting them in means Nova has other people to talk to, confide in and love....I don't think the Coven really wants to give up any control over Nova and allow Devoin's family to be active participants in her life. Devoin always looks high to me...he's just so lethargic. I like Addie...she has a joie d'vive about her. She has quite the personality...I don't see her as bratty but more as funny and playful. She's a character...for sure. Even her sisters find her comments funny and crack up laughing. She's the family comedian...every family has one. I'm sure she'll change when she hits puberty...they all do. So ten year olds get iPhones now? Wow...and that wasn't a cheap one either. I get that kids feel peer pressure to have a cellphone but maybe start with their base phone and see how she does with it. That was a better phone than my husband's! I did like it when it came time to pay for it she plopped her baggy with money on the counter...that was pretty funny. I love Aubrey...she's grounded and seems very well rounded. She does look like Adam! Kail is just a miserable, obese mess. This friend of hers, Mark, was her "friend" when she lived in Pennsylvania. Now he's driving up to Delaware to listen to Kail's whining about baby daddies , her "family" and her miserable life? MTV must be paying him to befriend her because I just don't see what anyone gets out of being a "friend" to her...she cares nothing about them and their problems. No wonder she cycles through friends so quickly. And BTW, her hair color is awful...it is not flattering. she needs to go back to being blonde. Jade and family is the most dysfunctional family I've ever seen...I thought Jenelle's family was bad but this one is worse. Honestly, I don't know how she has escaped not being investigated by CPS. Drug addicted parents that float in and out of the house possibly using while watching Kloie, a baby daddy that is a deadbeat Dad and former (?) drug addict who also babysits Kloie and engages in verbal and physical fights with Jade's parents and with Jade. If ever there was a need for CPS to intervene it would be now. This is no way for a child to be raised...it is heartbreaking and really pisses me off that Jade puts her horrible parents ahead of her child. She needs to cut them off and kick them out. Put her daughter first and make a better life for her without being surrounded by chaos, drugs and acrimony. Same goes for her baby daddy...he doesn't work, has no money and may be still using...quit feeling like you have to be the savior of all these people. And also, quit using foul language in front of your child. Be the adult and clean up your life by sweeping these people out. They can see your little girl in public places...meet them at a park or playground. Don't let them back in. Move on and put Kloie first. Ugh...I can't believe she got kicked out of her salon space...her family's miserable behavior seems to be rubbing off on her.
  8. Yes...there is that element in Bethenny but there's also the flip side where she can be a bully. The way she treated Kristin Taekman, Heather and at the end Carole was nasty and mean spirited. When she feels threatened by someone else's career success or by their good looks she is just a bitch. Because Carole spent the summer traveling and vacationing with other friends Bethenny got jealous and launched an onslaught of insults, digs and sarcastic remarks. She can be petty and cruel...I don't miss her and her tacky Skinny Girl schlock.
  9. That was my point....thank you for saying it better than I did. Yes we are.
  10. I don't feel sorry for Jade. I feel sorry for Kloie. Jade is grade A enabler...and if the current accusations by her co-workers at the salon she just got kicked out of are true, it sounds like she has joined her trashy family in using drugs. Her behavior at the salon seems pretty bad. Her life is a mess because she continues to allow her family and deadbeat dad boyfriend to take advantage of her and continue their dysfunctional lives in front of her daughter. Chelsea...please stop. Stop throwing Cole in our faces as the greatest Dad that ever lived....enough. And Cole...please stop trying to prove to everyone what a great guy you are and how much better a Dad you are than Adam. We get it...you're perfect. Kailyn you are a mess. You think that procreating with various men will give you the family you never had? You fight with all of your baby daddys and your life is in a constant state of turmoil, anger and people in and out of your life...your kids really have a unstable life and I'm sure they are one of the few kids at their schools with such an uncoventional and chaotic family life. Kailyn almost admits that having all these kids is for her own self serving reasons. That's not being a good mother...that's being a selfish, self absorbed mother. Leah seems to be handling her various baby daddys and kids OK...she's in a much better place than she was a few years back. Brianna is pathetic...at this point she seems to be pretty ensconced in being the "victim" and clueless/tone deaf when it comes to discussing her personal beefs and problems in front of her kids. I just can't feel sorry for her or have much empathy when she has sex with deadbeat dad Luis and doesn't use protection. She's either stupid or purposely does these self harming things for some weird reason.
