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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. I heard that but I noted that it seemed to be news to her mother and sister...you would think they would know about this since they are all up in each other's business. I just don't know if I could trust anything she says.
  2. Thouroughly disgusted with Brianna. Reckless sexual behavior that could result in another pregnancy that she cannot mentally, emotionally, financially and physically handle. What is wrong with this girl? Luis is a pathetic excuse for a man...and don't get me started on her mother and sister. Joking about Brianna's booty call even after learning Luis didn't wear a condom...no outrage or condemnation even though they are caregivers to her other two...without them Brianna would not be able care for them properly. Kail's whole life is about fighting or creating drama with her baby daddies. That's all she's got. I kind of get why Issac is not wanting to go his Dad's house. If Jo isn't around much of the time what's the point? It's great Jo is working so much but if Issac is spending more time with Vee and his half sister, it seems counter productive for him. And I can see that a boy his age would be bored with that and want to do one on one stuff with his Dad or go to some places that they could enjoy together. But Jo was never that kind of Dad...ever. He barely came to watch Issac play soccer or attend any of the other activities Issac is involved with. He's mostly unplugged except whe it comes to fighting with Kail for control. The two of them are pieces of work...BTW, why does Kail hate Lauren so much? She's never even talked to her as far we know...is it because Javi had a baby with her? Jealous much Kail? And get Lux's hair cut for crying out loud... Leah...she seems to be managing the three girls better now than a few seasons ago for sure. She's a better parent as she matures and isn't involved with another man. Jade drama with Sean is tiresome. These two should not live together...period. This won't end well. Chelsea's storyline is boring. Between the faux anxiety and the strip mall clothing line it's just yawn worthy. And now I hear she's having another other baby...more anxiety probably and a maternity line of clothing? Stay tuned!
  3. I just don't picture Tinsley saying something like that...Ramona maybe but not Tinsley. Dorinda just had some sociopathic dislike of Tinsley and was on a mission to destroy her emotionally. I wonder what Richard would think of Dorinda now.
  4. What exactly did Tinsley say that would be "poking" at Dorinda? I find that laughable that Tinsley "poked" at her and then she proceeded to spend two seasons harassing and belittling Tinsley as a way of getting back at her...please. All the women were sympathetic for awhile but then it just became a broken record. At some point you need to get some grievance counseling and not bring everyone down at every get together with sad memories of your deceased husband. There was a nasty and bitter edge to Dorinda that was ugly and pathological. I didn't think anyone could be more mean spirited and bitter than Bethenny... Dorinda has her beat by a mile.
  5. I mean, they literally went way out their way to go somewhere that would be private and where people in their social circle would never go and Dorinda just happened to have a "friend" who was there and recognized them and took a photo??? Not buying it one bit. If production was in on this and handed over "proof" to Dorinda that Tinsley and Scott were back together, then that is pretty slimy and creepy for Bravo to orchestrate for drama on the show. Just like Bethenny had a "friend" at the bar where Tom was and got a photo of him making out with some bimbo. Don't these women have enough drama in their lives without making more by using "friends" to stalk, spy and photograph other women? And shame on Bravo for being a part of this if they did have something to do with it.
  6. So well said and couldn't agree more with you!!!! Yes...that boat ride with bitter Bethenny and angry drunk Dorinda must have been a real pleasure cruise!
  7. Dorinda basically had her stalked! She said she had a "friend" who saw her in Niagra Falls and even took a cellphone shot of her and Scott at a restaurant there! I mean, really? A "friend" just happened to be in Niagra Falls of all places??? I think Dorinda was so obsessed with digging up some dirt on Tinsley and her on/off relationship with Scott she hired a Private Investigator to follow her...I know, it sounds absurd but Dorinda was clearly going full on batshit crazy about Tinsley. After that scene where she confronts Tinsley with the photo and is in her face about it, I think Tinsley felt threatened and unsafe and asked to be let go from the show. I would have done the same thing. Dorinda is cray cray.
  8. Sonja's place looks "nice" but the place is falling apart internally...water leaks, plumbing issues, etc...those old townhouses are money pits. You would need Bill and Melinda Gates money to fully repair, restore and refurbish that place.
  9. Just another reason to dump all over Tinsley. Honestly, at this point it's pathological with Dorinda. It's a dump and real estate in Manhattan is hurting right now from the pandemic.
  10. I must comment on the apparent downfall of Desmond Child...this guy is legendary. He produced/wrote for so many great musicians, singers and now he's working with LuAnn??? Holy shit! I remember when he started as Desmond Child and Rouge back in the day. He has so many awards it's not funny. LuAnn cannot sing. All she does is talk/sing...her voice is awful. This cabaret schtick is so done...I personally cannot stand to watch one more caberet show...they suck and so does she. Also...could Bravo stop with drag queen parties already??? Almost every Housewives franchise has used drag queen parties as part of an episode and it's really boring and repetitive at this point. Move on.
  11. Sonja isn't funny...she's a sad worn out old hag...I don't care how many face lifts she has had, she's ugly on the inside and is a sloppy drunk.
  12. AMEN!!!! I'm tired of these women excusing her aggressive and cruel behavior by saying "she's in pain". No, she's not in pain , she's just a mean and angry drunk. Glad she got fired...hopefully the same fate awaits Ramona and Sonja....her Marry F, Kill remarks were gross and disgusting. Some friend she is to Tinsley saying she's ineffable...hope Dale heard that one.
  13. Especially since her daughter went to boarding school for four years before going away to college.
  14. Right? and she's pregnant with a fourth...I swear these girls are just breeding machines.
  15. Where to begin??? Aren't these "girls" pushing 30 already?? Yet they seem to be stuck in a time warp where they remain 16 years old and continue to have the same boy problems, insecurities, baby daddy issues and family arguments and fights. There has been so little personal growth in these girls/women it's astounding. The most disturbing scenes last night were that of Jade, her mother and her boyfriend. This family is so dysfunctional that it really is painful to watch. The yelling, cursing and vitriol between Jade and her mother is alarming. They are having a full on knock down fight on TV in the MTV offices. Jade's mother is awful..plain and simple. She and Jade need counseling...big time. Jade's boyfriend is a mess...he needs counseling too. And poor Cloie...that child will have PTSD from all this dysfunction and verbal violence that is played out in front of her on a daily basis. If they truly cared about this poor sweet child they would get help and and make some changes to their personal relationships. What happens to kids who are raised in these volatile environments? They end up using drugs to escape the daily onslaught of pain they observe or they fall into volatile relationships of their own. The future does not look good for this girl. Please...I'm begging someone from Indianapolis CPS...please intervene and help this little girl. I know CPS has a bad rep but this situation is quite serious at this point. Kailyn is a cow...she just sits on her fat ass and moans and groans over a baby daddy that has some sort of a hold over her. So knowing that he has sex with other women, she went out and got pregnant by him again...talk about pathalogical. She is need of counseling big time before she has baby number 5. So did Brianna go home with Luis and have sex with him??? Geez...unbelievable. She goes to the club in full "bang me" sex dress, gets drunk and goes home with the guy that can't see his way to spending even an hour a month with his child? WTF is wrong with these girls?????? Chelsea seemed like a brat...so their storyline this season is about her "anxiety" over a robbery that took place well over a year ago when they weren't home? BORING...just like her and Cole. Luckily the kiddos are cute to watch. Leah has nothing to offer this season except some contrived baby daddy feud. This show needs to put a fork in it and kill it....maybe then these girls will finally grow up and be adults.
  16. I hear ya...seems like adter a few seasons all these women with few exceptions are phoning it in and doing it solely for the purpose of promoting some product they re hawking or some some company they own.
  17. I think he probably moved to the studio so he could get the hair and make up people to work their magic on him. I'm sure the lighting is better too...he needs all the help he can get...he ain't no Bradley Cooper. I thinking the president's tweet a few weeks ago about Bill looking like shit got to him.
  18. Trey Gowdy...🤮 He must be plugging a new book, he's been on a lot of talk shows this week.
  19. I wasn't saying I thought she was old and haggard...I was saying the way these cosmetic surgery obsessed women kept describing her as "granola" seemed like a polite way of saying she looked "old and haggard". Everyone calm down...
  20. I don't know...I took as it as a dig...a polite dig. She's 68?? I'm sorry, but I thought she was in her 70's.
  21. Is looking "kind of granola" another term for old and haggard?
  22. YES! To everything you said! John seems like a passive guy that really needs to grow a pair and tell Dorinda to shove it. You know if she made overtures to start the relationship up again he would do it in a heartbeat despite the emotional abuse and alcohol fueled aggressive and beligerent behavior on her part. He's a doormat...and she knows it. Her obsession with bringing Tinsley down was over the top and borderline sociopathic. Dorinda's daughter was wearing a coat that matched Dorinda's pants from last week...both were hideous.
  23. It also explains her alcohol problem...there's obviously a genetic component at play.
  24. Tinsley had a good heart and was never mean spirited like Dorinda...if anything she was too nice...especially with Sonja who bashed her behind her back and to her face complaining that Tinsley was a bad guest and didn't properly pay her back for allowing Tinsley to stay at her dumpy townhouse...even after Tinsley gave her a thank you party and gifted her some extravagant present. Sonja, Dorinda and Ramona were a trio of trolls and mean girls...time to break them up and send them far away.
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