  11. I agree she was a messy mother....but I had a mother who was the exact opposite and was OCD about everything regarding the house. It was hell on earth to grow up like that. No one wanted to come to our house and play or spend the night...they said it looked a museum. We were never allowed to sit in the living room except when company came over. If I was given a choice, as a child, I would have taken a home like Amy's over mine any day. I spent as much time at our neighbor's house who like the Roloffs had four kids, a messy house with kids and dogs coming and going all the time...it was heaven and earth to me and my brothers. Amy could have afforded a housekeeper for sure but I'm not going to mom shame her for not being clean and tidy. From the looks of it, she seems to have kept the house pretty neat since everyone moved out. I wouldn't categorize their home as a "pigsty"...the downstairs was always presentable except when Amy was cooking. The boys rooms were bad...they were just slobby brats. Again...if Amy and Matt had been able to co-parent with agreed upon strategies on how to run the home and parent the kids things might have gone differently. BTW...it wasn't just Amy that was messy...have you taken a good look at Matt's office? Papers strewn about everywhere, desk full of all kinds of crap and bookshelves in disarray.
  12. I don't disagree with some of your criticisms however, I think you are being just a tad harsh. To say that Amy didn't do anything to benefit the family is unfair...she got the kids up, prepared their breakfasts, made their lunches, took them to school, picked them up, took them to their sports pratcices and games and worked as preschool teacher. In my book, that's contributing to the welfare and benefit of the family. Was she the worst housekeeper in the world? Possibly but I know a lot of stay at home moms who don't priortize house work as the number one task on their list of important things to do. Matt focused on things that were beneficial to the family but he also focused on vanity projects that just littered up the farm and now have to be torn down and junked. He had a spending problem when it came to "stuff" that he hid from the family in a secret storage unit....thousands of dollars worth of crap that even Caryn was horrified he spent money on. So let's not paint him as this "saint" that put everything into the family and Amy as the "devil" who did nothing and was a slob and did nothing to "benefit" her family. That's just not true...they should have gone into marriage counseling 15-20 years ago to hash out their issues and repair what was broken...and frankly, I think they both are guilty of over sharing their post marital problems with each other with Zach and the other kids. Both do this and it is unfair to the kids to be embroiled in these complaints/discussions.
  13. I will add my two cents into this discussion of Matt and Amy's parenting skills....let's start with the fact that these two barely knew each other when they got married. They hardly spent anytime together and jumped into marriage and babies right away...I doubt were there any discussions about distribution of labor in the home, financial needs/wants, parenting plans. Clearly, they are very different people in so many ways...they aren't on the same page about almost everything. Matt is a difficult person to be with. He likes to be in control and "do his thing" on the farm without interference or partnership. Amy went into this marriage with low self esteem...she had four kids and managed their schedules and took care of the day to day operations of the home and kids. Matt took care of the farm and was the main breadwinner for many years...he really didn't have much to do with kids and their lives and they have expressed this over the years. Amy became resentful of Matt yet protective and stalwart in her role as the keeper of the kids/home. All of this lead to disagreements, arguments and bad feelings between them. Amy and Matt made mistakes in their parenting...Matt was unplugged and did little to no disciplining. Amy allowed the kids to disrespect the home and bring their friends over who also disrespected it. Having all of this play out on TV was detrimental to the family unit and created problems for several of the kids...Jacob full out rebelled and has nothing but animosity for the show. Jeremy and Molly want nothing to do with it anymore. Their separation was not a surprise. Amy staying on the farm as long as she did was a mistake. She should have packed up and left years ago...staying there just made for more bad blood between her, Matt and Caryn. And let's talk about the Caryn/Matt dynamic. Matt cheated on Amy with the hired help. He broke his marital vows with someone who Amy saw and had to see everyday on her property. What chutzpah Matt and Caryn have. Matt doesn't seem to have any regrets or shame about the way this unfolded. I really don't blame Amy for being bitter about this...she was humilated personally and publicly. Which is why she should have moved out earlier and moved on with her life. She actually seems happier now and softer. The farm as she knew it and where she raised her kids is over...being around Matt and his side piece isn't healthy and the less you have to see him and deal with her the better. I did not like Matt's strong arming of Amy into selling her share of the farm and business by Dec. 31st and found it to be obnoxious. Caryn shouldn't be chiming in on these matters...she is not married to him and she needs to STFU about Amy. Finally...about the Roloff kids...the twins are spoiled brats. Always were and still are. Both were poor students and seemed to lack motivation about anything except hanging out with their friends and playing soccer. Both Matt and Amy contributed to the academic failures of these two. Molly was clearly self motivated and a high achiever. She was the black sheep! Jacob was an even worse academic failure having been kicked out of the school all his siblings graduated from and then quitting the public school he transferred to...ultimately he got his GED but spent more time using drugs and talking about them on Twitter. Matt and Amy never stressed the importance of continuing their education and doing well in school...they just seemed too wrapped up in their own stuff. Zach only went one semester to community college and dropped out...does he have any job at all? I always found it interesting that Matt had such a strong work ethic but his kids never worked a summer job or had any job outside of the farm.
  14. University of Pennsylvania, "Penn" as it is known, is a very good school and a beautiful campus also. Great undergraduate schools including Wharton School of Business. Their post graduate programs are also outstanding...the medical school, law school and veterinary school are all top notch. That poor child...
  15. Ugh...I really wish Bethenny would just go away and get off my TV screen.
  16. Penn State isn't Ivy League...University of Pennsylvania is Ivy League. She could be at Brown, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth or Cornell. Any one of these schools would be thrilled to get endowment money from the JPMorgan family.
  17. So many things Dorinda chose not to share this season like what her break up with John was all about, her dog dying, her broken rib...did she ever talk about that? If so, I must have missed it....anyway...it is interesting that she was not forthcoming with several personal things but Tinsley wasn't transparent enough for Dorinda. She made it her mission to "out" Tinsley by stalking her and publicly calling her out for seeing Scott. There is so much hypocrisy here it stinks. Even worse, it seemed the other women, especially Sonja, piled on Tinsley and didn't have her back in this. Leah had already chosen to be on team Dorinda at that point. They all suck and are terrible friends...everything seems to be transanctional with these women.
  18. YES!!! Bethenny is toxic. She is truly a narcissist that is incapable of developing deep personal relationships. She also has such a nasty disposition and aggressive personality that she is most unlikable. Andy seems to be BFFs with her...if were up to him he would have back on in a heartbeat.
  19. oh it was...that was promo for the movie and I'm sure they got some financial compensation for it.
  20. Yes...they do drink alone but Dorinda seemed very anxious to get LuAnn off the wagon. LuAnn has a drinking problem...may be genetically predisposed to having an alcohol issue since her dad had alcohol issues. I'm not a substance abuse expert or counselor but I have a family member who has an alcohlol "issue" and had to get treatment. He, like LuAnn, would be belligerent and combative when he drank. All I know he is much better to be around and much healthier now that he has stopped drinking. Whether that makes him an alcoholic, I don't know. LuAnn seems so much better this season now that she's off the sauce.
  21. Thank you for pointing out that these women utilize PR firms and the media to soften their image or to plug their business endeavors...none of this is organic. It's all engineered and well thought out by their "people"...wait for the build up next season for LuAnn's biography.
  22. At some point the old gals will have to go in order to bring fresh faces to the franchise. There's so much of Sonja and her failed businesses, Ramona with her 50 friends and LuAnn with her awful cabaret act and dreadful singing that one can take.
  23. Alcohlics never want to drink alone...the minute LuAnn finished her probation Dorinda was nagging her to start drinking again and telling her she wasn't an alcoholic. Enabling at its worst.
  24. Sonja was unhinged last. night when it came to bashing Ramona...WOW! Non stop verbal beat down and a lot of nasty remarks and aggressive body language. She seems resentful of Ramona and accused her of "stealing" her circle of friends. Good grief...these are grown women not 14 year olds. The piling on from Sonja about fake handbags was petty and immature. And how about her over reaction to Ramona's awkward remark to her about her weight? Oh my! It hurt me so much I had to go to a five star spa just to recover from it! Waa waa waa...not to mention her sad "catch a dick" comments...nothing is more unattractive than a woman of a certain age who is the mother of a daughter who is college age using language that is coarse and crude. Ecchhh. No one wants to hear their mother talk about "catching a dick".
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